-- EsterMarini - 18 Apr 2023

INAF queue observing, 2023 Apr 17 - Apr 18

Observer: Felice Cusano and Olga Kuhn
Telescope Operator: Steve Allanson
Astronomers from Italy: Felice Cusano, Ester Marini, Andrea Rossi, Simona Paiano
Instrument: LUCI-BINO


These observations have been performed by Felice Cusano connected from Italy with the support of Ester Marini, Simona Paiano and the LBTO personnel.
At sunset the sky is clear and the wind is well below the limit. We open.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 02:50 - 11:50 UT = * 9h* * 00m*
Observing time: 8 h 30 min (94.4 %)*
Weather time loss: 0 h 30 min (5.6 %)*
Technical time loss: 0 h 0 min (0 %)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
STD HD106038 LUCI1+2 G210+K     for La Barbera
STD HD106038 LUCI1+2 G210+H     for La Barbera
STD HD106038 LUCI1+2 G200+zJ     for La Barbera
Telluric HIP62745 LUCI1+2 G210+K     for La Barbera
La Barbera M87 LUCI1+2 G210+K 1.45/1.45h   seeing ~ 0.8-1" , K band completed
Telluric HIP62745 LUCI1+2 G210+K     for La Barbera
Telluric HIP62745 LUCI1+2 G210+H     for La Barbera
La Barbera M87 LUCI1+2 G210+H 1.45h/1.45h   seeing ~1" , H band completed
Telluric HIP62745 LUCI1+2 G210+H     for La Barbera
Telluric HIP71172 LUCI1+2 G200+zJ     for Bisogni
Bisogni W5 LUCI1+2 G200+zJ 1.66/1.33h   seeing ~1", we took 2 exp more (first of them is not useful) since we had the LUCI1/AGw patrol field issue
Severgnini Mrk219 MODS1+2 dual grating 0.33/0.66h   only *_1 done. Seeing is to high for this program ~1.1-1.5"
STD HZ44 MODS1+2 dual grating     only 2/3 exposures done, since we close for high particle counts
STD HZ44 MODS1+2 red grating     for Ighina and Decarli
Decarli PSO254.74 MODS1+2 red grating     seeing ~1.2"
Ighina PSJ1645 MODS1+2 red grating 1.5/2h   done with 1" slit, seeing variable see the log for details. Took 3 out of 4 exps for high background
calib arc and flat LUCI1+2 G200+zJ     slit 1"
calib arc and flat LUCI1+2 G210+H and K     slit 0.5"
calib imag flat LUCI1+2 H and K      
calib arc, flat and slitless MODS1+2 dual, red      
Detailed log by Ester and Felice at this link:


Detailed log by Olga Kuhn at this link:


Summary of LUCI science files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FXyxBCFb5fxhMmLi_OzRzBLDqVzz8CCM/view?usp=sharing
Summary of LUCI calib files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b23BSya0zvTHd6YdP5dnWUFQdWBSlK5M/view?usp=sharing

Summary of MODS science files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pcuOXNRnALmnmLPyN8vtvOlK24_5uVuL/view?usp=sharing
Summary of MODS calib files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V7vDpJrEg7u8Ku0Lq9-fvI3vweGxZxgu/view?usp=sharing

INAF queue observing, 2023 Apr 18 - Apr 19

Observer: Felice Cusano and Olga Kuhn
Telescope Operator: David Gonzales Huerta
Astronomers from Italy: Felice Cusano, Ester Marini, Andrea Rossi, Simona Paiano
Instrument: LUCI-BINO


These observations have been performed by Felice Cusano connected from Italy with the support of Ester Marini, Simona Paiano and the LBTO personnel.
At sunset the sky is clear, we open and we start with LUCI-BINO. We have pointing restriction due to wind, we can not point S-W. At 8:40 closing for wind.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 02:50 - 11:50 UT = * 9h* * 00m*
Observing time: 5 h 30 min (61 %)*
Weather time loss: 2 h 30 min (28 %)*
Technical time loss: 1 h 0 min (11 %)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
STD HD106038 LUCI1+2 G200+zJ     for La Barbera
Telluric HIP62745 LUCI1+2 G200+zJ     for La Barbera
La Barbera M87 LUCI1+2 G200+zJ 3.6/3.6h   seeing ~ 0.8-1.3", done twice + a half, completed
Telluric HIP62745 LUCI1+2 G200+zJ     for La Barbera
STD HZ44 MODS1+2 dual grating     for Severgnini
STD HZ44 MODS1+2 red grating     for Decarli and Ighina
Decarli PSO153.35 MODS1+2 red grating 0.33/0.33h   seeing ~ 1"
Severgnini Mrk219 MODS1+2 dual grating 0.33/0.66h   seeing ~ 1", we did the first pointing only because we closed for high wind
calib dark LUCI1+2        
calib arc and lamp LUCI1+2 G200ZJ     slit 0.5"
Detailed log by Ester and Felice at this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nunwaR-BoFrwDF2dhiC_duXBUD_vVVBu/view?usp=sharing

