INAF queue observing, 2013 March 31-April 1

Observer: E. Sani, M. Faccini, A. Bongiorno
Telescope Operator: S. Anderson
Support Astronomer: M. Edwards
Instrument: LUCI img - MODS


Cirrus above the orizon (W) at beginning of the operations, with low wind. The initial seeing is 0.7 on the GCS.
During the night the average seeing is 1.0 and the sky does remain mostly clear.
After ~15min of the 8th exposure for the program Annibali_23A, we have a shell RIP of the secondary mirror. While the telescope is tracking, the WFS does not work, we thus pause the script. When the TO solves the problem, we are authorized to resume the script. We verify the shell RIP did not affect the scientific frame.

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Antoniucci DDT HH34 H 6min COMPLETE
Antoniucci DDT HH34 FeII 8min COMPLETE
Standard Feige56 dual - airmass 1.4
Standard Feige34 dual - red - airmass 1.04
Annibali 23A NGC4449 dualgrating 6h -
Standard HZ44 dual - airmass 1.3


00:40 We start by performing LUCI darks
  • ./DoDarks.txt
  • 20s luci.20130401.0010-0014
  • 20s luci.20130401.0015-0019 redo Ndit 3
  • 20s luci.20130401.0020-0024 Ndit 6
  • 4s 0025-0029 Ndit 6

01:15 We start by performing LUCI FEII LAMP flat
  • 6s luci.20130401.0030-0039 saturated
  • 4s luci.20130401.0040-0049

01:21 We start by performing LUCI H LAMP flat
  • 4s luci.20130401.0050-0059 low counts
  • 6s/10s luci.20130401.0060-0063 low counts
  • 6s luci.20130401.0064-0073 using HLO3, good

*01:35 Dome open

02:35 We slew to Antoniucci_DDT
  • HH34_ima_H.img error

02:40 We change guiding star with the same of FEII filter ob

02:42 HH34_ima_H.img 0074-0088

03:04 HH34_ima_feII.img 0089-0092

03:20 We require to switch to MODS

03:44 ready to operate with MODS

03:45 acqMODS Feige56_sdd_runa.acq

03:49 modsAlign -r mods1r.20130401.003.fits

03:51 execMODS Feige56_sdd_runa.obs mods1r 006 mods1b 003
  • seeing=1.0 sky=mostly clear

03:58 acqMODS Feige34.acq

04:06 modsAlign -r mods1r.20130401.007.fits

04:08 execMODS Feige34.obs mods1r 009-011 mods1b 004-006 dual grating
  • redgrating mods1r 012-014

04:33 acqMODS mods.4449runa.acq

04:46 modsAlign mods.4449runa.mms mods1r 0015 mods1r 0016

04:51 execMODS mods.4449runa.obs mods1r 018-24 mods1b 007-13

10:32 secondary mirror shell rip we pause the script (at 800s)
  • The telescope is still tracking, but the WFS is not working. We verify that the problem does not affect the scientific frame.

10:38 resume the script mods1r 025 mods1b 014

11:13 script stopped. We slew to the standard star

11:15 acqMODS HZ44.acq

11:20 modsAlign -r mods1r.20130401.025.fits

11:22 execMODS HZ44.obs mods1r 0028-0030 mods1b 0015-0017 * seeing=1.0 sky=mostly clear

12:08 starting MODS calibration
  • mods1r 0031-0035 mods1b 0018-0022 standard BIAS for both Annibali_23 and Covino_10
  • mods1r 0036-0050 mods1b 0023-0032 slit FLATS for program Covino_10
  • mods1r 0051-52 mods1b 0033-34 mask FLATS for program Annibali_23, perhaps low counts
  • mods1r 0053-54 mods1b 0035-36 mask FLATS for program Annibali_23, doubling the exptime

  • mods1r 0055-0064 mods1b 0040-0052 imaging FLATS
  • u sdss script present too long exposure time, we try chsnging manually the exposure time.
  • mods1b 0040 is ok with power at 10 and exptime 0.3s u-band
  • mods1b 0041 (exp 20s) -0042 (exp 15s) - 0043 ( exp 5s) - 0044 (exp 1s) counts too high 0045 (exp 0.3) saturated (?)
  • mods1b 0051 is ok with power at 5 and exptime 4s g-band
  • mods1r 0057 is ok with power at 4 and exptime 5s for r-band
  • mods1r 0060 is ok with power at 2 and exptime 1s for z-band
  • mods1r 0062 is ok with power at 2 and exptime 2s for i-band

-- MarcoFaccini - 31 Mar 2013
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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