INAF queue observing, 2013 February 14-15

Observer: E. Sani, M. Fumana
Telescope Operator: S. Anderson
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson
Instrument: LBC


Cirrus above the orizon (SW) at beginning of the night, with low wind and humidity. The initial seeing is 1.1 on the GCS.
During the first 4hrs both humidity and temperature go up and down, with some difficulties of the primary mirrors to thermalize.
Very thin cirrus passing.
During the night the average seeing is highly variable. See the attached plot as an example.
Good sky flats for the LBc Bin are taken during night 20130217.

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Standard SA98 B-Bessel, R-Bessel, U-Bessel, V-Bessel   airmass 1.46
Saracco DDT Linx B-Bessel, R-Bessel 2h the seeing is out of the given specs
Saracco DDT Linx U-Bessel, V-Bessel 2h 20% of the images are expected with seeing close to the specs
Standard SA101 B-Bessel, R-Bessel, U-Bessel, V-Bessel, U-special, r-Sloan   airmass 1.2
Grazian 30 GOODS-N U-special, r-Sloan 2h30m some frames are out of specs for the seeing
Standard SA104 U-special, r-Sloan   airmass 1.5


00:50 Dome open

01:25 Start with LBC flats * Run SkyFlat_UV_r449d27_pa0_5.ob with time scale =0.6

01.33 Run SkyFlat_UV_r449d27_pa180_5.ob with time scale =1.5

01.41 Run SkyFlatTest_BR_r449d27_pa180.ob with time scale =6.0

01.45 Run SkyFlatTest_BR_r449d27_pa0.ob with a time scale =12.0 to have good flats at least in the blue channel

01.55 Slew to to the Standard SA98
  • dofpia,/first,/X2

02.05 Run SA98_BRUV.ob

02.11 Run pointing OB
  • dofpia,/X2

02.21 We slew to Saracco DDT target
  • Run Linx_pointing.ob
  • lbcrangebal B=02226 R=022220

02.27 Run Linx_BR_1.ob
  • the mean seeing is 1.5 and 1.3 in the blue and red channels respectively.
  • The seeing is variable ranging from 1.3 to 2.0

03.36 dofpia,/X2

03.40 Run Linx_BR_2.ob
  • bad seeing, around 2.0, in both channels

04.50 dofpia,/X2

04.56 Run Linx_UV_1.ob
  • Humidity and temperature are going up and down, with some difficulties of the mirror to thermalize.
  • Very thin cirrus passing.
  • average seeing is 1.7 in the red channel and 2.0 in the blue one.

06.04 dofpia,/X2

06.08 Run Linx_UV_2.ob
  • Interrupted after 14 exposures. Images appear a slightly elogated. Repeat dofpia

06.56 dofpia,/X2

06.58 Run Linx_UV_2.ob
  • The seeing remains variable.

08.11 Slew to to the Standard SA101
  • dofpia,/X2
  • Thin cirrus passing.

08.16 Run SA101_BRUV.ob
  • Wrong syntax for the red channel

08.21 Run SA101_Sr.ob

08.27 Run again SA101_BRUV.ob

08.34 We slew to Grazian_30A
  • Run grazian_pointing.ob
  • dofpia,/X2
  • lbcrangebal B=084109 R=084104

08.46 Run grazian_GOODSN_UR_01.ob
  • dofpia,/X2
  • The average seeing is 1.2

09.29 dofpia,/X2

09.33 Run grazian_GOODSN_UR_02.ob

10.15 dofpia,/X2

10.17 Run grazian_GOODSN_UR_03.ob
  • The average seeing is 1.2 in the blue channel and 1.0 in the red one

10:43 Script abort. Blu image 103324 shows jumps.
  • The jump is related to a guiding error possibly due to passing clouds: looking at the tech chip images, the integration time increases up to 32 sec to identify a star that fade in the following image.
    Thus the guider has probably integrated background and tried to correct.

10.44 dofpia,/X2

10.48 Run grazian_GOODSN_UR_03.ob again.
  • The average seeing ranges from 1.0 to 1.7 in the blue channel and 0.8-1.7 in the red channel.
  • Thin cirrus passing during this exposure.

11.31 dofpia,/X2

11.35 Run grazian_GOODSN_UR_04.ob
  • Script abort after 17 exposures. Images are elongated.

12.11 dofpia,/X2

12.14 Run grazian_GOODSN_UR_05.ob
  • The average seeing is 1.2 and 1.0 for the blue and red channel respectively.

12.37 Script interrupted after 11 exposures.

12.38 Run SA_104_Sr.ob

12:45 Run SA_104_Sr.ob. Scale factor=3.0

12:52 Start with sky flats
  • Run SkyFlat_Sr_r1503d27_pa0_5.ob
  • The counts in the test images are very low due to diffuse cirrus.

13:11 Run SkyFlat_Sr_r1503d27_pa0_5.ob. Scale factor=20

13.42 The TO start to close the dome.

13.50 Do Bias. Run 25Bias_Bino.ob **

-- EleanoraSani - 15 Feb 2013
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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