INAF queue observing, 2013 February 15-16
Observer: E. Sani, M. Fumana
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson
Instrument: LBC Bin / LUCI
At the beginning of night operations there are cirrus scattered over the South sky, with wind gusts at 12 m/s and low humidity.
At the end of the twilight there remain cirrus above the SW orizon, but the rest of the sky is almost clear. The wind is increasing with gusts at 20 m/s.
After 3h from the beginning of the observation the sky is clear.
During the night the average seeing experience huge variations, ranging between 0.8 and 2.
With LUCI we have defocusing during the MOS acquisition. Its origin is currently unknown, but, considering that the effect is small and appears only in the upper part of the mask combined with the bad seeing, it should not affect seriously the scientific frames.
Good sky flats for the LBc Bin are taken during night 20130217.
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Standard |
SA98 |
B-Bessel, R-Bessel, U-Bessel, V-Bessel |
airmass 1.4 |
Saracco DDT |
Linx |
B-Bessel, R-Bessel |
1h |
Saracco DDT |
Linx |
U-Bessel, V-Bessel |
1h |
Standard |
SA101 |
B-Bessel, R-Bessel, U-Bessel, V-Bessel |
Standard |
Hip 33836 |
HKspec,200_H+K |
Zamorani_11 |
zCgr32 |
HKspec,200_H+K |
3h 30m |
50% of the frames are within the seeing specs |
Standard |
SA101 |
U-special, r-Sloan |
airmass 1.2 |
Grazian 30 |
U-special, r-Sloan |
1h in both channels |
sky and seeing conditions are within the specs |
00:35 The TO opens the dome
1:40 SkyFlat_UV_r449d27_pa0_5.ob
1:54 SkyFlatTest_BR_r449d27_pa0.ob scale=20.
Saturated stars in the frames
02:06 Slew to to the Standard SA98
02:18 Run SA98_BRUV.ob
02.26 We slew to the Saracco DDT target
- RunLinx_pointing.ob
- dofpia,/X2
- lbcrangebal B=203039 R=203037
02.38 Run Linx_BR_1.ob
- dofpia,/X2
- conflict between dofpia with a non-stopped ob
02.44 dofpia,/X2
02.50 Run Linx_UV_1.ob
- the average seeing is 1.8 in the blue channel and 1.5 in the red one.
04.02 Run Linx_UV2.ob
- dofpia,/X2
- Aborted to acquire the B-R images
04.08 Run Linx_BR1.ob
- The average seeing in the blue blue channel is 1.5-1.5 and 1.3 -1.8 in the red channel.
05.18 We slew to the standard star
- Run SA101_BRUV.ob
- dofpia, /X2
05.25 We ask the TO to
05.48 We are authorized to use LUCI
05.49 We slew to the standard star for the Zamorani_A1 program
- There are two bright stars close to each over in the acquisition image and we have no finding chart for Hip 33836. We identify the lower star as the bluer using optical images in simbad.
- The first through slit image is out of focus. The SA re-initialize the instrument, but it did not worked. Anyhow with bad seeing conditions (1.4-1.6 on the GCS) the defocusing should not decrease the image quality
06.38 executeLuciScript
- dimm seeing ~1.2
- dimm seeing is growing over 1.5 (see the first attached plot)
07.50 The seeing start to stabilize around 1.0 (see the second attached plot)
09.00 The seeing is again dancing, and after 3h of integration it increases till 2.0.
10.21 We interrupt the scientific script because the target reached the airmass limit.
10.22 We ask the TO to
10.41 We are authorized to use the LBC
10.44 We slew to the standard SA104
10.54 Run SA104_Sr.ob
10.58 We slew to Grazian_30A
- Run grazian_pointing.ob
- dofpia,/X2
- lbcrangebal B=lbcb.20130216.110829 R=lbcr.20130216.110827
11.12 dofpia,/X2
11.18 Run grazian_GOODSN_UR_05.ob
- Clear sky with average seeing 1.0 in both channels
12.01 dofpia,/X2
12.04 Run grazian_GOODSN_UR_06.ob
12.52 We star the sky flats
13.00 Run
SkyFlat_Sr_r1509d27_pa0_5.ob with scaling factor =10
- The field is croudy and we decide to change region
13.17 Run
SkyFlat_Sr_blank_pa0.ob scaling factor =8
13.23 Run
SkyFlat_Sr_blank_pa180.ob scaling factor =3
13.30 Run
SkyFlat_Sr_r1347d+05_pa180_5.ob scaling factor =0.3
13.37 Run
SkyFlat_Sr_r1347d+05_pa0_5.ob scaling factor =0.3
EleanoraSani - 16 Feb 2013