-- SimonaPaiano - 03 Nov 2021

INAF queue observing, 2021 November 02 - November 03

Observer: O. Kuhn
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Astronomers from Italy: Simona Paiano, Ester Marini, Andrea Rossi
Instrument: PEPSI, MODS


Due to the covid-19 pandemic situation these observations have been performed by LBTO personel
through the indications of LBT Italian observers (F. Cusano, A. Rossi, S. Paiano and E. Marini) connected from Italy.

At the sunset the sky is cloudy. We open. The sky is clear with good conditions starting from 3 UT

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 01:20 - 12:45 UT = 11 h 25m
Observing time: 11 h 15 min (98%)*
Weather time loss: 0 h 10 min (2%)*
Technical time loss: 0 h 00 min (0%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
CALIB slitlessflat MODS1-2 dualgrating   mods[1,2]r.0003-0007 -mods[1,2]b.0003-0012 Biazzo
CALIB arcs MODS1-2 dualgrating   mods[1,2]r.0008-0010 -mods[1,2]b.0013-0015 Paiano
Cusano Gaia21efs PEPSI1-2 D300/CD2-5     S/N(blue)~60, S/N(red)~250, seeing~0.5"
Ripepi UCAC4 592-100381 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-5     S/N(blue)~70, S/N(red)~220
Ripepi NSVS 8394284 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-5     S/N(blue)~70, S/N(red)~220
Ripepi NSVS 1246854 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-5     S/N(blue)~170, S/N(red)~260
Clementini TYC 3970-844-1 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD2-4     S/N(blue)~90, S/N(red)~190
Clementini GaiaDR2 1982512068675148032 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD2-4     S/N(blue)~70, S/N(red)~110
Rainer HAT-P-38 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD1-4     S/N(blue)~40, S/N(red)~210, seeing ~0.6-0.7"
Rainer HAT-P-38 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD2-5     S/N(blue)~105, S/N(red)~260
Rainer HAT-P-38 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-6     S/N(blue)~XXX, S/N(red)~245
Rainer K2-77 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD1-4     S/N(blue)~35, S/N(red)~220, seeing~0.6-0.7"
Rainer K2-77 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD2-5     S/N(blue)~80, S/N(red)~275
Rainer K2-77 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-6     S/N(blue)~150, S/N(red)~250, seeing~0.8"
Ripepi NSVS 4269811 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-5     S/N(blue)~62, S/N(red)~197
Ripepi UCAC4 660-036351 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-5     S/N(blue)~115, S/N(red)~234
Ripepi UCAC4 593-018905 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-5     S/N(blue)~219, S/N(red)~388
Clementini Gaia DR2 980773034927503104 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD2-4     S/N(blue)~80, S/N(red)~197
Bellazzini Gaia DR2 984532162102824576 PEPSI1-2 CD3-6     S/N(blue)~96, S/N(red)~160
Bellazzini Gaia DR2 3106245765814683264 PEPSI1-2 CD3-6     S/N(blue)~98 S/N(red)~146
Bellazzini Gaia DR2 670778131044371712 PEPSI1-2 CD3-6     S/N(blue)~84, S/N(red)~134
Biazzo Sh2-284 F3 MODS1+2 MOS dual ID590718 0.5+0.5h mods1r.0015-17,mods1b.0019-21,mods2r.0014-16,mods2b.0020-22 persistence in 1st spectra
Biazzo Sh2-284 F3 MODS1+2 MOS dual g,r 0.02h mods1r.0018-24,mods1b.0022-28,mods2r.0017-23,mods2b.0023-29 DIMM ~0.8"
Biazzo Sh2-284 F4 MODS1+2 MOS dual ID590925 0.5+0.5h mods1r.0029-31,mods1b.0029-31,mods2r.0028-30,mods2b.0030-32 a bit of persistence in 1st spectra
Biazzo Sh2-284 F4 MODS1+2 MOS dual g,r 0.02h mods1r.0032-38,mods1b.0032-38,mods2r.0031-37,mods2b.0033-39 DIMM ~0.8"
STD GD71 MODS1+2 dualgrating   mods1r.0041-43,mods1b.0039.41,mods2r.0040-42,mods2b.0040-42 for Biazzo
CALIB BIAS       mods1r.0044-52,mods1b.0042-50; mods2r.0043-51, mods2b.0043-51  
CALIB twilight flats MODS1+2 g+r   mods1r.0049-54,mods1b.0047-51; mods2r.0048-53,mods2b.0048-53 best for imaging
CALIB arcs,flat MODS1-2 MOS dualgrating ID 590718   mods1r.0059-67,mods1b.0057-65; mods2r.0058-66,mods2b.0058-66 Biazzo F3 repeated some, see log
CALIB arcs,flat MODS1-2 MOS dualgrating ID 590925   mods1r.0068-94,mods1b.0066-80; mods2r.0067-75,mods2b.0067-75 Biazzo F4 repeated some, see log
CALIB slitflat MODS1-2 dualgrating 5arcsec   mods1r.0095-97,mods1b.0082-87; mods2r.0076-78,mods2b.0076-81  
CALIB BIAS MODS1+2 3kx3k   mods1r.0098-102,mods1b.0088-92; mods2r.0079-83,mods2b.0082-86 imaging
Detailed log by Olga Kuhn at this link:


INAF queue observing, 2021 November 04 - November 05

Observer: O. Kuhn
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Astronomers from Italy: Felice Cusano, Simona Paiano, Ester Marini
Instrument: MODS


Due to the covid-19 pandemic situation these observations have been performed by LBTO personel
through the indications of LBT Italian observers (F. Cusano, A. Rossi, S. Paiano and E. Marini) connected from Italy.

