INAF queue observing, 2022 May 26 - May 27
Observer: B. Rothberg
Telescope Operator: J. Williamns
Astronomers from Italy: Felice Cusano , Simona Paiano
Instrument: LBC
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation these observations have been performed by LBTO personel
through the indications of LBT Italian observers (F. Cusano, A. Rossi, S. Paiano and E. Marini) connected from Italy.
At the sunset the sky is clear.
Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 03:20 - 11:10 UT =
7 h 50 m
Observing time: 07h 25min (%)*
Weather time loss: 00h 00min (%)*
Technical time loss: 00h 25min (%)*
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
Calibration - Izzo |
dark_20NDIT+24NDITx2p51_bino |
Calibration - Piconcelli |
LUCI1-2 LS |
Calibration - Mannucci AO |
Calibration |
Bias |
LBC-Bino |
25 LBC-B 25 LBC-R / Seeing noise on the LBC-R biases |
Calibration -Rossi/Palazzi/Paiano |
Bias |
MODS1-2 LS |
bias1kx1k, bias3kx3k, bias8kx3k |
Calibration -Rossi/Palazzi/Paiano |
Flats |
MODS1-2 LS |
dual_slitless |
Calibration -Rossi/Palazzi/Paiano |
Arcs |
MODS1-2 LS |
dual_arcs, |
Calibration |
sky flats |
LBC-Bino |
U-Spec, g-sloan - z-sloan, I-Bessel |
Palazzi |
SLSN2020abjc |
LBC-Bino |
u,g - r,z |
0.35h+0.35h |
~seeing 0.8-1" |
Nardiello |
NGC5272 |
LBC-Bino |
B - I |
seeing~0.6-1", problem with LBC software 5-6images in the same position, we were not able to dither, changing target |
Nardiello |
NGC5466 |
LBC-Bino |
B - I |
0.75h+0.75h |
seeing~0.8", BI-1 done seeing~0.75", BI-2 done seeing=0.7" , BI-3 done seeing=0.8" |
Nardiello |
NGC5466 |
LBC-Bino |
U - V |
1.71h+1.71h |
seeing~0.8", UV-1 done seeing~0.6", UV-2 seeing=0.75" , UV-3 done seeing=0.8" (LBCR 074438 - double images - jump during exposure, no issues in the LBCB image) |
Vito |
J1641 |
LBC-Bino |
g+i |
1.0h+1.0h |
(g+i)_1->done, seeing~0.7", LBCR-085828 Scrambled image, (g+i)_2->, seeing~0.7" - seeing stable during the whole observation |
Giunta |
Twilight field |
LBC-Bino |
0.25h+0.25h |
search_twil_1, search_twil_2, search_twil_3 are done! |
Calibration |
Skyflats |
LBC-Bino |
Detailed log by Barry Rothberg at this link: