INAF LBC+MODS queue observing, 2012 May 16-17
Observer: K. Boutsia, M. Fumana
Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson
Instrument: MODS + LBC
Thick clouds on sky at the beginning of the night. We opened the dome ~4:00UT
We started with LBC but the seeing was rather bad like previous nights. At some point it started getting bettere but then we had to do the transit that requests defocusing.
At 7:20UT, while we were observing Nonino_19, dofpia started giving problems. After some consulting we realised that the disk on obs2 was full and this is why it would not work. We switched desktop and we kept observing on obs3. ~1hr lost to this problem.
Because of the dofpia and full disk problems, we did not manage to start the Transit OBs at the requested time (8:13UT), but only at 8:40. During the transit the seeing was variable and the counts on the source changed from an initial 35000c to 55000c and oscilated in between. At 10:27 clouds must have started passing through, because the flux of the source became <15000c. We don't know how useful this dataset can be. Flats for this project were obtained yesterday on a blanck field as the PI requested. We did try to get some flats this morning but we are not sure if there are clouds in that direction. Try to use last night's flats first.
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Radovich_B |
gsloan - rsloan |
1hr |
seeing measured on images: blue:1.5" / red 1.3" |
Nonino_19 |
Bbess - rsloan |
40mi |
seeing measured on images: blue:1.1" / red 1.1" |
Nonino_19 |
Usp - rsloan |
30mi |
seeing measured on images: blue:1.3" / red 1.0" |
Pagano |
GJ1214 |
Bbess - Rbess |
3hr20min |
Transit - very unstable conditions - variable seeing and passing clouds during the last OB |
10:20 25Bias_Bino
04:07 Slew to 2012A_8B1pf
- dofpia
- very few stars visible... blue took some time to converge
- lbcrangebal
04:25 2012A_8B1
04:34 Aborted because on the first image stars do not seem very well collimated
04:38 2012A_8B1
- dimm seeing 1.1" - airmass 1.54
05:16 Slew to Nonino
- dimm seeing ~1.4
- lbcrangebal
05:32 EGS_B_R_3
06:00 EGS_B_R_4
06:37 Slew to EGS_USDT_R_5
07:20 dofpia (idl gave error - we need to exit and start it again)
- this did not fix the problem - dave is looking into it
07:35 Change of configuration file for LBC
07:38 Slew to 02_OBJECT (Pagano)
08:00 dofpia problem was not solved but we start taking bias frames for the Pagano program
- there is spherical on the dofpia image...
08:15 dofpia problem solved
- we take test images to do the defocus.
- the blue is ~50000counts and we try to defocus - something goes terribly wrong and the blue is completely out of focus
- we run dofpia,/blueonly to fix the blue image
- at the end of all this, we had already lost the first 25min before the transit
- we start with the 3rd OB.
08:42 03_OBJECT
09:03 The OB was stopped
09:05 04_OBJECT
- transit starts at 09:18
- dimms seeing :1.2"
09:29 The OB was stopped
09:30 05_OBJECT
09:55 The OB was stopped
09:55 06_OBJECT
- transit finishes at 10:12
10:20 The OB was stopped
10:21 07_OBJECT
- 10:27 - clouds?? - counts went from 45000ADU to 15000ADU
- dimm seeing:1.2"
10:41 Almost nothing vilible in the images... Clouds???
10:44 08_OBJECT - but it is rather useless... almost no stars seen in the image!!
- stars come and go - clouds
11:12 OB aborted as requested by PI and twilight has started
11:13 09_BIAS
11:27 SkyFlatTest_BR_pa0 - just to try
11:50 End of night and RUN
KonstantinaBoutsia - 17 May 2012