Detailed topic list for PartnerObserving Web

Results from PartnerObserving web retrieved at 16:42 (GMT)

INAF LBC MODS queue observing, 2012 May 13 14 Observer: K. Boutsia, M. Fumana Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez Huerta Support Astronomer: D. Thompson Instrument...
INAF LBC MODS queue observing, 2012 May 14 15 Observer: K. Boutsia, M. Fumana Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez Huerta Support Astronomer: D. Thompson Instrument...
INAF LBC MODS queue observing, 2012 May 15 16 Observer: K. Boutsia, M. Fumana Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez Huerta Support Astronomer: D. Thompson Instrument...
INAF LBC MODS queue observing, 2012 May 16 17 Observer: K. Boutsia, M. Fumana Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti Support Astronomer: D. Thompson Instrument: MODS...
INAF LBC MODS queue observing and AO PISCES, 2012 June 16 17 Observer: C. Arcidiacono, R. Briguglio, K. Boutsia, M. Faccini, F. Vitali Telescope Operator: S. A...
INAF LBC MODS queue observing and AO PISCES, 2012 June 17 18 Observer: C. Arcidiacono, R. Briguglio, K. Boutsia, M. Faccini, F. Vitali Telescope Operator: S. A...
INAF LBC MODS queue observing and AO PISCES, 2012 June 18 19 Observer: C. Arcidiacono, R. Briguglio, K. Boutsia, M. Faccini, F. Vitali Telescope Operator: S. A...
INAF LBC MODS queue observing and AO PISCES, 2012 June 19 20 Observer: C. Arcidiacono, R. Briguglio, K. Boutsia, M. Faccini, F. Vitali Telescope Operator: S. A...
INAF LBC MODS queue observing and AO PISCES, 2012 June 20 21 Observer: C. Arcidiacono, R. Briguglio, K. Boutsia, M. Faccini, F. Vitali Telescope Operator: S. A...
INAF LBC MODS queue observing and AO PISCES, 2012 June 21 22 Observer: C. Arcidiacono, R. Briguglio, K. Boutsia, M. Faccini, F. Vitali Telescope Operator: S. A...
INAF LBC MODS LUCI queue observing, 2012 October 18 19 Observer: M. Faccini, E. Sani, K. Boutsia Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez Huerta Support Astronomer: D. Th...
INAF LBC MODS LUCI queue observing, 2012 October 19 20 Observer: M. Faccini, E. Sani, K. Boutsia Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez Huerta Support Astronomer: M. Ed...
INAF LBC MODS LUCI queue observing, 2012 October 20 21 Observer: M. Faccini, E. Sani, K. Boutsia Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez Huerta Support Astronomer: M. Ed...
INAF LBC MODS LUCI queue observing, 2012 October 21 22 Observer: M. Faccini, E. Sani, K. Boutsia Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez Huerta Support Astronomer: M. Ed...
INAF LBC MODS LUCI queue observing, 2012 October 22 23 Observer: M. Faccini, E. Sani, K. Boutsia Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez Huerta Support Astronomer: M. Ed...
INAF LBC MODS LUCI queue observing, 2012 October 23 24 Observer: M. Faccini, E. Sani, K. Boutsia Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti Support Astronomer: M. Edwars In...
INAF LBC MODS LUCI queue observing, 2012 October 24 25 Observer: M. Faccini, E. Sani, K. Boutsia Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti Support Astronomer: M. Edwars In...
INAF LBC MODS LUCI queue observing, 2012 December 02 03 Observer: E. Sani, F. Cusano, M. Fumana Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez Huerta Support Astronomer: M. Edw...
INAF LBC MODS LUCI queue observing, 2012 December 3 4 Observer: E. Sani, F. Cusano, M. Fumana Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez Huerta Support Astronomer: M. Edwar...
INAF LBC MODS LUCI queue observing, 2012 December 4 5 Observer: E. Sani, F. Cusano, M. Fumana Telescope Operator: G. Becchetti Support Astronomer: M. Edwars Inst...
INAF LBC MODS LUCI queue observing, 2012 December 5 6 Observer: E. Sani, F. Cusano, M. Fumana Telescope Operator: G. Becchetti Support Astronomer: M. Edwars Inst...
INAF LBC MODS LUCI queue observing, 2012 December 6 7 Observer: E. Sani, F. Cusano, M. Fumana Telescope Operator: G. Becchetti Support Astronomer: M. Edwars Inst...
INAF LBC MODS LUCI queue observing, 2012 December 7 8 Observer: E. Sani, F. Cusano, M. Fumana Telescope Operator: G. Becchetti Support Astronomer: M. Edwars Inst...
INAF LBC MODS LUCI queue observing, 2012 December 8 9 Observer: E. Sani, F. Cusano, M. Fumana Telescope Operator: G. Becchetti Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn Instru...
INAF LBC MODS LUCI queue observing, 2012 December 9 10 Observer: E. Sani, F. Cusano, M. Fumana Telescope Operator: G. Becchetti Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn Instr...
