INAF queue observing, 2014 Dec 21-22
Observer: F. Cusano, A. Marchetti
Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti
Support Astronomer: M. Edwards by phone
Instrument: MODS
Thin cirrus and clouds at sunset. We decide to use MODS with LBC-red, since the sky subtraction with LUCI can be very hard in these conditions.
We stop observations at 2:30UT the sky is completely covered by clouds.
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Antoniucci |
Uz Tau E |
dual grating |
COMPLETED WITH MODS SPEC, imaging missing |
Antoniucci |
V1118 Ori |
dual grating |
COMPLETED WITH MODS SPEC, imaging missing |
Antoniucci |
V1184 Tau |
dual grating |
00:00 The TO opens the dome
00:36 We take sky flats for LBC-red without dithering
- filter I-Bessel (good), R-Bessel (not good)
1.32 We run the acquisition for Fusi Pecci U. acqMODS MCEC4_ls.acq (seeing 1.2, thin cirrus)
1:48 We run the scientific ob, execMODS MCEC4_ls_10.obs. Thick clouds coming in, guide star almost lost at 2:27UT
mods1r.20141222.0004-0005, mods1b.20141222.0001-0002
- stop integration at 2:30 too many clouds
6:22 The sky looks better, we start again observations
6:33 some clouds at horizon, we try to slew to Saracco_B, acqMODS mods.7.rec.acq
, seeing 1.5, seeing to bad for this program some clouds in the field (guide star 1.5 mag fainter on sx guideplot)
6:43 slew to Antoniucci Uz Tau E, acqMODS uztaue_ls.acq
6:55 execMODS uztaue_ls.obs
mods1r.20141222.0010-0013, mods1b.20141222.0003-0006
- seeing slowing decreasing we try to slew again to Saracco_B
07:14 slewing again to Saracco_B seeing 1.2 on the dimm, acqMODS mods.7.RDCSm1.acq (doing again acquisition after a long slew)
07:31 we run the scientific script execMODS mods.7.RDCSm1_4.obs (Saracco_B)
seeing jumped to 2 due to atmospheric turbulence. We stop the integration after 1 exposure.
7:52 we slew to Antoniucci v1647 program, acqMODS v1647ori_ls.acq
clouds come back all over the sky, the acquisition fails and the TO has to update the pointing, but the object is too faint for the sky conditions
8:00 Marco Stangalini starts performing tests on LBC from Italy
8:06 we slew to Antoniucci v1118ori. acqMODS v1118ori_ls.acq
8:19 we run the science execMODS v1118ori_ls.obs
mods1r.20141222.0024-0027, mods1r.20141222.0007-0010
, seeing reaches 2
8:50 we slew to v1184tau, acqMODS v1184tau_ls.acq
9.01 we run the science execMODS v1184tau_ls.obs
mods1r.20141222.0031-0034, mods1r.20141222.0011-0014
9:23 execMODS v1184tau.img
mods1r.20141222.0035-0037, mods1r.20141222.0015-0017
9:41 weather conditions are getting worse, thick clouds cover 60% of the sky and thin cirrus all around
10:12 we Slew to Saracco_B, acqMODS mods.7.rec.acq, seeing 1.0
10:22 execMODS mods.7.RDCSm1_4.obs
The guide star gets 1 mag fainter. We stay on target to allow LBC testing
11:38 the TO closes the dome due to humidity
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