INAF queue observing, 2023 September 15 - September 16

Observer: Andrea Rossi, Simona Paiano, Ester Marini
Support: Jenny Power
Telescope operator : David Gonzalez Huerta
Instrument: LBC


These observations have been performed by Andrea from the INAF control room in Bologna , and then later by the LBTO personell under the supervision of Simona of the LBT Italia observers.

At sunset the sky is a bit cloudy. We could open at ~12 degrees twilight See details in log.

We start with LBCs

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 02:15 - 12:15 UT = * 10h* * 00m*
Observing time: 09 h 55 min (99%)*
Weather time loss: 00 h 00 min (0%)*
Technical time loss: 00 h 05 min (1%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
Giunta 2015ME131 LBCblue+red gr+iz 12+12min   3 times
Vito J221644 LBCblue+red r+i 1.5h+1.5h   3 times - completed
Vito J221644 LBCblue+red r+z 0.5h+0.5h   1 times (out of 3)
Vito J010013 LBCblue+red r+Y 1h+1h   2 times - completed
Giunta 2012VE46 LBCblue+red gr+iz 25min+25min   3 times + 1 (not completed)
Detailed log at this link:

Log by Jenny Power at this link:

Summary of LBC science files:

Summary of LBC calib files:

INAF queue observing, 2023 September 16 - September 17

Observer: Ester Marini, Andrea Rossi
Support: Alex Becker
Telescope operator : David Gonzalez Huerta
Instrument: PEPSI


These observations have been performed for the first half of the night by LBTO personell under the supervision of Ester Marini of the LBT Italia observers, and for the second half by Andrea Rossi.

At sunset the sky is cloudy, but we can open. We start with PEPSI. Clouds, bad seeing and high humidity prevented us to be open all night. See logs for details

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 02:15 - 12:15 UT = * 10h* * 00m*
Observing time: 05 h 10 min (52%)*
Weather time loss: 04 h 50 min (48%)*
Technical time loss: 00 h 00 min (0%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
Marini IRAS 18062+2410 PEPSI CDI-CDIV 25+25min   S/N~90 on CDI, ~170 on CD IV
Marini IRAS 18062+2410 PEPSI CDIII-CDVI 12+12min   S/N~110 on CDIII, ~100 on CD VI, increased exp time from 8 to 12mins due to clouds
Marini IRAS 19200++3457 PEPSI CDI-CDIV 2+2hr   S/N~350 on CDI, ~790 on CD IV, exp time increased from 1hr23min to 2hr due heavy mag extinction
Marini IRAS 19200++3457 PEPSI CDIII-CDVI 11+11min   S/N~221 on CDIII, ~175 on CD VI
Marini IRAS 19343-2926 PEPSI CDI-CDIV 33+33min   S/N ~70 on CD1, ~240 on CDIV, maybe blue bad for jump in seeing+humidity to be repeated
Marini IRAS 19343-2926 PEPSI CDII-CDV 26+26min   S/N ~120 on CDII, ~250 on CDV, exp time from 21 to 26mins for humidity+highseeing
Marini IRAS 19343-2926 PEPSI CDIII-CDVI 14+14min   S/N ~120 on CDIII , ~150 on CDVI, exp time from 11 to 14mins for humidity+highseeing
Marini IRAS 20462+3416 PEPSI CDI-CDIV 25+25min   S/N 120 on CDI, 320 on CDIV, exp time from 17 too 25 for clouds
Marini IRAS 20572+4919 PEPSI CDI-CDIV 5+5 min   S/N 50 on CDI, 70 on CDIV, stopped , we had to close, to be repeated
Calib   MODS dual grating     dual grating arcs+flats, 0.8", 1.2",5" slits and slitless
Detailed log at this link:

Further details in the Log by Alex Backer at this link:

Summary of MODS calib files:

Summary of PEPSI science files:

INAF queue observing, 2023 September 17 - September 18

Observer: Felice Cusano, Ester Marini, Simona Paiano
Support: Alex Becker
Telescope operator : David Gonzalez Huerta
Instrument: PEPSI, LBC


These observations have been performed for the first half of the night by LBTO personell under the supervision of Felice Cusano of the LBT Italia observers, and for the second half by Ester Marini and Simona Pariano