Detailed log by Olga Kuhn at this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lVFiJNNSgThfUyTQn_DroIcF7rHb6G-r/view?usp=sharing

Summary of LUCI science files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fDMdNSefXK8e7rNbJZ9ae4A9FHjAUbGz/view?usp=sharing
Summary of LUCI calib files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CICYnTnwLuFEUPhlBppAtCL4JW2N-jlw/view?usp=sharing

Summary of MODS science files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C5dchvEkywlsHojuTumtfQ7ei8GTfEd5/view?usp=sharing

INAF queue observing, 2023 Apr 19 - Apr 20

Observer: Felice Cusano and Olga Kuhn
Telescope Operator: David Gonzales Huerta
Astronomers from Italy: Felice Cusano, Ester Marini, Andrea Rossi, Simona Paiano
Instrument: LUCI-BINO


These observations have been performed by Felice Cusano connected from Italy with the support of Ester Marini, Simona Paiano and the LBTO personnel.
At sunset the sky is cloudy and we start with MODS1+2.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 02:50 - 11:50 UT = * 9h* * 00m*
Observing time: 7 h 0 min (78 %)*
Weather time loss: 1 h 40 min (18 %)*
Technical time loss: 0 h 20 min (4 %)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
Decarli PSO119.42 MODS1+2 red grating 1h/0.5h   variable seeing up to ~2" , 3 more exposures due to clouds, 3mag of ext
Decarli PSO186.19 MODS1+2 red grating 0.66/0.33h   variable seeing with peaks at ~2", 1.5mag of ext so we took 2 more exps
Ighina PSJ1505 MODS1+2 red grating 3h/2h   seeing variable between 1" and 2", we took two exposures more. Seeing 0.8-1" in the last two
Ighina PSJ1645 MODS1+2 red grating 1h/1h   seeing ~ 0.8-1.1", we finished the script started the previous nights and we also took one more exposure (the seeing was bad the previous time)
Ighina PSJ1634 MODS1+2 red grating 1.3h/1.3h   seeing ~ 0.8-1"
Ighina PSJ1802 MODS1+2 red grating 1.4h/1.4h   seeing variable, during the first part ~ 1.2", then better; last exposure could have an higher background
calibration bias MODS1+2        
calibration slit flat MODS1+2 red and dual     slit 0.8", 1"
Detailed log by Ester, Felice and Simona at this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_ycSpXEQbxn3HIoAKgGbR3Cl-AqAJEgS/view?usp=sharing

Detailed log by Olga Kuhn at this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lL1BvW3QsEmqJ1KMIgtaPuSRZfvuury2/view?usp=sharing

Summary of MODS science files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DwcBZzjAugG8Hnx5IXPaLpwFPoKUyK70/view?usp=sharing
Summary of MODS calib files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H4mhfqUTvcwgvbz85Qspn5jFS2qQ0SpA/view?usp=sharing

INAF queue observing, 2023 Apr 20 - Apr 21

Observer: Olga Kuhn
Telescope Operator: David Gonzales Huerta
Astronomers from Italy: Felice Cusano, Ester Marini, Andrea Rossi, Simona Paiano
Instrument: MODS-BINO, LBC


