Jun 15-16
Before the sunset heavy clouds over the dome.
At the sun set clouds at the horizon.
The sky is clear after the LUCI switch with low wind and seeing 0.7-1.0.
The LUCI detector has noise pattern related to problem with the readout (the reason is stil unknown). The pattern is even variable: sometimes there are just a cuople of stripes in top right quadrants, and some other all the quadrants are strongly affected.
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Standard |
hz44 |
red grating |
- |
Standard |
hz44 |
dual grating |
- |
Bellazzini DDT |
HVC274.68+74 |
red grating |
1h |
mostly within seeing specs |
Beltran_01 |
A6 |
H2/Ks |
50m/7.5m |
within seeing specs |
Beltran_01 |
A1 |
H2/Ks |
50m/7.5m |
within seeing specs |
Telluric |
FS-148 |
H2/Ks |
Jun 16-17
Before the sunset heavy clouds .
After twilight clear sky, with low wind and humidity.
At the beginning of scientific operations the average seiing on the GCS is 1.0.
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Standard |
hz44 |
red grating |
- |
airmass 1.02 |
Standard |
hz44 |
dual grating |
- |
Bellazzini DDT |
HVC274.68+74 |
red grating |
1h |
Beltran_01 |
A2_G35.03+0.35 |
H2, Ks |
50m, 7.5m |
within seeing specs. Target Completed |
Magrini_24 |
7C1756_Mask1 |
210_zJHK+H |
1h20m |
mostly out of seeing specs+clouds passing. 1h to be repeated |
Jun 17-18
At the beginning of the night we are closed due to heavy clouds with chance of rain and strong wind gusts.
When we open the dome the sky is only partly cloudy, the seeing is either bad and gets better only at the end of the night when the humidity increases.
We had condensation on LUCI during all the night.
Guide prove error.
Flexure compensation error
MOS Acquisition Gui got stuck.
Data Summary
Jun 18-19
At the beginning of the nigh we have clear sky all over the orison, now wind and low humidity.
The average seeing at the beginning of scientific operations is 1.0 on the GCS.
Thin cirrus passing during the 1st LUCI integration.
With LUCI we got a flexure compensation error and the WFS was not working for few minutes thus an offset failed during acquisition.
AGw got stuck imaging acquisition.
The readout problem persist and get worse at the end of the night.
We also got condensation on the camera
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Bellazzini_46_DDT |
HVC274.68+74 |
red gradint |
1h |
within the specs PROGRAM COMPLETED |
Standard |
HIP82884 |
210_zJHK, J-band |
thin cirrus, to be repeated |
Magrini_24 |
7C1756 Mask1 |
210_zJHK, J-band |
150min |
LUCI bias+pickup noise |
Cresci_8 |
campoB |
Ks |
26m |
LUCI bias+pickup noise. Bad WFS corrections, too close to the Moon |
Jun 19-20
At the enclosure opening we have a mostly clear sky (few clouds remaining on the West horizon), no wind and 40% humidity
When scientific operations start we have clear sky with seeing 0.8.
Some difficulties to collimate with LBC for the first target, too low and with still too high illumination from the twilight. We got and error from the blue filter wheel, it happened twice. It was fixed by running again the ob.
Major issues from MODS: stuck of the readout. Reset of the software. Restart of the software. Server not responding --> Restart of the computer. All our, SA and TO efforts failed. Art the end of the night the problem is still unknown. An issue track was send and both the IS (O. Khun) and the PI (R. Pogge) have been notified.
Since we can not run anymore LBC observation due to the Moon, we switch back to LUCI.
The readout noise in LUCI was affecting only the upper right quadrant while acquiring the first target. The effect increased during the acquisition on the last one.
While observing with LUCI the seeing measured on Ks-H2 images is 0.45-0.6
We got the probe error with LUCI, few images are without WFS.
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Bellazzini_6Z |
HVC26.01 |
g-Sloan, r-Sloan |
10min+40sec, 10 min+40sec |
Bellazzini_6W |
HVC28.07 |
g-Sloan, r-Sloan |
10min+40sec, 10 min+40sec |
Beltran1_A7 |
G31.41+0.31 |
H2, Ks |
50min, 8min |
Beltran1_A1 |
G35.20-0.74N |
H2, Ks |
10min, 1.6min |
partially repeated to update the data from the 1st night |
Jun 20-21
At enclosure opening the sky is clear with no wind, and 35% humidity
At the beginning of scientific operations the seeing is 1.2 on the GCS and thin cirrus on the orison
The IMCS timed our several times. We calla the SA that increase the laser power, this fails again several times.
Diffuculties to collimate: the procedure converge but there is strong coma aberration, we have to sent +2000 Z8 to the right mirror
During LBC observations cirrus are passing
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Gilli4_A7 |
FIRST-J1427 |
r-Sloan, i-Sloan |
30min, 30min |
out of seeing specs |
Gilli4_A7 |
FIRST-J1427 |
r-Sloan, z-Sloan |
30min, 30min |
out of seeing specs |
Israel28_A2 |
CATS J184441 |
dual grating |
1h 30min |
Israel28_A2 |
Koppf27 |
dual grating |
15 s |
standard required by the PI |
Israel28_A5 |
CATS J215447 |
dual grating |
30min |
mostly within seeing specs |
Jun 21-22
At enclosure opening the sky is clear with no wind, and 34% humidity
At the beginning of sxcientific operations the sky is clear, whit 1.0 seeing
Stuck of the readout in the MODS red channel. The SA sees the image in the mods computer, but it is not written in /newdata. Aferter one out of efforts spent in calling peaople and leaving them messages, we ask to switch instrument.
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Elias_Rosa |
11FE |
dual grating |
1h |
Data acquired, but still don't saved at the end of the night. LOST the day after |
Gilli4_A12 |
J1641 |
r-Sloan, i-sloan |
1.5h, 1.5h |
partly within seen spec |
Standard |
Sa112 |
r-Sloan, i-sloan, z-Sloan |
airmas 1.18 |
Gilli4_A14 |
J2229 |
r-Sloan, i-sloan |
30m, 30m |
within seeing specs, the last 4 frames with increasing backgorund |
Jun 22-23
At the enclosure clear sky, no wind and 44.5% humidity
The Sa confirms we lost 1h of Elias-Rosa_47_DDT integrated yesterday night. The issue could come from the PINAME string that was too long and the computer was not able to write the corresponding header on the fits file.
Data Summary