INAF LBC+MODS queue observing, 2012 May 15-16
Observer: K. Boutsia, M. Fumana
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez Huerta
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson
Instrument: MODS + LBC
Clear skies at the beginning of the night.
The seeing has been variable and >1.5" so after 3hr with LBC we switched to MODS where we had programs that could be in spec.
At the end of the night, we switch to LBC again, because of no available targets on MODS and we had AGAIN the same problem with the elongated images. The direction of elongation changes from chip to chip.
During the Piotto project we keep having the elongation problem. This time we run dofpia AND lbcrangebal before EACH OB, but it does not help!!.
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Radovich_B |
gsloan - rsloan |
1hr |
seeing measured on images: blue:1.5" / red 1.3" |
Sollima |
Pal4control |
gsloan - rsloan |
1hr |
seeing measured on images: blue: 1.6" / red:1.5" |
Turatto |
sn2011aa |
dual_grating |
2hr |
seeing 1.5"-2.0" - see plot at the end of the log |
Piotto |
N6791 |
Vbess - i-sloan |
50min |
seeing is blue 1.5" /red 1.4" for the non elongated images - problems with elongation again |
Standard |
SA104 |
BVg - Vri |
airmass 1.25 |
Standard |
SA107 |
BVg - Vri |
airmass 2.2 |
12:20 25Bias_Bino
02:35 SkyFlat_Br_pa0 (scale 0.5)
03:04 ACT0188
- dofpia, /X2, /first
- dimm seeing 1.5"
- lbcrangebal
03:14 SA104_BVG_Vri (airmass=1.254)
03:25 SA107_BVg_Vri (airmass=2.275)
03:36 Slew to Radovich focus 2012A_8B1pf
03:44 2012A_8B1
04:22 dofpia,/X2
04:26 2012A_8B2
05:04 Slew to Solima (Pal4controlfocus)
05:13 Pal4control_a
05:48 dofpia
05:55 Pal4control_b
06:30 Bad seeing! - We switch to MODS
06:59 acqMODS sn2012aa.acq (Turatto)
mods1r 0001-0004
07:03 modsAlign -l mods1r.20120516.0001.fits mods1r.20120516.0002.fits
07:10 execMODS sn2012aa.obs
mods1b 0001-0003 / mods1r 0005-0007
09:32 Slew to WD_N6791_FOCUS.ob
- dofpia
- lbcrangebal (comunication error IRAF <-> ds9). Restart
- dofpia
09:54 WD_N6791_LONG_07
10:23 Slew to WD_N6791_FOCUS.ob
10:30 WD_N6791_LONG_08
10:40 Abort because images are elongated
10:41 dofpia and lbcrangebal - dofpia
10:52 WD_N6791_LONG_08
- half images are elongated!!! - we are not sure of the reason.
- we have run dofpia and lbcrangbal before each OB - it does not solve the problem.
11:22 Slew for flats...
11:35 SkyFlat_BR_Blank17_pa0_5.ob (scale 10)
./ 17 59 40 66 21 00 0 B R
11:39 SkyFlat_BR_Blank17_pa0_5.ob (scale 8)
./ 17 59 40 66 21 00 180 B R
11:44 SkyFlat_BR_Blank17_pa180_5.ob (scale 4) Aborted too high
11:46 SkyFlat_BR_Blank17_pa180_5.ob (scale 2)
11:55 SkyFlat_Sr_pa180 (scale 0.3)
11:59 SkyFlat_Sr_pa0 (scale 0.3) (Aborted: saturated)
* xx:xx *
Pagano flat creation
./ 17 59 40 66 21 00 0 B R
./ 17 59 40 66 21 00 180 B R
./ 12 21 00 54 12 00 0 B R
./ 12 21 00 54 12 00 180 B R
- 20120516.jpg:
KonstantinaBoutsia - 16 May 2012