Italian Queue 2014 <Prev Next>

Mar 03-04

Observer: M. Fumana, R. Speziali, S. Bisogni
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
Instrument: MODS


Humidity 70%. Sky mostly clear. Bad seeing starting from 5UT. We had to close at 10 UT due to clouds

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Vanzella B macsj0647 dual grating 2h airmass 1.2
Standard Feige34 red grating - default 5" slit + 1" slit, airmass 1.1
Standard Feige34 dual grating - airmass 1.1, default 5" slit
Gilli Q1 J1048+46 red grating 3h 1h only at the limit of seeing specs, seeing =2" - airmass 1.06-1.12


01:50 The TO opens the dome


02:10 Slew to Vanzella B
  • acqMODS mods.macsj0647.acq. Fail
  • execMODS
  • acqMODS mods.macsj0647.acq
  • modsAlign mods.macsj0647.mms
  • -0.4" offset in y by hand

02:34 execMODS mods.macsj0647_mos_4.obs mods1b 0001-0002 mods1r 0005-0006
  • seeing 1.0"
  • seeing 1.3"
  • seeing 1.0"
  • seeing 1.3"
  • seeing 1.1"

03:39 execMODS mods.macsj0647_mos_5.obs mods1b 0003-0004 mods1r 0007-0008
  • the average seeing is 0.9" at the beginning of the integration
  • the average seeing is 1.2 at the beginning of the integration of the second frame

04:45 acqMODS feige34_LS5x60x1.acq
  • modsAlign -l mods1r.20140304.0009.fits mods1r.20140304.0010.fits

05:00 execMODS feige34_LS5x60x1.obs mods1r 0012-0014

05:13 execMODS feige34.obs mods1r 0015-0017

05:27 execMODS feige34.obs mods1b 0005-0007 mods1r 0018-0020
  • seeing 1.8", lost the guiding star

05:35 Seeing 2.4" ma porc@#@#@#@@!!


05:45 acqMODS 4Q1_J1048_M1_MOS.acq fail to fit star centroid of one of the alignment stars

06:07 acqMODS 4Q1_J1048_M1_MOS.acq
  • seeing 1.5"

06:10 execMODS 4Q1_J1048_M1_mos_5.obs =mods1r 0024-0027 =
  • the average seeing is 1.9 at the beginning of the integration
  • seeing 2.3" in the middle

07:19 execMODS 4Q1_J1048_M1_mos_6.obs =mods1r 0028-0031 =
  • seeing ~2"
  • clouds are coming
  • seeing ~2"
  • in the last two frames the seeing is getting better: average seeing 1.5"

08:29 execMODS 4Q1_J1048_M1_mos_6.obs mods1r 0032-0035
  • average seeing 1.5": we are integrating again to enhance the poor signal due to the bad seeing in the last hours

09:30 presence of clouds; the guiding star flux is a third compared with two hours ago
  • average seeing 1.8" again...


09:42 slewing to Vanzella C
  • acqMODS rxj1532_mos.acq
  • No guiding star
09:51 we have to wait for reliable guiding star, clouds passing (and staying probably...)

10:05 Too much clouds. Dome closing
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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