INAF queue observing, 2023 May 27 - May 28

Observer: Ester Marini, Felice Cusano
Telescope Operator: Steve Allanson
SA : Jennifer Power
Instrument: MODS


These observations have been performed by Ester Marini and Felice Cusano from the summit of the LBT.
At sunset the sky is clear and wind is below the limit. We start with MODS.
It was a good night with no clouds. Some parts of the night were affected by variable seeing

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 03:40 - 11:10 UT = * 7h* * 30m*
Observing time: 7h 30min ( 100%)*
Weather time loss: 0h 0min ( 0%)*
Technical time loss: 0h 0min ( 0%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
Calibration slitflat MODS1-2 dual     1.2" slit flat
La Franca B2 0917+23 MODS1-2 dual grating 0.5/0.4hr   1 more exp due to variable seeing and the less efficiency of MODS1
STD Feige 34 MODS1-2 dual grating     for La Franca
Severgnini Mrk147 MODS1-2 dual grating     *_1, to be done again to due high seeing
Vietri J1421 MODS1-2 red+blue grating 1/1hr   seeing ~0.9-1.2", 1/4 of the spec is not usable because the target fell in the gap of the slit (see log for details)
STD Hz44 MODS1-2 red+blue grating     for Vietri
STD Hz44 MODS1-2 red grating     for Decarli
Vietri J1538 MODS1-2 red+blue grating 1/1hr   seeing ~0.9-1.2", 1/4 of the spec is not usable because the target fell in the gap of the slit (see log for details)
Ighina PSJ1638 MODS1-2 red grating 1.7/1.7hr   seeing ~0.9-1.2"
Decarli PSO009.61 MODS1-2 red grating 0.33/0.33hr   seeing ~1.5"
Decarli PSO331.93 MODS1-2 red grating 0.33/0.33hr   seeing ~1.5-1.2"
Giannini Gaia23bab MODS1-2 dual grating 0.5/0.5hr   seeing ~0.7"
Giannini Gaia23bab MODS1-2 dual ima- ugriz 0.05/0.05hr   seeing ~0.7"
Calibration slitflat MODS1-2 dual     0.8" slit flat
Calibration slitflat MODS1-2 red     0.6" slit flat
Calibration slitflat MODS1-2 blue     0.6" slit flat
Calibration slitflat MODS1-2 red     1.2" slit flat
Calibration slitflat MODS1-2 red     1.0" slit flat
Detailed log by Felice and Ester at this link:

Summary of MODS science files:
Summary of MODS calib files:
more MODS calib made by Jenny before our run:
LUCI darks by A. Cardwell for all the LUCI programs:

INAF queue observing, 2023 May 28 - May 29

Observer: Ester Marini, Felice Cusano
Telescope Operator: Steve Allanson
SA : Jennifer Power
Instrument: MODS


These observations have been performed by Ester Marini and Felice Cusano from the summit of the LBT.
At sunset the sky is clear and we can open. A problem occurred in initializing the camera in LUCI1, with the camera stuck in N30 position. Dave and Jenny tried to solve it but without success, LUCI cannot be used tonight. We used MODS for the whole night.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 03:40 - 11:10 UT = * 7h* * 30m*
Observing time: 7h 30min ( 100%)*
Weather time loss: 0h 0min ( 0%)*
Technical time loss: 0h 0min ( 0%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
Calibration dual imag flats MODS1-2        
Severgnini Mrk147 dual grating MODS1-2 0.41/0.33hr   *_1, *_2 done, we took 1 more exp of *_1 since we started very early in the night, seeing ~0.8"
Severgnini Mrk22 dual grating MODS1-2 1.33/   seeing ~ 0.8-1.1"
Vietri J1421 red+blue grating MODS1-2 0.25hr   seeing ~ 0.7" , we did the 1/4 exp that we missed yesterday night
Severgnini Mrk153 dual grating MODS1-2 0.5/0.5hr   *_1, *_2, *_3 done, average seeing ~1.1"
Vietri J1538 red+blue grating MODS1-2 0.25hr   seeing ~ 0.8-1.1", we did the 1/4 exp that we missed yesterday night
Ighina PSJ1321 red grating MODS1-2 2/2hr   variable seeing ~ 1-1.5", done with the 1" slit
Giannini Gaia23bab MODS1-2 dual ima - ugriz 0.05/0.05hr   seeing ~ 1"
STD BD+33 MODS1-2 red-blue grating     for Vietri
STD BD+33 MODS1-2 dual grating      
Giannini Gaia20cwd MODS1-2 dual grating 0.5/0.5hr   average seeing ~ 1.2"
Giannini Gaia20cwd MODS1-2 dual ima - ugriz 0.1/0.1hr   seeing ~ 0.8-1"
Severgnini Mrk306 dual grating MODS1-2 0.75/0.75hr   average seeing ~ 1", with 1.3" during the first exp, but we could not take additional exp because we were pointing to te east
CALIB flat ima LUCI2 KS     for Gilli_AO
CALIB flat ima LUCI2 K     for Severgnini_AO
CALIB flat ima LUCI2 H2,H,J     for Caratti_DDT AO
CALIB flat ima LUCI2 JH     for Palazzi
CALIB flat arc LUCI2 G210 - K     for Caratti_AO
Detailed log by Felice and Ester at this link:

