INAF queue observing, October - November 2014
Observer: E. Sani, R. Carini
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez - Huerta, S. Allandon
Support Astronomer: M. Edwards, D. Thompson (on call)
Instrument: MODS, PARALLEL, LBC bin, LUCI
October 26-27
At the beginning of the night humidity is 97% and temperature close to the dewpoint. The enclosure stays close.
Night time: 11h
Bad weather: 11h
October 27-28
We start observations at 1:45 UT<br />
At the beginning of observations we have thin cirrus above the orison (NO direction), low wind ans humidity at 26%.
N.B. The seeing from the GCS is overestimated by 10% because the MODS guider is out of focus.
During night humidity is <10%, no wind, clear sky, variable seeing: 0.8 - 1.1 in red
Technical problems with modsDisp.
PARALLEL work failed. Preset telescope missing in the OBs (new, unknown).
Night time: 10h
Science-time: 9h
Tech problems: 40m
Switch instrument: 20m
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Standard |
Feige110 |
dual grating + red grating |
- |
airmass 1.4. Default 5" slit |
Fusi Pecci Q |
B517 |
dual grating |
45m |
Fusi Pecci R |
H2 |
dual grating |
45m |
Saracco F |
red grating |
2.30 h |
parallel mode failed |
Dotto |
KC46 |
V- ,R -Bessel |
1 h |
Clementini |
IZw 18 |
V- I- Bessel |
10m |
October 28-29
When the Dome is opened the humidity is 76%, no wind.
Variable seeing at the beginning of the scientific operations.
ModsDisp works well.
Colimation and copointing problems
Night time: 10h 45m
Science-time: 8h15m
Tech problems: 2h 15m
Switch instrument: 15m
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Standard |
feige110 |
dual and red grating |
airmass 1.5 |
Fusi Pecci S |
H7 |
dual grating |
1h |
Fusi Pecci T |
G002 |
dual grating |
45 m |
Saracco F |
red grating + LBCred |
2 h 45 m |
Israel A1 |
catsj021950 |
dual grating |
15 m |
Standard star |
SA98 |
airmass 1.23 |
October 29-30
When the Dome is opened the humidity is 8%, no wind, the sky is clear, seeing 0.6
During Cresci integration we need to restart the GCS.
LBCred one or more systems failed.
Night time: 11h
Science-time: 10h
Tech problems: 35m
Switch instrument: 20m
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Cresci |
DSF2237b |
Ks |
2h |
Standard |
feige110 |
dual and red grating |
airmass 1.5 |
Saracco F |
red grating + LBC red |
2 h 30 m |
Dotto |
KC46 |
V- ,R -Bessel |
1 h 15m |
Clementini |
IZw 18 |
V- I- Bessel |
10m |
October 30 - 31
When the Dome is opened the sky is partly cloudy, the humidity 40%, velocity of wind is 10 m/s After the transit thick clouds
Night time: 11h
Science-time: 9h
Bad weather: 1h 30m
Switch instrument: 20m
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Nascimbeni |
HAT32 |
dual grating + red channel (LBC) |
5 h 30m |
standard |
g191-b2b |
dual grating |
Antoniucci |
dtauri |
dual grating + imaging |
to be repeated |
Antoniucci |
dtauri |
Ks |
to be repeated |
October 31 - November 01
House keeping problems for LBCBlue. Fail saving mode that stops observations. Is anyhow offered for science
00:36 is not possible open the dome, the temperature is too near the dew point and the humidity is 99.9%, it's raining on the horizon.
04.35 dome closed, strong wind, the temperature reaches the dew point.
09:45 dwepoint drops down, but still wind gusts are above 20 m/s.
Night time: 11h
Bad weather 11h
November 01 - November 02
At the beginning of the night the TO is waiting a wind decrease to open the dome.
Since we are closed we live the beginning of the night to the AO technicians.
After the first targets, the TO closes the dome due to high humidity and strong wind.
We stay closed the rest of the night.
Night time: 11h
Science-time: 2h
Bad weather: 9h
-- %USERSIG{EleonoraSani - 2014-11-02}%