INAF LBC queue observing, 2013 January 15-16
Observer: M.Faccini, R. Speziali, F.Cusano
Telescope Operator: G.Bechetti
Support Astronomer: H. Khun
Instrument: LBC
At sunset temperature is about -10, some cirrus far away, wind gust at ~ 15 to 23 m/s
Last nights problems with MODS still not solved
After opening the dome (03:15 UT) we have problems with focus, there is an intra focus on red channel. impossible to solve sending manual offset. Crew have to move the red camera manually.
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Giallondo 27D |
CLJ0956+41 |
g-sloan, r-sloan |
1.5h |
Total integration time 3h,but 1.5h in the spec for the seeing |
Sky flat |
g-sloan, r-sloan |
Standard |
SA98 |
Us, Y, g, r |
01:00 Turn on LBC
01:05 Error, track error in B_CH, error on array R_CC
01:10 Launch a warm up on LBC
01:35 Turn on LBC, still problems, system rebooted
02:00 LBC now working, we took some bias, the dome is still closed for wind gust
03:15 Dome open
03:19 Start program Battaglia A3-A4
03:20 Slew to the target, LGS3_pointingcheck.ob launched
03:24 dofpia /first X2
03:35 Problem with the focus on the red channel. Intra focus Pupils about 200pixels after manual offset (reaching the limit)
03:47 Dome closed, Technicians are going in the dome to move the red camera.
John Hill at the phone suggest an error in the changing position made yesterday.
04:11 Opening dome
04:56 Slewing to a star to check the focusing at the same airmass of the previous pointing
05:11 dopfia first X2
05:19 R_Chan converge after 5 iterations
05:20 Slewing to a star near zenith to double check the improvement
05:22 Double check failed
05:26 Changing offset .....
05:33 We have to move again the red camera (2.5mm)
05:36 Closing dome
06:13 The shutters of the dome do not close due to wind we have to close manually
06:48 Re-opening the dome
06:53 Pointing a star near zenith to check
07:03 dopfia /first /X2
07:14 Seems good, we stop dopfia and slew to the standard field SA98
07:17 dopfia X2
07:23 launched SA98_Usgr.ob, standard photometric field in the filter Us, Y, g and r
07:30 slewing to Giallongo 27D
07:33 dopfia /X2
07:38 pointing ob CLJ0956+41_GR_POINTING.ob for lbcrangebal
07:42 lbcrangebal
07:42 launched CLJ0956+41_GR_a.ob
08:23 dopfia X2
08:31 dopfia failed
08:32 dopfia working again
08:35 dopfia on the pointing ob CLJ0956+41_GR_POINTING.ob
08:44 dopfia launched again
08:54 dopfia
09:00 launched CLJ0956+41_GR_b.ob
09:31 CLJ0956+41_GR_b.ob stopped, images out of focus
09:31 dopfia X2
09:46 dopfia stopped
09:47 dopfia, still problem, it seams that the dopfia is not sending the correction to the z in the red channel
10:05 z changed manually, dopfia sended again
10:16 problem solved, launched CLJ0956+41_GR_b.ob
10:57 launched pointing CLJ0956+41_GR_POINTING.ob
10:58 launched dopfia
11:01 dopfia crashed
11:04 launched CLJ0956+41_GR_c.ob
11:45 dopfia
11:49 launched CLJ0956+41_GR_d.ob
12:31 dopfia
12:36 launched CLJ0956+41_GR_e.ob
13:08 stopped CLJ0956+41_GR_e.ob
13:11 starting test flat field g-sloan r-sloan
13:41 flat filed started g&r-sloan ~22000 counts
13:53 dome closed
MarcoFaccini - 16 Jan 2013