Summary of MODS science files:

Summary of LUCI calib files:

INAF queue observing, 2023 May 29 - May 30

Observer: Ester Marini, Felice Cusano
Telescope Operator: Steve Allanson
SA : Dave Thompson
Instrument: LUCI


These observations have been performed by Ester Marini and Felice Cusano from the summit of the LBT.
LUCI1 is still not available for tonight. At the sunset the sky is clear, we will start with LUCI2+A0. It was a good night with no clouds and a very good seeing (>1") for most of the time.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 03:40 - 11:10 UT = * 7h* * 30m*
Observing time: 7h 10min (95.5%)*
Weather time loss: 0h 0min ( 0%)*
Technical time loss: 0h 20min ( 4.5%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
Gilli FRII LUCI2+A0 Ks 0.85 hr   --completed-- fwhm on image ~0.1"
Severgnini J1630 LUCI2+A0 K 1.46hr   --completed-- fwhm on image ~0.08"
Caratti Mol 77 LUCI2+A0 J, H 0.27hr   fwhm on image ~0.08 10 imag with J were already taken in run 88 --completed--
Caratti Mol 77 LUCI2+ESM G210/K 1.25hr   fwhm on image ~0.08
Telluric HIP90367 LUCI2+ESM G210/K     for Caratti, luci2.20230530.0187.fits has the wrong central wavelength, it must not be used
STD HD205824 LUCI2 G210/K     for Caratti
STD GSPC P576-F LUCI2 J,H,Ks     for Caratti
Giannini Gaia23bab LUCI2-ima J,H,Ks   0.03hr  
Giannini Gaia23bab LUCI2 G200- HK,zj 0.19hr   did only 2 exp with zj and 2 with HK, so that we could do also the telluric before the end of the night
Telluric HD177085 LUCI2 G200- HK,zj     for Giannini
CALIB flat ima and arcs LUCI2 H,J,Ks - G200- HK,zj     for Giannini, bad images from *.0253 to *.0257
Detailed log by Felice and Ester at this link:

Summary of LUCI science files:

Summary of LUCI calib files:

INAF queue observing, 2023 May 30 - May 31

Observer: Ester Marini, Felice Cusano
Support: Dave Thompson
Telescope operator : John Hill !
Instrument: MODS/LUCI


These observations have been performed by Ester Marini and Felice Cusano from the summit of the LBT.
LUCI1 is back to operation.

At sunset the sky is clear and the wind is below the limit. We open and we start with MODS.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 03:40 - 11:10 UT = * 7h* * 30m*
Observing time: 7h 05min (94.4%)*
Weather time loss: 0h 0min ( 0%)*
Technical time loss: 0h 25min (5.6%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
CALIB flat arc LUCI1+2 G200/HK     for Bisogni
CALIB flat arc LUCI1+2 G200/zJ     for Bisogni
Severgnini Mrk1431 MODS1+2 dual grating 0.33h   completed
Severgnini Mrk38 MODS1+2 dual grating 0.67h   completed
Severgnini Mrk219 MODS1+2 dual grating 0.33h   acq_2 completed target
Ighina PSJ1521 MODS1+2 red grating 1.9hr   completed
Ricci 1ES MODS1+2 dual grating 6min + 6min   completed
Ricci 1ES MODS1+2 imaging 1min + 1min   g , r filter
STD BD+33 MODS1+2 dual grating     for Ricci
Bisogni N8 LUCI1+2 G200/HK 1/2hr   did 6 exp out of 15, to be completed
Telluric HIP71172 LUCI1+2 G200/HK     for Bisogni
Rossi-DDT GRB221009A LUCI1+2 ima HK 2hr    
CALIB flats LUCI1+2 ima JHK     for Rossi, Bisogni, Palazzi
CALIB flats LUCI1+2 ima Ks     for Giannini
CALIB flat arcs LUCI1+2 G200/HK     for Giannini
CALIB flat arcs LUCI1+2 G200/zJ     for Giannini
Detailed log by Felice and Ester at this link:

