INAF queue observing, 2013 April 6 - April 7

Observer: E. Sani, M. Faccini, A. Bongiorno
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzales Huerta
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson
Instrument: LBC


At sunset we have thin clouds on the horizon, low wind and humidity at 37%.
During the first part of the night we have good seeing ~0.7 and thin cirrus, mostly on the horizon.
After 06.20 UT the sky is mostly clear, with thin cirrus remaining only at the SE horizon.
In the second part of the night we have completely clear sky and good seeing <1.0.

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Giallongo_27E CLJ1120 g-Sloan r-Sloan 30min within the seeing specs. thin cirrus passing
Standard SA101 U-spec, B-Bessel, g-Sloan, I-, V-Bessel, r-Sloan   airmass 1.2
Grazian_30A GOODS-North U-spec r-Sloan 3h30min within seeing specs
Standard SA104 U-spec, B-Bessel, g-Sloan, I-, V-Bessel, r-Sloan   airmass 1.7
Brocato_32D Ursa Minor Dwarf U-spec I-Bessel; B-Bessel V-Bessel 45min; 15 min COMPLETE


01:26 Run 25Bias_Bino.ob

01:55 The TO opens the Dome

02:03 Start with flats calibrations

02:06 Run SkyFlatTest_SF_r0651d+42_pa0_5.ob with time scale =1 (blue=24000; red=6000)
  • we need the red. too low

02:08 Run SkyFlat_SF_r0651d+42_pa0_5.ob with time scale =3 (blue=40000, red=9000) red too low

02:10 Run SkyFlat_SF_r0651d+42_pa0_5.ob with time scale =7 (blue=45000, red=9000) red too low

02:15 Run SkyFlat_SF_r0651d+42_pa180_5.ob with time scale =10 (blue=9000, red=2100) both too low

02:48 Run CLJ1120+43_POINTING.ob
  • Too early, the sky is still bright

02:58 dofpia, /first, /X2 on pointing field Giallongo
  • red channel converged with only a pupil
  • We got a command rejected because another command was running. the SA reset the LBC.

03:07 dofpia, /first, /X2 on pointing field Giallongo
  • extra spherical correction is too much.

03:12 dofpia, /X2 on pointing field Giallongo
  • dofpia is not working correctly, the inner hole is still too large and the evaluated seeing is 2.7, totally unconsistent with <1.0 in the DIMM
  • the TO clears all the primary mirror settings.

03:15 dofpia, /first, /X2 on pointing field Giallongo
  • bad fitting from dofpia, perhaps the field is too crowded. We go 0.2deg West to collimate.

03: 21 dofpia, /first, /X2 0.2 West from pointing field Giallongo

03:27 Run CLJ1120+43_POINTING.ob
  • lbcrangebal B=032738 R=032734

03:30 Run CLJ1120+43_c.ob
  • at the beginning of the integration the average seeing is 0.6 in R-channel and in 1.0 in B-channel (perhaps some defocus remained in B from the previous dofpia, e.g.: 033520).
  • due to aberrations in the B channel, we stop the integration and re-run dofpia

03:42 dofpia, /X2 on scientific field Giallongo

03:46 Run CLJ1120+43_c.ob
  • the average seeing is 0.7 in R and in 1.1 B. Some elongation does persist in B-channel (e.g. 034732).

04:28 Run SA101_UsBg_IVr.ob

04:40 Run grazian_pointing.ob
  • dofpia, /X2
  • lbcrangebal B=044748 R=044744

04:50 Run grazian_GOODSN_UR_27.ob
  • at the beginning of the integration the seeing is 0.7 in both channels
  • at the end of the integration the seeing is 0.9 in both channels

05:30 /dofpia, /X2 on scientific field Grazian

05:34 Run grazian_GOODSN_UR_28.ob
  • the average seeing is 0.7 in both channels

06:14 /dofpia, /X2 on scientific field Grazian

06:18 Run grazian_GOODSN_UR_29.ob
  • at the beginning of the integration the seeing is 0.65 in R-channel and 0.8 in B-channel
  • at the end of the integration the seeing is 0.8 in R-channel and 0.9 in B-channel
  • satellite/airplane passing in R frame 065056

06:58 /dofpia, /X2 on scientific field Grazian

07:02 Run grazian_GOODSN_UR_30.ob
  • at the beginning of the integration the seeing is 0.8 in R-channel and 1.0 in B-channel

07:42 /dofpia, /X2 on scientific field Grazian

07:47 Run grazian_GOODSN_UR_31.ob
  • at the beginning of the integration the seeing is 0.8 in R-channel and 0.9 in B-channel
  • at the end of the integration the seeing is 0.8/0.9 in R-channel and 0.9 in B-channel
  • "jump" in blue frame 080419

08:29 /dofpia, /X2 on scientific field Grazian

08:34 Run grazian_GOODSN_UR_32.ob
  • at the beginning of the integration the seeing is 0.65 in R-channel and 0.9 in B-channel
  • at the end of the integration the seeing is 0.8 in R-channel and 1.2 in B-channel

09:15 /dofpia, /X2 on scientific field Grazian

09:20 Run grazian_GOODSN_UR_33.ob
  • at the beginning of the integration the seeing is 0.8 in the red channel and 0.9 in the blue one
  • at the end of the integration the seeing is 0.9 in the red channel and 1.0 in the blue one

10:03 Slew to standard SA104 filters US, B, g - V, r, I

10:07 dofpia ,/X2 on standard field

10:13 Run SA104_gr.ob

10:18 Run SA104_UsB_VI.ob

10:25 Slew to Brocato_32D Umi
  • Run Umi_pointing.ob
  • dofpia, /X2
  • lbcrangebal B=103240 R=103229

10:35 Run Umi.ob
  • at the beginning of the integration the seeing is 0.8 in the red channel and 1.1 in the blue one
  • at the end of the integration the seeing is ~1 in the red channel and ~1 in the blue one

11:27 Run Umi_2.ob
  • at the beginning of the integration the seeing is 0.7 in the red channel and 0.9 in the blue one
  • at 11:44 there is a significant increase of the seeing: 1.4 in the blue channel 1.1 in the red one
  • airplane passing in blue frame 115057, r frame 105048
  • at the end of the integration the seeing is 1.0 in the red channel and 1.3 in the blue one

12:14 We start the flat fielding in Uspec-I

12:33 Run SkyFlat_SF_pa180 scale factor = 3.0 (2 sets: 1st good in S, 2nd goon in F)

12:41 Run SkyFlat_SF_pa0 scale factor = 2.0
  • last 2 frames with scale factor =0.3

12:45 Run SkyFlat_SF_pa0 scale factor = 0.1

-- EleanoraSani - 07 Apr 2013
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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