INAF LBC+MODS queue observing, 2012 May 13-14
Observer: K. Boutsia, M. Fumana
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez Huerta
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson
Instrument: MODS + LBC
Some cirrus on sky at the beginning of the night.
The seeing has been very variable throughout the night (1.0" - 1.5").
For most of the targets, the red channel is marginally within specs and for the blue fwhm is usually 20% higher than requested seeing.
Towards the end of the night some frames for the N6791 project were very much elongated, even right after the dofpia.
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Radovich_A |
Usp - rsloan |
1hr |
seeing: blue:1.25"/ red: 1.1" |
Nonino_19 |
Usp - rsloan |
2hr |
seeing: blue:1.3" / red: 1.1" |
Piotto |
N6791 |
Vbes - isloan |
1hr40min |
some images at the last OBs are elongated - seeing: blue:1.25" / red: 1.07" |
Phot_Std |
SA104 |
All filters |
airmass 1.25 |
Phot_Std |
SA113 |
UsV_ri |
airmass 1.35 during twilight - aborted because background too high |
02:34 SkyFlat_Vr_pa0 (scale 0.3)
02:39 SkyFlat_Vr_pa180 (scale 1.0)
02:44 SkyFlat_BV_pa180 (scale 5.0)
02:49 SkyFlat_BV_pa0 (scale 8.0) only 6 exposures
02:53 SkyFlat_BV_pa0 (scale 12)
02:57 SkyFlat_gi_pa0 (scale 18)
03:03 SkyFlat_gi_pa180 (scale 25)
03:12 dofpia, /X2, /first
lbtrangebal ACT0188
03:21 SA104_AllFilter (airmass 1.255)
- seeing measured on the image ~1.2"
03:39 Slew to Radovich focus - 2012A_8A1pf
03:47 2012A_8A1 (Radovich)
- seeing measured on images: blue ~1.2" / red 1.0"
- dimm seeing: 1.0''
04:26 dofpia, /X2
04:30 2012A_8A2 (Radovich)
- seeing measured on images: blue ~1.2" / red 1.0"
05:07 Slew to Nonino_19B - EGS_focus
05:19 EGS_USDT_R_3 (Nonino)
- dimm seeing 1.0''
- seeing measured on images: blue :0.9" / red: 0.7"
05:59 dofpia
06:03 EGS_USDT_R_4 (Nonino)
- dimm seeing 1.5"
- seeing on the images: blue 1.4"/ red 1.2"
06:49 dofpia
06:53 EGS_USDT_R_5 (Nonino)
- seeing on the images ~1.2"
07:33 dofpia
07:37 EGS_USDT_R_6 (Nonino)
- seeing on the images ~1"
- dimm seeing 1.5"
- the wind is blowing directly into the dome...
- seeing is quite variable on the images
08:25 Slew to Piotto - FOCUS.ob is missing!!
- run dofpia using science OB
- we created a focus OB!!!
- wrong pointing offsets were sent and we cannot back them off
- dofpia again
- lbcrangebal
08:44 WD_N6791_LONG_01 (Piotto)
- seeing measured on images: blue:1.2"/red:~1.0"
09:17 dofpia
09:20 WD_N6791_LONG_02 (Piotto)
09:50 dofpia
09:54 WD_N6791_LONG_03 (Piotto)
- the last 2 reds are slightly elongated and also the last blue
10:24 dofpia
10:28 WD_N6791_LONG_04 (Piotto)
10:44 images are still elongated - abort OB
- point to the foucs OB that is less crowded and try dofpia there
- dofpia
- it took 5 iterations to collimate!!
10:52 WD_N6791_LONG_04 (Piotto)
- last images elongated - both blue and red
11:24 SA113_UsV_ri
11:37 Abort because sky is too bright
11:40 SkyFlat_Sr_pa0 (scale 10)
11:47 SkyFlat_Sr_pa180 (scale 5)
11:58 End of night
KonstantinaBoutsia - 14 May 2012