Summary of MODS science files:

Summary of LUCI science files:

Summary of LUCI calib files:

-- EsterMarini - 02 Jun 2023

-- EsterMarini - 01 Jun 2023

INAF queue observing, 2023 May 31 - June 01

Observer: Ester Marini, Felice Cusano
Telescope Operator: John Hill
Support astronomer: Dave Thompson
Instrument: LBC


These observations have been performed by Ester Marini and Felice Cusano from the summit of the LBT.

At sunset the sky is clear and the wind is below the limit. We open and we start with LBC.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 03:40 - 11:10 UT = * 7h* * 30m*
Observing time: 7h 20min (97.7)*
Weather time loss: 0h 0min ( %)*
Technical time loss: 0h 10min ( 2.3%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
CALIB flats LBC BINO g i     PA=0,180, for Giunta
Giunta P11F LBC BINO gi,rz 1.07hr   fwhm on image ~1.4" on the blue, ~1.8" on the red (<2" in the last images)
Rossi GRB230205A LBC BINO rz 0.67hr   fwhm on image in the requirement (<=1.2"), see the log for the details
TELLURIC HIP 62745 LUCI1+2 G200/HK     for Bisogni
Bisogni N3 LUCI1+2 G200/HK 2.33hr   took 4 exp more due to bad seeing
Bisogni N1 LUCI1+2 G200/HK 1.5hr   last exp with bad seeing (~1.8")
TELLURIC HIP 68767 LUCI1+2 G200/HK     for Bisogni
TELLURIC HD177085 LUCI1+2 G200/zj,HK     for Giannini
Giannini Gaia23bab LUCI1+2 G200/zj,HK 0.75hr   completed, seeing~ 1-1.2"
Giannini Gaia23bab LUCI1+2-ima J,H,Ks      
TELLURIC HD189411 LUCI1+2 G200/zj,HK     for Giannini
Giannini Gaia20cwd LUCI1+2 G200/zj,HK 1hr   seeing~1-1.2"
Giannini Gaia20cwd LUCI1+2-ima J,H,Ks 0.06    
TELLURIC HD167163 LUCI1+2 G200/zj,HK     for Giannini
CALIB bias LBC BINO       for Giunta
Detailed log by Felice and Ester at this link:

Summary of LBC science files:

Summary of LUCI science files:

Summary of LBC calib files:

INAF queue observing, 2023 Jun 01 - Jun 02

Observer: Ester Marini, Felice Cusano
Support: Dave Thompson
Telescope operator : John Hill !
Instrument: PEPSI


These observations have been performed by Ester Marini and Felice Cusano from the summit of the LBT.

At sunset the sky has thick clouds. We have to wait for the clouds moving away. We open at 06:43UT and since there are still some clouds we start with PEPSI.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 03:40 - 11:10 UT = * 7h* * 30m*
Observing time: 3h 10min (42.2%)*
Weather time loss: 4h 24min ( 57.8%)*
Technical time loss: 0h 0min (0%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
Marini HD341617/IRAS_18062+2410 PEPSI CD2-CD5     texp increased due to clouds. S/N= 310 on the red and 210 on the blue
Marini EM*StHA161/IRAS_19200+3457 PEPSI CD2-CD5     S/N 470 on the red 240 on the blue
Marini Min 1-92/IRAS_19343+2926 PEPSI CD2-CD5     S/N blue 70, red 243
Marini V1027 Cyg/IRAS_20004+2955 PEPSI CD2-CD5     S/N blue 181, red 1100
Marini EM*VES 351/IRAS_20572+4919 PEPSI CD2-CD5     S/N blue 102, red 394
Marini Hen1-5/IRAS_20097+2010 PEPSI CD2-CD5     S/N blue 72, red 146
Marini LS II+34 26/IRAS_20462+3416 PEPSI CD2-CD5     S/N blue 113, red 233
Marini Min 1-92/IRAS_19343+2926 PEPSI CD2-CD5     S/N blue 45, red 161, done again with texp halved to reach the requested S/N
Marini EM*GGR44/IRAS_22023+5249 PEPSI CD2-CD5     S/N blue 122, red 284
Detailed log by Felice and Ester at this link:

INAF queue observing, 2023 June 02 - June 03

Observer: Ester Marini, Felice Cusano
Support: Dave Thompson
Telescope operator : John Hill !
Instrument: LUCI/PEPSI


These observations have been performed by Ester Marini and Felice Cusano from the summit of the LBT.

