Italian Queue 2014 Prev Next

Jun 16-17

Observer: E. Sani, A. Marchetti, M. Fumana
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson
Instrument: MODS/LUCI


Before the sunset heavy clouds .
After twilight clear sky, with low wind and humidity.
At the beginning of scientific operations the average seiing on the GCS is 1.0.

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Standard hz44 red grating - airmass 1.02
Standard hz44 dual grating -  
Bellazzini DDT HVC274.68+74 red grating 1h  
Beltran_01 A2_G35.03+0.35 H2, Ks 50m, 7.5m within seeing specs. Target Completed
Magrini_24 7C1756_Mask1 210_zJHK+H 1h20m mostly out of seeing specs+clouds passing. 1h to be repeated


01:43 Israel LS calibrations
  • execMODS AllTargets =1b.0007-0024 1r.0007-0024 =

02:51 The TO opens the dome

03:36 Standard red and dual grating hz44
  • acqMODS hz44_recover.acq 1r.0025
  • execMODS hz44.obs 1b0025-0027 1r.0026-0031
  • some cirrus passing at the end of the exposure

04.08 acqMODS HVC274.68+74_LS_recover.acq 1r0032-0034
  • Cirrus passing

04.24 execMODS HVC274.68+74_LS_1.obs 1r0035-0036
  • initially the average seeing is 1.1 on the GCS, at the end 1.2"

05.29 We ask the TO to switch to LUCI

05.48 We are authorized to use LUCI
  • Slew to Beltran_01
  • A2_H2_DJT.img luci.20140617.0004-0033

07.14 A2_Ks_DJT.img luci.20140617.0034-0037
  • We get an error from the probe that can not move. The TO sugg.est to add an initial shift of 0.05" in dec to give the probe a different encoder.... it worked.
  • Wrong offsets, risk of vignetting with the last position. We abort the script, correct it and repeat the integration.

07.32 A2_Ks_DJT.img luci.20140617.0038-0047
  • error from the flexure compensation that turned off. This happened during exposures 0044-0045, but the target is high in elevation (57deg, airmass 1.18) and the exposure are so short that the science shouldn't be affected.
  • We can not run the standard because the guider does loose the star. Anyhow there are several 2MASS stars in the field that can be used for flux calibrations.

07.55 slew to target A4, but clouds are passing and is not possible to guide, try A7. We slew to Magrini_Mak1 that is in the N part of the sky, free from clouds.

08.10 Slew to Magrini standard star. Also in this case the guider fail, but it seems there are no clouds in that direction ...
  • 7C1756Mask1_MOS_210_HeIJ_tell.acq luci.20140617.0046-0052

08.37 7C1756Mask1_MOS_210_H_tell.spec luci.20140617.0053-0057

08.40 7C1756Mask1_MOS_210_H.acq luci.20140617.0058-0062
  • at the beginning of integration the seeing is bad (1.5 on the GCS) and clouds are coming

09.13 7C1756Mask1_MOS_210_H_1.spec luci.20140617.0063-0072
  • at the beginning of integration the average seeing is 1.5" , with picks of 2.0". Flux on the SX guide changes of 1 order of mag (sometimes event 2) due to clouds passing

10.12 7C1756Mask1_MOS_210_H_2.spec luci.20140617.0073-0078
  • data out of seeing specs + clouds passing. To be repeated

10.49 Dome is closing

11.05 We can start calibrating
  • get an error puttin the calibration unit in. Resolved by itself
  • 7C1756Mask1_MOS_210_H.flat luci.20140617.0079-0088 the counts are low, we double the DIT
  • 7C1756Mask1_MOS_210_H.flat, DIT=8 luci.20140617.0089-98 good
  • 7C1756Mask1_MOS_210_J.flat luci.20140617.0099-0108 low counts, double the DIT
  • 7C1756Mask1_MOS_210_J.flat luci.20140617.0109-0118 good
  • 7C1756Mask1_MOS_210_z.flat luci.20140617.0119 to check the counts. Too low
  • 7C1756Mask1_MOS_210_z.flat, with DIT=60 luci.20140617.0120-0129
  • the SA suggests to change the central wavelenght, we look for the proper one by running manually the flats
  • 7C1756Mask1_MOS_210_z.flat, with DIT=60, new central lambda luci.20140617.0135-0144
  • 7C1756Mask1_MOS_210_H.arc luci.20140617.0153-0156
  • 7C1756Mask1_MOS_210_J.arc luci.20140617.0157-0160
  • 7C1756Mask1_MOS_210_z.arc luci.20140617.0160-0164

12.38 We put calibration unit out from the LUCI fp and run

-- %USERSIG{MarcoFumana - 2014-06-16}%
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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