INAF LBC+MODS+LUCI queue observing, 2012 October 20-21
Observer: M. Faccini, E. Sani, K. Boutsia
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez Huerta
Support Astronomer: M. Edwars
Instrument: MODS
Clear sky at sunset and winds between 5 - 10 m/s
We start with Lardo M2 project
At 06:24UT we have to CLOSE DOME for High humidity (90%) and we stay closed for the night.
At the end of night we obtained luci darks for yesterday's data.
ATTENTION : MODS calibration obtained tonight were with the telescope at the
HORIZON - we will repeat them tomorrow
Taking calibrations at the horizon, gave a lot of problems with the laser lock-on on the red side.
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Lardo_5B |
M2 RGB |
blue_grating |
1hr |
target completed - seeing within specs |
Lardo_5B |
M2 SGB |
blue_grating |
45min |
repeated 1exp because the first night there were clouds during the second exposure - COMPLETED |
Standard |
bd284211 |
blue_grating |
Gilli C |
2XMMJ22 |
red_grating |
45min |
we had to close dome for humidity after the 3rd exposure |
Standard |
feige |
red_grating |
01:27 acqMODS bd284211.acq==mods1r.20121020.0002-mods1r.20121021.0001==
- seeing 1.2"/1.3" on the guider
- modsAlign -r mods1r.20121020.0002.fits
- offset manually -0.1 in X
01:44 execMODS -b
BlueGrating bd284211.obs
02:09 Starting with Lardo M2 RGB (ID541705)
- acqMODS mods.3.m2rgbNew.acq
mods1b 0004-0006
- modsAlign mods.3.m2rgb.mms mods1b.20121021.0004.fits mods1b.20121021.0005.fits
02:16 execMODS mods.3.m2rgb.obs
mods1b 0007-0009
- at the end of 1st frame exposure seeing ~1.0"
- at the end of 2nd exposure seeing is getting a bit better: 0.9"
03:24 acqMODS mods.4.m2SGBNew.acq
mods1b 0010-0012
- seeing 0.9. repate 1exposure of 3 cause cloudy weather preavious night (prob. out og specs)
- modsAlign mods.4.m2SGB.mms mods1b.20121021.0010.fits mods1b.20121021.0011.fits
03:39 execMODS mods.4.m2SGBshort.obs
mods1b 0013
- variable seeing between 0.9 and 1.2
- 4:29 end of project Lardo M2
04:32 Slewing to Gilli C 2XMMJ22 22:35:32.08 +33:57:55.1
- acqMODS 2xmmj22.acq
mods1r 0003-0004
- Target near the guiding prob, it cover a quarter of the field
- modsAlign -l mods1r.20121021.0003.fits mods1r.20121021.0004.fits
05:00 guiding probe followed the modalign, we change guider star
- repeat acqMODS 2xmmj22.acq
mods1r 0006-0008
- modsAlign -l mods1r.20121021.0006.fits mods1r.20121021.0007.fits
05:15 execMODS 2xmmj22.obs
- seeing 0.8
- humidity reaches 86%, risk to close.........
06:06 We aborted during the last exposure due to high humidity.
- we slew for the standard
- acqMODS standard.for.2xmmj22.feige110.acq
mods1r 0012-0013
- modalign -r mods1r.20121021.0012.fits
06:14 execMODS standard.for.2xmmj22.feige110.obs
mods1r 0014-0016
06:24 closing dome due to high humidity
07:46 we start MODS calib - since we are closed
- execMODS
mods1b 14-17
- execMODS
mods1b 18-28
some flats are SATURATED
- TEST execMODS (only 1 frame)
mods1b 29-32
QTH+ND1 is fine BUT QTH+UG5 some slits are saturated / with exptime 2sec
- with exptime 2sec they seem to be fine - execMODS
mods1b 33-37
- verify that the mods.4 flats were not saturated - execMODS
mods1b 38-39
They are both OK - we do not need to repeat.
- execMODS
mods1b 40-42
arcs blue grating with 1.0"slit
- execMODS
mods1r 0017-0018
abort because Xe+Kr on while we were supposed to be doing Ne NO IMCS lock
- execMODS
mods1r 0019-0023
NO IMCS lock - tests to fix this - we turn MODS off and ON
- execMODS
mods1r 0025-0028
repeat - it skips the Ne exp
- execMODS
mods1r 0030
it did not work ... the lamp is OFF
- execMODS
mods1r 0031-0032
Ne arcs
- execMODS
mods1r 0033-0037
- execMODS
mods1r 0038-042
- execMODS
mods1r 0043-047
the first saturated and the rest not
- execMODS
mods1b 0044-0??
repeat the ones we took this afternoon - the first block had the yesterday's UT date mods1b.20121020.0015-0019
LUCI darks
RobertoSpeziali - 21 Oct 2012