INAF LBC MODS queue observing, 2013 January 10 11 Observer: M.Faccini, R. Speziali, F.Cusano Telescope Operator: D. Gonzales Huerta Support Astronomer: M. Edwar...
INAF LBC MODS queue observing, 2013 January 11 12 Observer: M.Faccini, R. Speziali, F.Cusano Telescope Operator: D. Gonzales Huerta Support Astronomer: M. Edwar...
INAF LBC MODS queue observing, 2013 January 12 13 Observer: M.Faccini, R. Speziali, F.Cusano Telescope Operator: D. Gonzales Huerta Support Astronomer: M. Edwar...
INAF LBC MODS LUCI queue observing, 2013 January 13 14 Observer: M. Faccini, R. Speziali, F. Cusano Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez Huerta Support Astronomer: M....
INAF LBC queue observing, 2013 January 14 15 Observer: M.Faccini, R. Speziali, F.Cusano Telescope Operator: D. Gonzales Huerta Support Astronomer: M. Edwars Ins...
INAF LBC queue observing, 2013 January 15 16 Observer: M.Faccini, R. Speziali, F.Cusano Telescope Operator: G.Bechetti Support Astronomer: H. Khun Instrument: L...
INAF LBC queue observing, 2013 January 16 17 Observer: M.Faccini, R. Speziali, F.Cusano Telescope Operator: G.Bechetti Support Astronomer: O. Khun Instrument: L...
INAF LBC MODS queue observing, 2013 January 19 20 Observer: M.Faccini, F.Cusano Telescope Operator: G.Bechetti Support Astronomer: O. Khun Instrument: LBC MOD...
INAF LBC MODS queue observing, 2013 January 20 21 Observer: M.Faccini, F.Cusano Telescope Operator: G.Bechetti Support Astronomer: O. Khun Instrument: LBC MOD...
INAF LBC MODS queue observing, 2013 February 14 15 Observer: E. Sani, M. Fumana Telescope Operator: S. Anderson Support Astronomer: D. Thomson Instrument: LBC ...
INAF queue observing, 2013 February 14 15 Observer: E. Sani, M. Fumana Telescope Operator: S. Anderson Support Astronomer: D. Thompson Instrument: LBC Summar...
INAF queue observing, 2013 February 15 16 Observer: E. Sani, M. Fumana Telescope Operator: S. Allanson Support Astronomer: D. Thompson Instrument: LBC Bin / LUC...
INAF queue observing, 2013 February 16 17 Observer: E. Sani, M. Fumana Telescope Operator: S. Allanson Support Astronomer: D. Thompson Instrument: LBC Bin Sum...
INAF queue observing, 2013 February 17 18 Observer: E. Sani, M. Fumana Telescope Operator: S. Allanson Support Astronomer: D. Thompson Instrument: LBC Bin Summ...
INAF queue observing, 2013 February 18 19 Observer: E. Sani, M. Fumana Telescope Operator: S. Allanson Support Astronomer: D. Thompson Instrument: LUCI LBC bl...
INAF LBC LUCI queue observing, 2013 February 19 20 Observer: E. Sani, M. Fumana Telescope Operator: D. Gonzales Huerta Support Astronomer: D. Thompson Instrumen...
INAF LBC LUCI queue observing, 2013 February 19 20 Observer: E. Sani, M. Fumana Telescope Operator: D. Gonzales Huerta Support Astronomer: D. Thompson Instrumen...
INAF queue observing, 2013 March 31 April 1 Observer: E. Sani, M. Faccini, A. Bongiorno Telescope Operator: S. Anderson Support Astronomer: M. Edwards Instrum...
INAF queue observing, 2013 April 1 April 2 Observer: E. Sani, M. Faccini, A. Bongiorno Telescope Operator: S. Anderson Support Astronomer: M. Edwards Instrum...
INAF queue observing, 2013 April 2 April 3 Observer: E. Sani, M. Faccini, A. Bongiorno Telescope Operator: D. Gonzales Huerta Support Astronomer: M. Edwards ...
INAF queue observing, 2013 April 3 April 4 Observer: E. Sani, M. Faccini, A. Bongiorno Telescope Operator: D. Gonzales Huerta Support Astronomer: M. Edwards ...
INAF queue observing, 2013 April 4 April 5 Observer: E. Sani, M. Faccini, A. Bongiorno Telescope Operator: D. Gonzales Huerta Support Astronomer: M. Edwards ...
INAF queue observing, 2013 April 4 April 5 Observer: E. Sani, M. Faccini, A. Bongiorno Telescope Operator: D. Gonzales Huerta Support Astronomer: D. Thompson...
INAF queue observing, 2013 April 6 April 7 Observer: E. Sani, M. Faccini, A. Bongiorno Telescope Operator: D. Gonzales Huerta Support Astronomer: D. Thompson...
INAF queue observing, 2013 May 7 8 Observer: F. Cusano, R. Speziali Telescope Operator: S. Allanson Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn Instrument: LBC Summary Par...
Number of topics: 50
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Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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