INAF queue observing, 2013 February 16-17
Observer: E. Sani, M. Fumana
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson
Instrument: LBC Bin
The sky is CLEAR at the beginning of the night, with very low humidity and low wind.
At the beginning of scientific integration the seeing on the DIMM is around 1.0.
The sky remains clear all night long.
During the night the seeing is around 1.0 or better.
LBC Bin sky flats taken during this night are good.
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Nascimbeni_DDT |
GJ3470b |
U-special, FN971N20 |
3h35m |
Standard |
SA101 |
B-Bessel, R-Bessel, U-Bessel, V-Bessel |
airmas 1.2 |
Saracco_DDT |
Lynx |
U-Bessel, V-Bessel |
1h |
Standard |
SA104 |
U-special, r-Sloan |
Grazian_30A |
U-special, r-Sloan |
2h |
sky conditions and seeing within the specs |
00:40 The TO opens the dome
01:26 Run
SkyFlat_SF_r0556d+04_pa0_5.ob. Scale factor=0.4
01:30 Run
SkyFlat_SF_r0556d+04_pa180_5.ob. Scale factor=2.0
01.36 Run
SkyFlat_BR_r1502d+29_pa180_5.ob. Scale factor =1.0
01.40 Run
SkyFlat_BR_r1502d+29_pa0_5.ob. Scale factor =2.5
01.46 Run
SkyFlat_UV_r1502d+29_pa0_5.ob. Scale factor =10.0
02:11 We slew to the target GJ3470 for Nascimbeni DDT and start the settings
- dofpia,/first,/X2 on target field Nascimbeni
- The guiding is unchecked in the OB execution panel.
02.20 Run
- Without defocusing the refence star does saturate in both channels
02:42 While performing the range balancing we have an error from the blue channel camera that is not integrating. The SA switch off the Panel control and then turns in on again.
This does no work and the SA reboots by hand the LBC software. This properly worked
02.53 Defocusing at -0.2 on both channels
- counts on a 60 sec exposure are 34100 in the blue channel and >65000 in the red one
- defocusing at -0.3 in the red channel, both the reference star and the target are above 35000 counts.
- defocusing at -0.1 in the red channel.
- a global defocus of -0.2 in the blue channel and -0.6 in the red should be fine to avoid saturation.
03:06 Run 01_BIAS
- The TO unset the offset to re-run dofpia after the bias acquisition.
03:15 dofpia, /X2 on target field Nascimbeni
03.21 Defocusing at -0.2 in the blue channel and -0.6.
- Run DEFOCUS.ob, a single 60s exposure to check the counts. Counts in the blue channel are around 38000. Counts in the red channel are ok.
- The TO applies an additional defocus of -0.1 in the blu channel.
03.26 Run DEFOCUS.ob
- The counts in both channels are fine.
03.30 Run 02_OBJECT
- the frame
has counts >35000.
- We stop the ob, the TO applies a -0.1 defocusing in the blue channel.
03:54 Run 02_OBJECT
- tha frames
have 36000 conts.
- The TO applies an additional defocus of -0.1 in the red channel.
- This happens because the seeing is decreasing.
04.00 Run 02_OBJECT
04.11 02_OBJECT stopped as requested
04.11 Run 03_OBJECT
04.40 03_OBJECT stopped as requested
04.41 Run 04_OBJECT
05.10 04_OBJECT stopped as requested
05.11 Run 05_OBJECT
05.40 05_OBJECT stopped as requested
05.41 Run 06_OBJECT
06.10 06_OBJECT stopped as requested
06.11 Run 07_OBJECT
06.40 07_OBJECT stopped as requested
06.41 Run 08_OBJECT
07.08 08_OBJECT stopped as requested
07.09 Run 09_BIAS
07:16 Slew to the standard star fir the Saracco program
- The TO removes the global defocusing (-0.4 for the blue channel, -0.7 for the red channel).
- We select Guiding on the OB control panel *dofpia,/X2
07.23 Run SA101_BRUV.ob
07.31 dofpia, /X2 on the target field Saracco
07.44 lbcrangebal B=074434 R=074432
07.52 dofpia, /X2 on the target field Saracco
07:55 Run Lynx_UV_1
- Clear sky with average seeing 0.7 in the red channel and 0.9 in the blue one.
- Frames
and lbcb.20130217.085641
show scattered light due to internal reflection in the bottom left side of chip 1.
09.05 Slew to the standard star SA104
- dofpia,/X2 on the standard field
09.09 Run SA104_Sr.ob
09.12 Slew to Grazian 30A
- Run grazian_pointing.ob
- dofpia,/X2 on the scientific field
- lbcrangebal B=092541 R=092529
09.29 dofpia,/X2 on the scientific field
09.35 Run grazian_GOODSN_UR_07.ob
- Clear sky with average seeing 1.0 and 1.2 for the red and blue channel respectively
10.15 dofpia,/X2 on the scientific field
10.19 Run grazian_GOODSN_UR_08.ob
10.59 dofpia,/X2 on the scientific field
11.05 Run grazian_GOODSN_UR_09.ob
11.50 We upload a wrong ob and moving the telescope far from the scientific field
11.55 dofpia,/X2 on the scientific field
- lbcrangebal B=120308 R=120307
12.08 Run grazian_GOODSN_UR_10.ob
* The average seeing is 0.7 and 0.9 for the red and blue channel respectively
12.50 We start the sky flats
- Run SkyFlat_Sr_r1502d+29_pa0_5.ob with scaling factor =10
- low counts
13.10 Run
SkyFlat_Sr_r1502d+29_pa0_5.ob with scaling factor =15
13.23 Run
SkyFlat_Sr_r1502d+29_pa0_5.ob with scaling factor =6
13.26 Run
SkyFlat_Sr_r1502d+29_pa180_5.ob with scaling factor =2.5
13.32 Run
SkyFlat_UV_r1502d+29_pa180_5.ob with scaling factor =0.5
13.36 Run
SkyFlat_UV_r1502d+29_pa0_5.ob with scaling factor =0.3
13.43 The TO closes the dome
EleanoraSani - 17 Feb 2013