INAF queue observing, 2013 April 2 - April 3

Observer: E. Sani, M. Faccini, A. Bongiorno
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzales Huerta
Support Astronomer: M. Edwards
Instrument: LBC


At the beginning of the twilight we have clear (close to photometric) sky, with 30% humidity and low wind.
Poor seeing, 1.5, at the beginning of the night operations.
The seeing gets better during the first scientific program, with an average value of 1.0 in both channel.
From 9.00UT the seeing begin extremely variable, ranging from 1.0 to 1.5.

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Standard SA98 U-Special, B-Bessel, g-Sloan, V-Bessel, r-Sloan, I-Bessel - airmass 1.3
Giallongo_27E CLJ1120 g-Sloan, r-Sloan 1h  
Grazian_30A GOODS-North U-spec, r-Sloan 2h  
Brocato_32D Ursa Minor dwarf B-Bessel, V-Bessel - U-special, I-Bessel 15 min - 45 min
Brocato_32C Draco dwarf B-Bessel, V-Bessel - U-special, I-Bessel 10 min - 32.5 min


01:33 The TO opens the dome.

01:56 Start with flats calibrations

02:02 Run SkyFlat_SV_r836d27_pa0_5.ob with time scale =0.5

02:07 Run SkyFlat_SV_r836d27_pa180_5.ob with time scale =1.5

02:13 Run SkyFlat_Br_r836d27_pa180_5.ob with time scale =1.0 B21441 R21414 have to low counts
  • rerun the script with scaling factor = 4.0 too low in the red channel, good in the blue one

02:19 Run SkyFlat_Br_r836d27_pa0_5.ob with scaling factor =10 too low counts in both channels

02:24 Run SkyFlat_gI_r836d27_pa0_5.ob with scaling factor =20 too many stars

02:40 We slew to the photometric standard SA98
  • dofpia, /first, /X2
  • in the OB the red-channel detector was switched off with the shutter close. We modify the OB and run it again.

03:13 Slew to Giallongo_27E CLJ1120
  • dofpia, /X2
  • Run CLJ1120+43_POINTING.ob
  • lbcrangebal B=032345 R=032340

03:31 Run CLJ1120+43_GR_a.ob
  • The average seeing is ~1 in both channels.

04:11 dofpia, /X2 on the scientific field Giallongo

04:24 Run CLJ1120+43_GR_b.ob
  • The average seeing is 1 in both channels.

05:06 We slew to Grazian_30A GOODS-N
  • dofpia, /X2 on field Grazian
  • Run grazian_pointing.ob
  • lbcrangebalance B=051217 R=051213

05:21 Run grazian_GOODSN_UR_16.ob
  • the average seeing at the beginning of the integration is 0.8 in the red channel and 0.9 in the blue one.

06:03 dofpia, /X2 on scientific field Grazian

06:08 Run grazian_GOODSN_UR_17.ob

06:48 dofpia, /X2 on scientific field Grazian

06:52 Run grazian_GOODSN_UR_18.ob

07:32 dofpia, /X2 on scientific field Grazian

07:40 Run grazian_GOODSN_UR_19.ob

08:20 dofpia, /X2 on scientific field Grazian

08:23 Run grazian_GOODSN_UR_20.ob *the average seeing is 1, but increases till 1.2 in few feames.

09:04 Slewing to Brocato_32D Umi

09:05 dofpia, /X2 on pointing field Brocato
  • lbcrangebal same problem, we have to close RB_science and restart IRAF

09:20 Run Brocato Umi.obs
  • at the beginning of the integration, the average seeing is 1.3 in the blue channel and 1.1 in the red one.
  • at the end of the integration, the average seeing is 1.3 in both channels.

10:16 dofpia, /X2 on scientific target Brocato

10:21 Run Brocato Umi_2.ob
  • at the beginning of the integration, the average seeing is 1.4 in the blue channel and 1.0 in the red one.
  • at the end of the integration, the average seeing is 1.2 in the blue channel and 0.9 in the red one.

10:55 Slew to Brocato_32 Draco
  • dofpia, /X2
  • Run Dra_pointing.ob. lbcrangebal B=110130 R=110128

11:05 Run Draco.ob
  • at the beginning of the integration, the average seeing is 0.8 in the blue channel and 0.7 in the red one.
  • at the end of the integration, the average seeing is 0.9 in the blue channel and 0.7 in the red one.

11:37 dofpia, /X2 on scientific target Brocato

11:39 Run Draco2.ob
  • at the beginning of the integration, the average seeing is 1.0/1.1 in the blue channel and 0.9/1.0 in the red one.
  • at the end of the integration, the average seeing is 0.9 in the blue channel and 0.7 in the red one.

12:05 We stop the Draco2.ob due to the increasing background (twilight light).
  • the last frames are B= R=

12:07 We start the flat fielding
  • Run SkyFlat_gIr1712d27_pa0_5.ob with scaling factor = 7.0
  • Run SkyFlat_gIr1712d27_pa180_5.ob with scaling factor = 3.0
  • Run SkyFlat_Br1712d27_pa180_5.ob with scaling factor = 0.3
  • Run SkyFlat_Br1712d27_pa0_5.ob with scaling factor = 1.0

-- EleanoraSani - 03 Apr 2013
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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