INAF queue observing, 2023 October 13 - October 14

Observer: Ester Marini, Roberto Speziali, Lorenzo Napolitano
Support: Jenny Power
Telescope operator : Josh Williams
Instrument: MODS BINO


These observations have been performed at the control room of LBT by Ester Marini with the support of Roberto Speziali and Lorenzo Napolitano (phd student). Jenny Power is giving support remotely,

At sunset the sky is cloudy, humidity 47.8%, T 6.8°C, we open at 01:02UT. We stopped the observations at 09:07UT to leave the controls to the SHARk-VIS team.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 01:45 - 12:15 UT = * 10h* * 30m*
Observing time: 6h 10min (59%)*
Weather time loss: 0h 0min (0%)*
Technical time loss: 1h 0min (10%)*
Shark-VIS time loss: 3h 30 min (31%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
calib   MODS1+2     dual_arc, bias 3kx3k
STD Feige 110 MODS1+2 dual grating   for Giannini and Grazian
Giannini Gaia17bpi MODS1+2 dual ima    
Giannini Gaia17bpi MODS1+2 dual grating 0.5h/0.5h seeing ~ 0.8"
Grazian Q11784 MODS1+2 dual grating 0.17 seeing ~ 0.8-0.9"
Grazian Q11461 MODS1+2 dual grating 0.23hr seeing ~ 0.9"
Grazian Q25522 MODS1+2 dual grating 0.2hr seeing ~ 0.9"
Grazian Q22156 MODS1+2 dual grating   seeing ~ 0.9", stopped at 306s/420s of integration on MODS1 and 371/420s on MODS2 because we hit the elev limit
Grazian Q11854 MODS1+2 dual grating 0.17hr seeing ~ 1"
Grazian Q28518 MODS1+2 dual grating 0.2hr seeing ~ 0.8"
Grazian Q28229 MODS1+2 dual grating 0.2hr seeing ~ 0.9"
Giannini Gaia22agc MODS1+2 dual ima   seeing ~1"
Giannini Gaia22agc MODS1+2 dual grating 0.3hr seeing ~1""
calib   MODS1+2     bias 8kx3k/1kx1k, flat_ima_ugriz, dual_flat_0.8", dual_flat_1.2"
Detailed log at this link:

Further details in the Log by Jenny Power at this link:

Summary of MODS calib files:

Summary of MODS science files:

INAF queue observing, 2023 October 14 - October 15

Observer: Ester Marini, Roberto Speziali, Lorenzo Napolitano
Support: Jenny Power
Telescope operator : Josh Williams
Instrument: LBC BINO


These observations have been performed at the control room of LBT by Ester Marini with the support of Roberto Speziali and Lorenzo Napolitano (phd student). Jenny Power is giving support remotely,

At sunset the sky is clear. We open at sunset. TMS is not available tonight.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 01:45 - 12:15 UT = * 10h* * 30m*
Observing time: 10h 12min (97%)*
Weather time loss: 0h 0min (0%)*
Technical time loss: 0h 18min (3%)*
SHARK-VIS time loss: 0 h 0min (0%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
Giunta 2017TF2 LBC BINO g-i sloan   sent the script 2 times, completed
Vito J005006 LBC BINO r-i sloan   *r_i_3, image lbcr.20231015.040105 corrupted
Vito J005006 LBC BINO r-z sloan   *r_z_1, *r_z_2, *r_z_3 done
Vito J013603 LBC BINO r-i sloan   *r_i_2, *r_i_3 done
Vito J030331 LBC BINO r-i sloan   *r_i_1 done, *r_i_2 stopped at 30/60 because we reached the AM limit
Giunta 2005YQ96 LBC BINO g-i sloan   done script 1 time
calib skyflats LBC BINO rz-sloan   PA0, 180
calib BIAS LBC BINO      
Detailed log at this link:

Further details in the Log by Jenny Power at this link:

Summary of LBC calib files:

Summary of LBC science files:

INAF queue observing, 2023 October 15 - October 16

Observer: Ester Marini, Roberto Speziali, Lorenzo Napolitano
Support: Jenny Power
Telescope operator : Josh Williams
Instrument: LBC BINO


These observations have been performed at the control room of LBT by Ester Marini with the support of Roberto Speziali and Lorenzo Napolitano (phd student). Jenny Power is giving support remotely,

