
INAF queue observing, 2014 Nov 1-2

Observer: E. Sani, R. Carini
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson on call
Instrument: LUCI


At the beginning of the night the TO is waiting a wind decrease to open the dome.
Since we are closed we live the beginning of the night to the AO technicians.
After the first targets, the TO closes the dome due to high humidity and strong wind.
We stay closed the rest of the night.


01:06 the dome is opend.

1:22 the wind is increasing, we can not choose target at SE (direction of the wind) for the strong wind that causes vibrations to the telescope, so we have to reject the Norris targets
  • seeing 1.5 in R, so is about 1 in K band
*06:05 every pannel is red

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
standard star HIP117774 HeI J 4s
Piconcelli A7 2346-0016 Ks 45 m the last 4 frames are of low quality due passing clouds


01:34 check LUCI luci.20141102.0001

01:50 we begin Piconcelli's A7 program, we run the telluric star tellA7_LS_JHeI
  • problem with the guide star

01:55 we try again the acquisition * ExecuteLUCIscrpt.sh tellA7_LS_JHeI.acq luci.0002-0013 * seeing is 1.1 in R band

02:54 ExecuteLUCIscrpt.sh tellA7_LS_LS_Ks.spec luci.0.0014

02:55 slew to the target

03:12 ExecuteLUCIscript.sh A7_LS_Ks.spec
  • seeing 1.1 in R band
  • during the integration thin clouds passing an variable seeing (max 1.5 in R).

03.50 local high humidity causes clouds formation

04.00 slew to Norri's program

04:04 we run again ExecuteLUCIscript.sh NGC6934_Cent_Ks.img
  • lost preset

04:07 we try again ExecuteLUCIscript.sh NGC6934_Cent_Ks.img
  • lost preset

04:12 we slew to the target NGC7089_Cent_Ks.img
  • too cloudy and windy

04:20 the dome is closed due to the strong wind.

-- %USERSIG{RobertaCarini - 2014-11-02}%


Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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