At sunset the sky is clear and the wind is below the limit. We open and we start the night with LUCI.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 03:40 - 11:10 UT = * 7h* * 30m*
Observing time: 6h 35min (87.8%)*
Weather time loss: 0h 0min ( 0%)*
Technical time loss: 0h 55min (12.2%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
Palazzi SLSN2020abjc LUCI1+2 J ima 1.5hr   seeing ~0.8-1"
TELLURIC HIP68767 LUCI1+2 G200/HK     for Piconcelli
Piconcelli J1359 LUCI1+2 G200/HK 1.37hr   seeing ~ 0.7"
TELLURIC HIP64248 LUCI1+2 G200/zj     for Bisogni
Bisogni N6 LUCI1+2 G200/zj 1.7hr   seeing ~0.7"
TELLURIC HIP71172 LUCI1+2 G200/HK     for Bisogni
Bisogni N8 LUCI1+2 G200/HK 1hr   completed, seeing ~0.7"
Marini LS4331/IRAS_17381-1616 PEPSI CD2-CD5 1.2hr   S/N 110 on the blue, 253 on the red
Cusano Gaia21dnc PEPSI CD2-CD5 2hr   S/N 70 on the blue, 174 on the red
Cusano Gaia21dnc PEPSI CD2-CD6 0.47hr   stopped for high background, S/N 23 on the blue, 70 on the red
Detailed log by Felice and Ester at this link:

Summary of LUCI science files:

-- EsterMarini - 04 Jun 2023

INAF queue observing, 2023 June 03 - June 04

Observer: Ester Marini, Felice Cusano
Support: Dave Thompson
Telescope operator : John Hill !
Instrument: LUCI/MODS


These observations have been performed by Ester Marini and Felice Cusano from the summit of the LBT.

At sunset the sky is clear and the wind is below the limit. We open and we start the night with LUCI.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 03:40 - 11:10 UT = * 7h* * 30m*
Observing time: 7h 08min (95.1%)*
Weather time loss: 0h 0min ( 0%)*
Technical time loss: 0h 22min (4.8%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
TELLURIC HIP52192 LUCI1+2 G200/HK     for Bisogni
Bisogni N5 LUCI1+2 G200/HK 1.5"   seeing~ 0.7-1"
TELLURIC HIP68767 LUCI1+2 G200/zj     for Bisogni
Bisogni N2 LUCI1+2 G200/zj 0.67hr   seeing~ 0.7-0.9"
TELLURIC HD167163 LUCI1+2 G200/zj-HK     for Giannini
Giannini Gaia21aul LUCI1+2 G200/zj-HK 0.25hr/1hr   we decreased exposure times because the first spectra saturated, seeing variable 0.9-1.5"
Giannini Gaia21faq LUCI1+2 G200/zj-HK 1hr   seeing variable up to 2.5", see log for the details
Giannini Gaia21faq LUCI1+2 ima J,H,Ks 0.06hr   seeing variable, see log for the details
TELLURIC BD+384404 LUCI1+2 G200/zj-HK     for Giannini
Giannini Gaia21aul MODS1+2 dual grating 0.17/0.5hr   decreased exp time because the target was too bright
Giannini Gaia21aul MODS1+2 ima ugriz      
Giannini Gaia21faq MODS1+2 dual grating 0.5hr   seeing ~ 0.7-1"
Giannini Gaia21faq MODS1+2 ima ugriz      
Severgnini Mrk930 MODS1+2 dual grating 0.33hr   *_1, *_2 done, seeing between 1" and 1.2"
Decarli PSO308.19 MODS1+2 red grating 0.5/0.33hr   seeing ~1.3", added one more integration because we could not see any trace of the spectrum
STD BD+28 MODS1+2 dual grating      
Detailed log by Felice and Ester at this link:

Summary of MODS science files:

Summary of LUCI science files:
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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