Observer: Arcidiacono,C, Boutsia, K, (INAF), D.Miller (LBTO)
Telescope Operator:Bechetti G
SW Support:
AO Support: D.Miller
Telescope Support: Kevin
Instrument Support:
We were open from 5:00UT - 7:00UT but we did not succeed in taking any useful data - bad seeing 1.5"-3.0"
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Antoniucci |
PVCep |
H2,FeII,K |
1s each |
we had a first sucessful preset but after that clouds/wind/humidity came in. We could not apply AO corrections since the ref star was R=16.1 (yesterday R=15.3) - at the end of the preset it was too faint to be measured - probable clouds and bad seeing - star was too faint for the ccd47: the bias on ccd47 had to be fine tuned to actually get the star |
05:06 The dome is open - the TO checks pointing and collimation
05:27 Slew to PVCep
- first preset failed because the ccd47 bias was not correct/optimal
05:33 send preset again
- we took some test images in the 4 filters - it does not look saturated
05:51 the shell ripped
- send preset again
- there are problems collimating
06:01 send preset again
- seeing: GCS 2.5" - DIMM 2.2"
- the guide star seems to be too faint - we choose a brighter star
06:10 home the AGW because the info is correct but it cannot find the star
- fail again - restart GCS
- something seems to be failing with the guiding - it keeps failing with different stars
06:20 the catalog does not correspond to the image - find a star from catalog and preset again
- ccd47 error - wrong bias
- preset again - the bias has to be set manually on the ccd47
- the AOref star is too faint
- we give up
06:31 we slew to a bright star in the North to test the AO system
- there might be vignetting on the AO guider
- the seeing has blown up - the wind is picking up
- preset failed - the AOS is in the safe skip mode - error
06:49 AO failed - we don't know why...
- preset again
- test AO with bin1 - it works - we also try a dither pattern to check if everything is working and we will probably close down after that since the wind is picking up and humidity also
06:56 The TO is closing the dome!!
KonstantinaBoutsia - 14 Oct 2013