At sunset the sky is cloudy, but we can open. We start with PEPSI. Increasing clouds we closed at 02:00. We open again at 3:00, struggling with clouds, but finally it was clear at about 4:20. We switch to LBC 05:45 with no clouds and good seeing to observe the program of Vito_15. After a couple of hours we switch back to PEPSI due to clouds and bad seeing.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 02:15 - 12:15 UT = * 10h* * 00m*
Observing time: 8 h 20 min (83%)*
Weather time loss: 1 h 30 min (15%)*
Technical time loss: 00 h 10 min (2%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
Marini IRAS1943+29 PEPSI CDI-CDIV 33+33min   S/N~73 on CDI, ~258 on CD IV
Marini IRAS 20004+2955 PEPSI CDI-CDIV 30+30min   S/N~ 97 on CDI, ~1667 on CD IV
Marini IRAS 20097+2010 PEPSI CDI-CDIV +min   S/N~55 on CDI, ~300on CD IV , to repeat
Vito J005006 LBC BINO r- i-sloan     only *r_i_1 done, FWHM < 1", but lbcb: 71254, 71443, 71631 lbcr: 71249, 71428, 71607 are almost empty due to passing clouds
Marini IRAS 20572+4919 PEPSI CDI-CDIV     S/N ~ 129 on CDI, ~597 on CDIV
Marini IRAS 01005+7910 PEPSI CDI-CDIV 16min+16min   S/N~143 on CDI, 395~on CDIV
Marini IRAS 01005+7910 PEPSI CDII-CDV 11min+11min   S/N~190 on CDII, 301~ on CDV
Marini IRAS 06556+1629 PEPSI CDI-CDIV   S/N~82 on CDI, ~300 on CDIV
Marini IRAS 06556+1629 PEPSI CDII-CDV     S/N~142 on CDII, ~287 on CDV
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3445234993180087040 PEPSI CD3-CD5   S/N~96 on CD3, ~141 on CD5
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451292752493726208 PEPSI CD3-CD5   S/N~119 on CD3, ~136 on CD5
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451170809783500288 PEPSI CD3-CD5   S/N~124 on CD3, ~203 on CD5
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451172592189387392 PEPSI CD3-CD5   S/N~98 on CD3, ~155 on CD5
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451194754222598656 PEPSI CD3-CD5   S/N~152 on CD3, ~188 on CD5
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451191799284183424 PEPSI CD3-CD5   S/N~132 on CD3, ~230 on CD5
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451195342636011392 PEPSI CD3-CD5   S/N~113 on CD3, ~179 on CD5
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451194307546000000 PEPSI CD3-CD5   S/N~109 on CD3, ~133 on CD5
Detailed log at this link:

Further details in the Log by Alex Backer at this link:

Summary of LBC science files:

Summary of PEPSI science files:

INAF queue observing, 2023 September 18 - September 19

Observer: Andrea Rossi, Simona Paiano, Ester Marini
Support: Alex Becker
Telescope operator : David Gonzalez Huerta
Instrument: LBC, PEPSI


These observations have been performed for the first half of the night by Andrea Rossi and LBTO personnel, and for the second half by LBTO team under the supervision of Simona Paiano.