These observations have been performed by Olga Kuhn from LBTO, Andrea Rossi and then Felice Cusano connected from Italy with the support of Ester Marini and Simona Paiano and other LBTO personnel.
At sunset the sky is clear and wind is from NW but within constraints. We start with MODS1+2.
We switch to LBC to complete Belladitta, but conditions were not good enough for this program, so we had to go back to MODS.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 02:50 - 11:50 UT = * 9h* * 00m*
Observing time: 9 h 0 min (100 %)*
Weather time loss: 0 h 0 min (0 %)*
Technical time loss: 0 h 0 min (0 %)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
STD Feige34 MODS1+2 red grating     for Ighina and Decarli
STD Feige34 MODS1+2 dual grating     for Mazzolari and Severgnini
Mazzolari ID774 MODS1+2 dual grating 2.5h/2h   this was done for the problem occurred on MODS1. We took one more exposure due to bad seeing during the first and second one
Belladitta_LBTB J1037 LBC-BINO   0.6h   has to be done again, FWHM on image ~2"
D'Onofrio NGC4307 LBC-BINO   0.5h/1.5h   done NGC4307_g_r_1.xml with fwhm=1", second obs stopped for high seeing
Decarli PSO0234.55 MODS1+2 red grating 2X(0.16h+0.16h)   Seeing~1.3" double exp time for variable seeing completed
Decarli PSO0250.58 MODS1+2 red grating (0.25h+0.25h)   Seeing~1"
Decarli PSO0262.67 MODS1+2 red grating (0.25h+0.25h)   Seeing~1"
Ighina PSJ1614 MODS1+2 red grating (0.6h+0.6h)   Used slit = 1" , Seeing~1" completed
calibration   MODS1+2 dual grating     slit 1.2"
calibration Bias LBC-Bino        
Detailed log by Andrea, Ester, Felice and Simona at this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BEHfNokHN3HgdMEhtsHT391WrVeySt_e/view?usp=sharing

Detailed log by Olga Kuhn at this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l9xv5NoCNtALmDGOYTXAvuq0iKOnaXQl/view?usp=sharing

Summary of MODS science files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1s1sRwl4JPHBTLIhGLbG9RDAX33pR_rcw/view?usp=sharing
Summary of MODS calib files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ixHtY8Ve_WdfMrSCQIOXFlFYVdyyHVl5/view?usp=sharing

Summary of LBC science files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dS2EJxOUEz0fr6jMIL7RcB6CfkA9tUjB/view?usp=sharing
Summary of LBC calib files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pVMR39j_x9o3K35okTqJdQHxdlPkx55Q/view?usp=sharing

INAF queue observing, 2023 Apr 21 - Apr 22

Observer: Olga Kuhn
Telescope Operator: David Gonzales Huerta
Astronomers from Italy: Felice Cusano, Ester Marini
Instrument: LBC, LUCI


These observations have been performed by Olga Kuhn from LBTO, Andrea Rossi and then Felice Cusano connected from Italy with the support of Ester Marini and Simona Paiano and other LBTO personnel.
At sunset the sky is clear and wind should be not a problem tonight. We start with LBC. Seeing improved during the night.
Completed Belladitta r+z and Vito DDT. Switch to LUCI at 8:40.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 02:50 - 11:50 UT = * 9h* * 00m*
Observing time: 8 h 30 min (95 %)*
Weather time loss: 0 h 0 min (0 %)*
Technical time loss: 0 h 30 min (5 %)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
D'onofrio NGC4307 LBC-Bino g+r 0.5h+0.5h    
Belladitta J1037 LBC-Bino r+z     completed. IQ not good in the first set of images, I less then 1" for the rest. See the log for the detailed IQs on the following images
Belladitta J1037 LBC-Bino r+y     stopped at 6/20 images
Vito J1641 LBC-Bino r+z     IQ on images <1"
Piconcelli_18 J1245 LUCI-BINO G200 - zJspec 0.25h+0.25h   seeing ~0.9-1" completed
telluric HIP62745 LUCI-BINO G200 - zJspec     seeing ~0.9-1"
Piconcelli_10 J1359 LUCI-BINO G200 - HKspec 0.75h+0.75h   seeing variable between 1" and 2"
calib skyflat LBC-Bino g+r; r+z      
calib bias LBC-Bino       bino bias
calib arc and lamp LUCI-BINO G200 - HKspec, zJspec     calib for Piconcelli
Detailed log by Felice and Ester at this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dU6ROsrry1RJXrTJcC160IJtE-clzlor/view?usp=sharing

Detailed log by Olga Kuhn at this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aH155L9sxGsXalnTZ2vaHpSs4VFuqgB0/view?usp=sharing

Summary of LBC science files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15P8LMR674Op4eSjtixmVb_f3FY0Jsg8M/view?usp=sharing
Summary of LBC calib files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fW_QZCQhS1S-d9RT0NNKrSn8atzz64PD/view?usp=sharing

Summary of LUCI science files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CT-eTljg6FpmfRi_NyHtheBnas6rTRo9/view?usp=sharing
Summary of LUCI calib files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gTLB1V1gIEvoB4XSILnInkNbSHkBkLL7/view?usp=sharing
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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