Italian Queue 2014 <Prev Next>
Mar 06-07
Observer: M. Fumana, R. Speziali, S. Bisogni
Telescope Operator: Geno
Support Astronomer: Michelle (on call)
Instrument: LBC
At the sunset heavy clouds. Sky covered.
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Clementini |
IZw18 |
V Bessel, I Bessel |
10min |
Bellazzini X |
HVC290.19 |
g-Sloan, r-Sloan |
10min 40s |
Bellazzini O |
HVC28.09 |
g-Sloan, r-Sloan |
10min 40s |
Bellazzini N |
HVC326.91 |
g-Sloan, r-Sloan |
10min 40s |
Bellazzini V |
HVC324.03 |
g-Sloan, r-Sloan |
10min 40s |
Bellazzini T |
HVC330.13 |
g-Sloan, r-Sloan |
10min 40s |
Bellazzini H |
HVC 13.60 |
g-Sloan, r-Sloan |
10min 40s |
Bellazzini I |
HVC 13.63 |
g-Sloan, r-Sloan |
10min 40s |
Grazian E |
GOODS-North |
B Bessel, r-Sloan |
1h 20min |
03:00 The TO opens the dome
03:43 copointing Nascimbeni
03:47 trying to do DOFPIA.
03:50 rangebal
04:00 DOFPIA
- some problems with DOFPIA, it can't find images in /newdata
04:15 gj436_1.ob, taking a test image
04:22 we stop the script and run DOFPIA again
04:30 gj436_pointing.ob
04:34 the TO sends the offset to defocus, blue channel ok, red channel no (saturated)
- a new offset sent to blue channel damaging the defocus
- red still saturated
04:44 due to clouds no way to defocus in the proper way, Time out for the transit, we switch to other targets
04:56 slewing to Clementini
* IZw18_copointing.ob launched and stopped, then DOFPIA
05:14 repeating DOFPIA after setting back the global offset on Z.
05:29 OB#1
* Seeing 0.7"
05:45 slewing to Bellazzini_X
05:47 DOFPIA
06:00 Error with lbcrangebal
06:07: Bellazzini X
06:24 Standard 101
06:45 slewing to Bellazzini O + DOFPIA + rangebal
06:57 Bellazzini O
07:10 Filter problem
07:18 dofpia again
07:23 Bellazzini O again
07:39 Bellazzini N
07:39 Bellazzini N
- wind gusts up to 19m/s
- seeing=1.1"
08:05 slewing to Bellazzini V + DOFPIA
08:27 slewing to Bellazzini T =DOFPIA
08:35 6_T.ob
08:50 slewing to Bellazzini H+DOFPIA
09:11 Bellazzini H again
* DIMM SEEING = 1.8"
09:25 SA104 DOFPIA
09:25 SA104 OB
* DIMM SEEING = 1.6"
09:42 slewing to Bellazzini I+DOFPIA+rangebral
09:53 Bellazzini I.ob
* DIMM SEEING = 1.1"
10:13 slewing to Grazian BR
10:50 grazian_GOODSN_BR_02.ob
11:17 DOFPIA
11:22 grazian_GOODSN_BR_03.ob
11:51 grazian_GOODSN_BR_04.ob
11:57 Shutter error in the blue channel
11:59 grazian_GOODSN_BR_04.ob
12:44 Sky Flats (quite heavy clouds)
- g-Sloan, I Bessel
- V Bessel, r-Sloan
- B Bessel, r-Sloan
13:30 the TO closes the dome
13:36 BIAS