At sunset the sky is clear. We open at sunset. TMS is not available tonight. At 9:00UT we leave the controls to the SHARK-VIS team.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 01:45 - 12:15 UT = * 10h* * 30m*
Observing time: 7h 0min (66.70%)*
Weather time loss: 0h 15min (2.4%)*
Technical time loss: 0h 0min (0%)*
Shark-VIS time loss: 3h 15min (30.9%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
Calib slitless flat MODS1+1 dual grating    
Calib skyflat LBC BINO SY   PA0,PA180
Calib skyflat LBC BINO gi   PA0
Giunta morning search LBC BINO g i-sloan 0.17hr search_field_afternoon_1, search_field_afternoon_2, search_field_afternoon_3
Vito J0050 LBC BINO r-Y   r_Y_1, r_Y_2 done, r-Y completed
Vito J013603 LBC BINO r-z   r_z_1 done, lbcr*055089 bad image, r_z_2 done, r_z_3 done
Vito J013603 LBC BINO r-Y   r_Y_1 done
Calib flat_5p0 MODS1+1 dual grating    
Calib flat_1p2 MODS1+1 red grating    
Calib flat_1p0 MODS1+1 red grating    
Calib arcs MODS1+1 red grating    
Detailed log at this link:

Further details in the Log by Jenny Power at this link:

Summary of MODS calib files:

Summary of LBC calib files:

Summary of LBC science files:

INAF queue observing, 2023 October 16 - October 17

Observer: Ester Marini, Roberto Speziali, Lorenzo Napolitano
Support: Jenny Power
Telescope operator : Josh Williams
Instrument: LBC BINO / MODS1+2


These observations have been performed at the control room of LBT by Ester Marini with the support of Roberto Speziali and Lorenzo Napolitano (phd student). Jenny Power is giving support remotely,

At sunset the sky is clear. We open at sunset. TMS is not available tonight.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 01:45 - 12:15 UT = * 10h* * 30m*
Observing time: 100h 0min (100%)*
Weather time loss: 0h 0min (0%)*
Technical time loss: 0h 0min (0%)*
Shark-VIS time loss: 0h 0min (0%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
Calib bias 3Kx3K MODS1+2      
Calib slitless flat MODS1+2 dual grating    
Calib skyflat LBC BINO rr   PA=0,180
Giunta 2020BS LBC-BINO g i, r z sloan 0.22hr  
Vito J0050 LBC BINO r-i 1hr done again r_i_1 in this run, because on run 97 there were clouds
Vito_4 Slug LBC BINO Uspec-V 0.5hr  
Vito_4 Slug LBC BINO Uspec-r 0.5hr  
Vito_4 Slug LBC BINO Uspec-i 0.5hr  
Vito J01360 LBC BINO r-Y   stopped at 24/60 due to clouds
Maiorano GRB 210722A LBC BINO r z sloan   script 2 and 3 done, completed
Ighina DESJ0056-05 MODS1+2 red grating 2.1hr seeing on average ~1", completed
Giannini Gaia22efa MODS1+2 dual grating 0.5hr seeing ~1"
STD GD71 MODS1+2 red grating   for Ighina
Biazzo ID24_LS MODS1+2 dual grating 1hr seeing ~1"
Biazzo ID27_LS MODS1+2 dual grating 1hr seeing ~1"
Biazzo ID34_LS MODS1+2 dual grating 1hr seeing ~1"
Calib flat_5p0 MODS1+2 red grating    
Calib arcs MODS1+2 MOS blue grating    
Calib slitless flat MODS1+2 MOS blue grating    
Detailed log at this link:

Further details in the Log by Jenny Power at this link:

Summary of MODS science files:

Summary of MODS calib files:

Summary of LBC science files:

Summary of LBC calib files:

INAF queue observing, 2023 October 18 - October 19

Observer: Ester Marini, Roberto Speziali, Lorenzo Napolitano
Support: Alex Becker
Telescope operator : Steve Allanson
Instrument: LBC BINO


These observations have been performed at the control room of LBT by Ester Marini with the support of Roberto Speziali and Lorenzo Napolitano (phd student). Alex Becker is giving support remotely,

At sunset the sky is clear. We open at sunset. TMS is not available tonight.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 01:45 - 12:15 UT = * 10h* * 30m*
Observing time: 9h 36min (91.4%)*
Weather time loss: 0h 20min (3.2%)*
Technical time loss: 0h 34min (5.4%)*
Shark-VIS time loss: 0h 0min (0%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
Calib Skyflats LBC BINO U-bessel-V-bessel   PA=0,180
Giunta 2005TG45 LBC BINO gi,rz 0.33+0.33hr sent the script 5 times
Maiorano GRB191019A LBC BINO ri   fwhm at limit of the requirement
Maiorano GRB191019A LBC BINO gz   fwhm out of the requirement
Giannini Gaia21fji MODS1+2 ima ugriz   average seeing ~ 1.5"
Giannini Gaia21fji MODS1+2 dual grating 0.5h average seeing ~ 1.5"
Giannini Gaia22diw MODS1+2 ima ugriz   average seeing ~ 1.2"
Giannini Gaia22diw MODS1+2 dual grating 0.5h average seeing ~1.2"
Giannini Gaia21csu MODS1+2 ima ugriz   average seeing ~ 1.5"
Giannini Gaia21csu MODS1+2 dual grating 0.5h variable seeing between 1.2 and 2"
Giannini Gaia22bvi MODS1+2 ima ugriz   variable seeing between 1.2 and 2"
Giannini Gaia22bvi MODS1+2 dual grating 0.5h variable seeing between 1.2 and 2"
Giannini Gaia23bri MODS1+2 ima ugriz   variable seeing between 1.2 and 2"
Giannini Gaia23bri MODS1+2 dual grating 0.5h seeing ~1"
Biazzo LS_12/ID33 MODS1+2 dual grating 1h seeing ~1"
Biazzo LS_14/ID37 MODS1+2 dual grating 1h seeing ~1"
Biazzo LS_6/ID17 MODS1+2 dual grating 1h seeing ~0.8"
STD GD71 MODS1+2 dual grating   for Giannini and Biazzo
Detailed log at this link:

Further details in the Log by Alex Becker at this link:

Summary of LBC calib files:

Summary of LBC science files:

Summary of MODS science files:

INAF queue observing, 2023 October 19 - October 20

Observer: Ester Marini, Roberto Speziali, Lorenzo Napolitano
Support: Alex Becker
Telescope operator : Steve Allanson
Instrument: MODS1+2 / LBC BINO


These observations have been performed at the control room of LBT by Ester Marini with the support of Roberto Speziali and Lorenzo Napolitano (phd student). Alex Becker is giving support remotely,

At sunset the sky is clear. We open at sunset. TMS is not available tonight.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 01:45 - 12:15 UT = * 10h* * 30m*
Observing time: 5h 15min (50%)*
Weather time loss: 0h 0min (0%)*
Technical time loss: 0h 0min 0%)*
Shark-VIS time loss: 5h 15min (50%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
Grazian Q1138594 MODS1+2 dual grating 0.16hr seeing ~1"
Grazian Q1203783 MODS1+2 dual grating 0.16hr seeing ~1"
Grazian Q1138644 MODS1+2 dual grating 0.23hr seeing ~1"
Grazian Q2404192 MODS1+2 dual grating 0.16hr seeing ~1.2"
Grazian Q1412329 MODS1+2 dual grating 0.1hr seeing ~1.2"
Grazian Q1155156 MODS1+2 dual grating 0.2hr seeing ~1.2"
Maiorano GRB191019A LBC BINO ri sloan 0.27+0.27hr fwhm ~1-1.1"
Maiorano GRB191019A LBC BINO gz sloan 0.27+0.27hr fwhm ~1-1.2"
Vito J013603 LBC BINO r-Y 0.35+0.35hr fwhm ~1", did only the last 7 offset since previous time we took 24/60 (and the last exps were out of requirement) completed
Vito J030033 LBC BINO r-i 0.25+0.25hr done r_i_2_half (since we already did the first half), r_i_3 30/60 to be done
Detailed log at this link:

Further details in the Log by Alex Becker at this link:

Summary of MODS science files:

Summary of LBC science files:

INAF queue observing, 2023 October 20 - October 21

Observer: Felice Cusano, Andrea Rossi
Support: Alex Becker
Telescope operator : Steve Allanson
Instrument: MODS1+2 / PEPSI


These observations have been performed at the remote control room in Bologna by Felice Cusano and Andrea Rossi. Alex Becker is giving support remotely from Tucson. At the sunset there are some clouds, but we can open. We start with MODS. We switch to PEPSi around midnight.

At sunset the sky is clear. We open at sunset. TMS is not available tonight.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 01:45 - 12:15 UT = * 10h* * 30m*
Observing time: 10h 5min (96%)*
Weather time loss: 0h 5min (1%)*
Technical time loss: 0h 20min (3%)*
Shark-VIS time loss: 0h 0min (0%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
Giannini Gaia23bab MODS1-2 dual grating   more exps for clouds completed
Giannini Gaia23bab MODS1-2 dual imaging   completed
Grazian Q25872098 MODS1-2 dual grating   completed
Grazian Q1169696 MODS1-2 dual grating   completed
Ighina PSJ2240-10 MODS1-2 dual grating   one exp more for clouds completed
Grazian Q1146202 MODS1-2 dual grating   completed
Grazian Q27360072 MODS1-2 dual grating   completed
Giannini Gaia22ehn MODS1-2 dual grating   completed one exp more in mods2, no imaging
STD GD71 MODS1-2 red+dual    
Marini IRAS_05089 PEPSI CD3-5   completed SN 130-300
Bellazzini 1025229691651265536 PEPSI CD3-6   SN 121-118 completed
Bragaglia M37_GDR3_3451177406853140864 PEPSI CD3-5   SN 150-270 completed
Bragaglia M37_GDR3_3451177406853140864 PEPSI CD1-4   SN 80-300 completed
Bragaglia M37_GDR3_3451177406853140864 PEPSI CD1-6   SN 80-320 completed
Bellazzini 590801995997827200 PEPSI CD3-6   SN 120-110 completed
Detailed log at this link:

Further details in the Log by Alex Becker at this link:

PEPSI log:

Summary of MODS science files:
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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