INAF queue observing, 2014 Feb 02-03
Observer: E. Sani, F. Cusano, S. Bisogni, R. Carini
Telescope Operator: D. Gionzales Huerta
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn on call
Instrument: MODS
At the beginning of the night we stay close because of dewpoint reaching ext temperature.
While we are waiting the TO starts the mirror ventilation.
At the beginning of scientific operations there are clouds passing, 60% humidity and no wind.
Since there are thick clouds we can't observe scientific targets: no collimation (the WFS can't sent corrections to collimate) + no guiding (the GCS can't see a R=12 star).
We try to collimate on a very bright star, this does not work and the TO closes the dome.
We stay closed the rest of the night.
Data Summary
03:40 The TO opens the dome
- Still too cloudy we are no able to collimate. We close again.
* *Dome opened
08:09 Slew to the standard Feige 34
- execMODS feige34.acq
- modsAlign -r
mods1r 0004
08:14 execMODS feige34.obs
mods1r 0005-0007
08:28 acqMODS 4Q1_J1048_M1_mos.acq
mods1r 0008-00010
- modsAlign mods.6.mms
mods1r 008-0009
08:45 execMODS 4Q1_J1048_M1_mos_5.obs
mods1r 0011-00012
- at the beginning of the integration the seeing is 1.8-2.0 on the GCS
- guide star lost due to thick clouds. We have to wait the weather clears.
09:08 *The TO closes the dome *
EleanoraSani - 03 Feb 2014