INAF queue observing, 2014 Oct 31-Nov 1 Halloween
Observer: E. Sani, R. Carini
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: M. Ewards on call
House keeping problems for LBCBlue. Fail saving mode that stops observations. Is anyhow offered for science
00:36 is not possible open the dome, the temperature is too near the dew point and the humidity is 99.9%, it's raining on the horizon.
04.35 dome closed, strong wind, the temperature reaches the dew point.
09:45 dwepoint drops down, but still wind gusts are above 20 m/s.
05:20 we run the mods calibrations fos Israel A1 project.
- execMODS catsj021950_ls_flat.cal
mods1r.20141101.0002-0006, mods1b.20141101.0002-0006
flat programma Israel
- execMODS slitflats_5as.cal
flat RedGrating slit 5"
- execMODS grlamps_5arc.cal
mods1b.0007-0009, mods1r.0009-0012
wrong slit width: 0.6", low counts
- execMODS slitflats_5arc.cal
mods1r.0013-0021, mods1b.0010-0018
flat program Israel
- execMODS dual_grating_0.8_flat.cal
mods1r.0022-0027, mods1b.0019-0024
flat for program Antoniucci
- execMODS dual_grating_0.8_arc.cal
mods1r.0027-0033, mods1b.0025-0035
arc for program Antoniucci
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