INAF LBC+LUCI queue observing, 2013 February 19-20
Observer: E. Sani, M. Fumana
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzales-Huerta
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson
Instrument: LUCI
Dome closed at the begining of the night because of strong wind and dewpoint limit.
At 02:00UT it is snowing and the Dome remains closed all night long.
We have problems to insert the calibration unit in LUCI. We call the SA: a power lost during the day caused the lack of energy to the calibration unit. The SA fix it.
Error setting the MOS instrument. We call Dave. A slit mask got stuck, and the SA fix the problem.
The Dome
Data Summary
01:50 We stars with LUCI calib.
- Problems with the calib unit, we try to pit in IN but nothing happen. We call the SA.
02:24 Run faltFeII.txt for Antoniucci_DDT
- we increase the exp time for HALO1
02:53 Run All_1_200_zJspec.flat for
03:16 Run
M009zCgr32.flat for Zamorani_11
- Problem with LUCI mask to FPU, error setting the MOS instrument - error committing instrument setup. We call the SA.
- The error happened because the instrument was not able to remove a longslit mask and insert the PI mask.
05:13 Run
M009zCgr32.flat for Zamorani_11
05:18 Run
M009zCgr32.arc for Zamorani_11
05:34 Run All_1_200_zJspec.arc for
EleanoraSani - 20 Feb 2013