INAF queue observing, 2013 April 1 - April 2
Observer: E. Sani, M. Faccini, A. Bongiorno
Telescope Operator: S. Anderson
Support Astronomer: M. Edwards
Instrument: LUCI img - MODS
At the beginning of the night we have thin sky conditions with 50% humidity and wind average speed 10 m/s. Seeing is at 0.8/0.9
At the beginning of the scientific operations the average seeing on the GCS is 0.9.
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Standard |
PG0823 |
dual |
- |
airmass 1.08 |
Fritz_04D |
GG190 |
dual |
3h20min |
Annibali_23A |
NGC4449 |
dual |
1h30min |
the last 45min are affected by bad seeing and thick clouds passing. To be repeated. |
Covino_10 |
CXOJ1348+26 |
dual |
2h |
average seeing within the specs. Moon illumination 60% at 80deg from the target |
00:26 We start by performing MODS calibrations
- execMODS
mods1r 0002 - 0006 mods1b 0002- 0011
standard slitless flats for all programs. Are GOOD
- execMODS
mods1r 0007 - 0021 mods1b 0012- 0021
Fritz_04 Flats, counts too high especially for the VFlat.
mods1r 0007-0011 mods1b 0012-0016
are GOOD. We repeat the saturated flats at the end of the night.
01:20 We run some test to find the proper balance between the lamp power and exposure time:
mods1r 0022-0024
test for VFlat lamp (changing lamp power and exptime), with the red channel. GOOD with VFlat power 8.0 and exptime 4s
mods1r 0025 mods1b 0022
test QTH1 + QTH2 lamps, 0.3s red-channel, 2s blue channel. Low counts
mods1r 0026 mods1b 0023
test QTH1 + QTH2 lamps, 0.5s red-channel, 4s blue channel. Blue OK, low in the red.
mods1r 0027
test QTH1 + QTH2 lamps power 8.0, 0.5s low counts.
mods1r 0028
test QTH1 + QTH2 lamps power 8.0, 1.5s saturated.
01:52 The TO opens the dome
02:21 Slew to standard star for Fritz_04D
- acqMODS PG0823.acq
- modsAlign -r mods1r 0029
- shell RIP, we haveto send the preset again
02:33 acqMODS PG0823.acq
mods1r 0030-0032
02:42 execMODS PG0823.obs
mods1r 0033-0034 mods1b 0024
- we are still in the twilight, we repeat the spectra integration also after the end of twilight
03:03 execMODS PG0823.obs
03:04 TO asked to pause due to shell RIP of the secondary mirror
03:08 execMODS PG0823.obs
mods1r 0035-0036 mods1b 0025
- preset cancel to unwrap the rotator
03:24 acqMODS GG190.acq
mods1r 0037
- acq canceled due to a MODS error (red GO exposure already in progress)
03:30 acqMODS GG190.acq
mods1r 0038-0040
- modsAlign -l mods1r 0038 mods1r 0039
03:48 execMODS GG190.obs
mods1r 0041-0044 mods1b 0026-0029
- during this exposure the average seeing on the GCS increases from 0.85 to 1.5 (see attached plot)
07:21 acqMODS mods.4449_runa.acq
mods1r 0045-0047
- modsAlign mods.4449_runa.mms mods1r 0045 mods1r 0046
07:41 execMODS mods.4449_runa_short.obs
mods1r 0048-49 mods1b 0030-31
- we run a shortened ob to execute only the remaining integration time.
- Thick + thin clouds are coming. The average seeing on GCS is 1.5
9:18 Slew to Covino_10 scientific target CXO J1348+26
- acqMODS 10.acq
mods1r 0050-0054
- we get (twice) the same error as before, and re-run the acquisition.
- at the third presetting, we get only the field image
mods1r 0050
and the slit image is missing.
- modsAlign -l mods1r 0051 mods1r 0052
09:59 execMODS 10.obs
mods1r 0055-0058 mods1b 0032-0035
- The sky conditions are better at the beginning of this scientific integration, with the clouds mostly gone.
- The average seeing at the beginning of integration is 1.3 on the GCS.
- The average seeing at the end of integration is 1.3 on the GCS.
12:13 The TO closes the DOME
12:23 We start MODS flats and arcs
- execMODS for Fritz_04 program
mods1b0036-0040== with QTH1 + QTH2 GOOD
with VFlat GOOD
- execMODS for Covino_10
mods1r0069-0077 mods1b0041-0049
- execMODS
mods1r0078-0082 mods1b0050-0054
EleanoraSani - 01 Apr 2013