At sunset the sky is clear, we can open. We start with LBC. For technical problems we switch to PEPSI at about midnight, see logs for details.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 02:15 - 12:15 UT = * 10h* * 00m*
Observing time: 7h 55min (%)*
Weather time loss: 0h 5min (%)*
Technical time loss: 2h 0min (%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
calib imaging flat MODS1-2 u,g,r,i    
calib sky flat LBC Bino Uspec,B-Bessel + YFan, V-Bessel    
Vito J2216-0016 LBCblue+LBCred r+Y 30+30m only Y is ok
Vito J2216-0016 LBCblue+LBCred r+z 30+30m  
Vito J005006 LBCblue+LBCred r+i XXm+XXm script stopped due to bad seeing ( >1.1)
Maiorano GRB210722A LBCblue+LBCred r+z 0.67h+0.67h 2 times (not completed due to LBC issue)
Marini IRAS 22023+5249 PEPSI CDI-CDIV 1.37hr S/N~92 on CDI, ~224 on CDIV first exposure of 24minutes -
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451181353923720320 PEPSI CD3-CD5 0.07hr S/N~102 on CD3, ~181 on CD5
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451181353923720320 PEPSI CD1-CD6 0.13hr S/N~67 on CD1, ~235 on CD6
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451181353923720320 PEPSI CD1-CD4 0.13hr S/N~68 on CD1, ~207 on CD4
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451181839259368832 PEPSI CD3-CD5 0.08hr S/N~100 on CD3, ~166 on CD5
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451182144197691904 PEPSI CD1-CD4 0.13hr S/N~66 on CD1, ~210 on CD4
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451182144197691904 PEPSI CD3-CD5 0.07hr S/N~112 on CD3, ~183 on CD5
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451182144197691904 PEPSI CD1-CD6 0.13hr S/N~60 on CD1, ~246 on CD6
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451180602308806016 PEPSI CD3-CD5 0.08hr S/N~99 on CD3, ~157 on CD5
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451180980265918208 PEPSI CD3-CD5 0.08hr S/N~95 on CD3, ~173 on CD5
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451180911546448768 PEPSI CD3-CD5 0.08hr S/N~102 on CD3, ~165 on CD5
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451181873619102208 PEPSI CD3-CD5 0.07hr S/N~87 on CD3, ~150 on CD5
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451218501099562752 PEPSI CD1-CD4 0.13hr S/N~67 on CD1, ~250 on CD4
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451218501099562752 PEPSI CD1-CD6 0.13hr S/N~71 on CD1, ~268 on CD6
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451218501099562752 PEPSI CD3-CD5 0.07hr S/N~114 on CD3, ~191 on CD5
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451181152064582272 PEPSI CD3-CD5 0.09hr S/N~88 on CD3, ~141 on CD5
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451180838527642496 PEPSI CD3-CD5 0.07hr S/N~104 on CD3, ~174 on CD5
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451204615466584832 PEPSI CD3-CD5 0.125hr S/N~117 on CD3, ~133 on CD5
Detailed log at this link:

Further details in the Log by Alex Backer at this link:

Summary of LBC science files:

Summary of LBC calib files:

Summary of MODS calib files:

Summary of PEPSI science files:

INAF queue observing, 2023 September 19 - September 20

Observer: Felice Cusano, Ester Marini and Simona Paiano
Support: Alex Becker
Telescope operator : Josh Williams
Instrument: LBC, MODS


These observations have been performed for the first half of the night by Felice Cusano and LBTO personnel, and for the second half by LBTO team under the supervision of Simona Paiano.

At sunset the sky is clear, we can open. We start with LBC. Very good seeing during the night. Switch to MODS 3 hours before morning twilight for the program of Pentericci

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 02:15 - 12:15 UT = * 10h* * 00m*
Observing time: 10h 0min (100%)*
Weather time loss: 0h 0min (%)*
Technical time loss: 0h 0min (%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
LBC skyflat LBCblue+LBCred Uspec,B-Bessel +YFan,r-sloan    
Giunta 2017TF2 LBCblue+LBCred g,r+i,z 12+12m  
Vito J2216 LBCblue+LBCred r+z 30+30m completed r and z
Vito J2216 LBCblue+LBCred r+Y 30+30m completed Y
Vito J0050 LBCblue+LBCred r+i 1h+1h script number 2 and 3 r+i completed, FWHM ~0.7"
Vito J0050 LBCblue+LBCred r+z 0.83h+0.83h script number 1 stopped at 50/60 because we were close to the zenith, FWHM ~0.7"
Vito J013603 LBCblue+LBCred r+i 30min+30min script number 1 done
Pentericci UDS1 MODS1+2 blue grating 4hr script *_1 done (seeing>1" for 10 minutes of the third exp), script *_2 done.
STD GD71 MODS1+2 blue grating   for Pentericci
Detailed log at this link:

Further details in the Log by Alex Backer at this link:

Summary of LBC science files:

Summary of LBC calibration files:

Summary of MODS science files:

-- EsterMarini - 21 Sep 2023

INAF queue observing, 2023 September 20 - September 21

Observer: Ester Marini and Andrea Rossi
Support: Alex Becker
Telescope operator : Josh Williams
Instrument: MODS BINO


These observations have been performed for the first half by LBTO team under the supervision of Ester Marini and for the second half by Andrea Rossi

At sunset the sky is covered by thick clouds, humidity 70%, T 7.6°C, we stay closed all night for high humidity and clouds.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 02:15 - 12:15 UT = * 10h* * 00m*
Observing time: 0h 0min (%)*
Weather time loss: 10h 0min (100%)*
Technical time loss: 0h 0min (%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
calib   MODS1+2      
Detailed log at this link:

Further details in the Log by Alex Backer at this link:

Summary of MODS calib files:
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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