INAF queue observing, 2014 Oct 28-29
Observer: E. Sani, R. Carini
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson on call
When the Dome is opened the humidity is 76%, no wind
Variable seeing at the beginning of the scientific operations.
ModsDisp works well.
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Standard |
feige110 |
dual and red grating |
airmass 1.5 |
Fusi Pecci S |
H7 |
dual grating |
1h |
Fusi Pecci T |
G002 |
dual grating |
45 m |
Saracco F |
red grating + LBCred |
2 h 45 m |
Israel A1 |
catsj021950 |
dual grating |
15 m |
Standard star |
SA98 |
airmass 1.23 |
00:05 Run MODS Calib for Saracco_F program
SlitLess flats, RED grating
Mask5 flats, mods1r.20141029.00013-00015
Mask5 arcs.
- images
are saturated mask flats, decrease the exptime from 4s to 2s.
00:51 The TO opens the Dome
01:34 acqMODS feige110. acq
- modsAlign -r mods1r.0016.fits
- Error: command 'offsetxy rel' timed out after 60 seconds
- acqMODS feige110.acq
- connection problem between MODS and the telescope, the acquisition crashed. we call Dave. TCS from MODS died, we restored it and run the acquisition again.
- modsAlign -r mods1r.0017-0018.fits
01:55 execMODS feige110.obs
mods1r.0019-21, mods1b.0001-0003
dual grating
red grating
02:16 slew to scientific target Fusi Pecci S
- acqMODS H7_ls.acq
02:31 execMODS H7_ls.obs==mods1r.0028- 30,mods1b.0004-0006 ==
- at the beginning of the integration the seeing is 0.9
- during the 2nd frame integration the seeing as a spike reaching 2.0'', then suddenly drops back to 0.8. The spike should not affect the data.
03:00 slew to Fusi Pecci T
- acqMODS G002_ls.acq== mods1r.0030-32==
- change the guide star
- acqMODS G002_ls.acq== mods1r.0033-36==
03.06 execMODS G002_ls.obs==mods1r.0037-39, mods1b.0007-0009==
04:44 begin the procedure to the parallel mode for Saracco F program
- first collimation on the red channel
05:02 acqMods mods.5.xllsm1_recover.acq (recovery procedure)
05:05 collimation
05:16 run XLSSm1_I_180s.ob
05:22 execMODS mods.5.xllsm1_3.obs
- finish the 1/2 OB started the past night
- at the beginning of scientific operations the mean FWHM is 0.7
05:50 after 9 images, collimation needed
- some defocus in = lbcr.20131029.054549.fits lbcr.20141029.055040.fits=
05:54 Run XLSSm1_I_180s.ob
- the seeing measure on the first I-band image is 0.8'''
- 3 good images (to be checked)
06:04 execMODS mods.5.xllsm1_4.obs
06:12 After 4 images the data quality decreases (some defocus, some astigmatism) e.g.
- This is stressed by a very good seeing.
- dofpia, /X2, /redonly on the scientific Run
06:17 Run XLSSm1_I_180s.ob
- image
is blurry, it was integrated while MODS was offsetting
- the measured seeing is 0.6''
- offsetting MODS, image
is blurry
07:03 dofpia, /X2, /redonly on the scientific field mask5
07:12 execMODS mods.5.xllsm1_5.obs
*Run XLSSm1_I_180s.ob
is blurry
- the measured seeing is 0.66
07:40 dofpia, /X2, /redonly on the scientific field mask5
08:00 MODS error message
- the script crashed while committing the 3rd offset. Aborting the exposure and Retryin to commit the offset, the script performs a series of 2 offsets.
- acquire images to control the offsets
are blurry and the offsets are not good.
- The IMCS was uncheked, that's genetared the blurry images. We need to recover the acquisition.
lbcr.071406, lbcr.071408, lbcr.071409,
are made during the offset of mods
08:10 acqMODS mods.5.xllsm1_recover.acq (recovery procedure)
- dofpia, /X2, /redonly on the scientific field mask5
08:15 expecMODS mods.5.xllsm1_5.obs
8.55 expecMODS mods.5.xllsm1_5.obs
09:30 slew to Israel A1 program
- acqMODS catsj021950_ls.acq
10:10 execMODS catsj021950_ls.obs
mods1r.0061, mods1b.0010
- we stop the integration after 15 min to Slew to Dotto_DDT. We see the targeted spectrum in this short frame.
10:25 We ask the TO to switch to LBC Binocular
10.40 dofpia, /X2 /first on copointing star WT10-271
- can not converge the blue
11.10 the TO clears the left mirror optic
- dofpia, /X2 /first
- can not converge both
11.19 *the TO clears the left and right mirror
- dofpia, /X2 /first
- dofpia is conviced the red channel converge properly, but it is clearly not true: it is measuring Z4>500 but does not apply any correction
11:28 dofpia, /X2
- Red still too bad, too high forces. The TO clears the red channel
11:36 dofpia, /X2, /redonly, /first
- dofpia is sending corrections at the Z4 even if the values are reasonable.
11:56 slew to standar star SA98
*12.15 * copointing with the stars ACTO 0197
- copointing takes a lot because red rotator has to unwrap
12.25 iraf can not comunicate with ds9
- RB_science can not comunicate with iraf
12.35 run the standard star SA98 , airmass = 1.23
12.50 We star skyflats
- Run V- R-Bessel the last image in R and V in position angle 180 are not good
1.49 bias with MODS
-- %USERSIG{EleonoraSani - 2014-10-29}%
-- %BUBBLESIG{RobertaCarini - 2014-10-29}%