Italian Queue 2014 Prev

Sep 19-20

Observer: F. Cusano, S. Bisogni
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: O. Khun
Instrument: MODS


00:00 UT communication from Jeff Urban:
We will stay with the dome closed all the night for technical problem.
It to risky to unwrap the instruments from the cover, because there are chance of sudden rain and there
are not enough people during the night to cover them again.
Conditions at 00:00 UT: Humidity 97.9%, dew point 9.5\xB0C, temperature 10\xB0C

05:30 UT Conditions are better than expected. It is possible to open the dome

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
FusiPecci L P04 dual grating 1 h COMPLETED
Standard Feige110 dual grating + blue grating 10 m  
FusiPecci M P09 dual grating 1 h COMPLETED
FusiPecci N P46 dual grating 45 m COMPLETED
FusiPecci P MCGC8 dual grating 10 m exposure stopped due to humidity


05:00 The TO tell us that it could be possible to open the dome. We are waiting for updates.

05:13 We have woken MODs and taken a test image (

05:43 slewing to FusiPecci L acqMODS P04_ls.acq mods1r.20140920.0002-0005
  • seeing 1''
  • modsAlign mods1r.20140920.0002 mods1r.20140920.0003

06:03 execMODS P04_ls_01.obs mods1r.20140920.0006-0008   mods1b.20140920.0002-0004
  • seeing 0.8''
  • clouds coming up

07:10 slewing to standard Feige110 acqMODS feige110.acq mods1r.20140920.0009-0011
  • seeing 0.9''
  • modsAlign -l mods1r.20140920.0009-0010

07:21 execMODS Feige110.obs mods1r.20140920.0012-0014  mods1b.20140920.0005-0010

07:43 slewing to FusiPecci M acqMODS P09_ls.acq mods1r.20140920.0015-0017
  • seeing 0.9''
  • modsAlign -l mods1r.20140920.0015-0016

07:58 execMODS P09_ls_02.obs mods1r.20140920.0018-0020 mods1b.20140920.0011-0013
  • seeing 0.9''
  • some clouds, humidity is going up

09:06 slewing to FusiPecci N acqMODS P46_ls.acq mods1r.20140920.0021-0023
  • seeing 0.7''
  • modsAlign -l mods1r.20140920.0021-0022

09:17 execMODS p46_ls_03.obs mods1r.20140920.0024-26 mods1b.20140920.0014-0016
  • seeing 0.7''

10:08 slewing to FusiPecci P acqMODS MCGC8_ls.acq mods1r.20140920.0027-0029
  • seeing 0.9''
  • modsAlign -l mods1r.20140920.0027-0028

10:19 execMODS MCGC8_ls_05.obs mods1r.20140920.0030 mods1b.20140920.0017 images obtained with around ten minutes of exposure because the dome has to be closed due to the humidity
  • seeing 0.7''
  • humidity 94%

11:40 we start performing calibrations
  • flat 1.2'' slit dual grating execMODS mods1r.20140920.0031-0036 mods1b.20140920.0018-0023
  • execMODS ==mods1r.20140920.0037-0039 mods1b.20140920.0024-0026=0
  • execMODS mods1b.20140920.0027-0029
  • execMODS mods1r.20140920.0040-0042
  • execMODS mods1r.20140920.0043-0047 mods1b.20140920.0030-39
  • execMODS mods1b.20140920.0040-0049
  • execMODS mods1r.20140920.0048-0052
  • execMODS mods1r.20140920.0052-053 mods1b.20140920.0050
  • ./doBias mods1r.20140920.0054-0063 mods1b.20140920.0051-0060 mods1r0057,0058 and 0063 are actually missing, we tried 'red fitsflush' from the MODS Dashboard, but without success, so we run again 8k x 3k to have at least five bias images.
  • execMODS mods1r.20140920.0064-0068 mods1b.20140920.0061-0065
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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