At the sunset the sky is clear, starting observations at twilight.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 01:20 - 12:45 UT = 11 h 25m
Observing time: h min (100%)*
Weather time loss: 0 h min (0%)*
Technical time loss: 0 h 00 min (0%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
Standard Feige 110 MODS1-2 dualgrating   mods1-2.20211105[b4-6/r7-9]  
Paiano 4FGLJ2225 MODS1-2 imaging r,i 0.2h/0.2h mods1-2.20211105[r] seeing 0.6"
Paiano 4FGLJ2225 MODS1-2 dualgrating 2/2h mods1-2.20211105[b/r] completed seeing~0.7"
Giannini gaia18dvy MODS1-2 dualgrating 0.5/0.5h mods1-2.20211105[b/r] completed
Giannini gaia18dvy MODS1-2 imaging 0.03/0.03h mods1-2.20211105[b/r] completed
Standard Feige 110 MODS1-2 redgrating   mods1-2.20211105[b4-6/r7-9] for Saracco
Saracco RCS0221-03 MODS1-2 MOS redgrating ID560500 8h/8h mods1r-2r.20211105[0037-0052,0038-0053] m1 completed
Biazzo Sh2-284 F06 MODS1+2 MOS dual ID591758 1.3/1.3h mods1b.0018-21, mods1r.0056-0059 ; mods2b.0018-0021, mods2r.0057-0060 DIMM ~0.7", a bit of persistence, we took one more exposure of 600s
Biazzo Sh2-284 F06 MODS1+2 MOS dual g,r 0.07/0.07h mods1b.0022-0025, mods1r.0060-0063 ; mods2b.0022-0025, mods2r.0061-0064 FWHM on guider ~ 0.6”
Rossi GRB211023A MODS1+2 imaging g,r 0.13/0.13h mods1b.0026-0027, mods1r.0064-65 ; mods2b.0026-0027, mods2r.0065-0066 seeing~0.7-1"
Rossi GRB211023A MODS1+2 dualgrating 2/2h mods1b.0028-0031, mods1r.0071-0074 ; mods2b.0028-0031, mods2r.0072-0075 seeing~0.7" WFS
Rossi GRB211023B MODS1+2 imaging g+r 0.3/0.3h mods1b.0032-0034, mods1r.0075-0077 ; mods2b.0032-0034, mods2r.0076-0078 seeing~0.6" WFS, same trail on all 4 images from the first position, we took a third exposure of 180s
Detailed log by Olga Kuhn at this link:


INAF queue observing, 2021 November 05 - November 06

Observer: O. Kuhn
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Astronomers from Italy: Felice Cusano, Simona Paiano, Ester Marini
Instrument: MODS


Due to the covid-19 pandemic situation these observations have been performed by LBTO personel
through the indications of LBT Italian observers (F. Cusano, A. Rossi, S. Paiano and E. Marini) connected from Italy.

At the sunset the sky is clear, starting observations at twilight.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 01:20 - 12:45 UT = 11 h 25m
Observing time: 10h 25min (91%)*
Weather time loss: 1h 0min (9%)*
Technical time loss: h min (0%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
Standard Feige 110 MODS1-2 dualgrating   mods1/2b.0003-0005 ; mods1r.0020-0022 ; mods2r.0021-0023] for Giannini
Standard Feige 110 MODS1-2 redgrating   mods1r.0023-0025 ; mods2r.0024-0026 for Saracco
Giannini Gaia20cwd MODS1-2 dualgrating 0.5/0.5h mods1/2b.0006-0007, mods1/2r.0030-0031 seeing ~0.7" on guider
Giannini Gaia20cwd MODS1-2 imaging 0.02h mods1/2b.00XX-XX, mods1r.0035-0037 ; mods2r.00XX-00XX saturates with 60s exposure. Reduced to 10s
Giannini Gaia17bpi MODS1-2 dualgrating 0.5/0.5h mods1/2b.0014-15, mods1r.0044-0045 ; mods2r.0041-0042 seeing ~0.7" on guider
Giannini Gaia17bpi MODS1-2 imaging 0.1/0.1h(b); 0.12/0.1h(r) mods1/2b.0016-18, mods1r.0035-0037 ; mods2r.0043-0045 Repeat exposures at z and i with 20s
Giannini Gaia19pbg MODS1-2 dualgrating 0.3/0.3h mods1/2b.0019-0020, mods1r.0062-0063 ; mods2r.0059-0060 seeing ~0.7-0.8" on guider
Giannini Gaia19pbg MODS1-2 imaging 0.02h mods1/2b.0021-0023, mods1r.0064-0066 ; mods2r.0061-0063 Script edited with exptime 10s
Saracco RCS0221-03 MODS1-2 MOS redgrating IDID565554 8.5/8h mods1r.[0054-0058,0071-0082] ; mods2r.[0051-0055,0068-0079] some exp are affected by clouds (see below) so we took one more exp
Biazzo Sh2-284 F09 MODS1+2 MOS dual ID593011 2/2h mods1b.0024-26, mods1r.0086-0088 ; mods2b.0024-0026, mods2r.0084-0086 seeing~0.8-0.6"
Biazzo Sh2-284 F09 MODS1+2 MOS dual g,r 0.07/0.07h mods1/2b.0027-0030 ; mods1r.0089-0092 , mods2r.0087-0090 seeing~ 0.5”
Rossi GRB210919A MODS1+2 dualgrating 0.5h mods1b.0031, mods1r.0096 ; mods2b.0031, mods2r.0094 seeing~1", PI asked to do only one exp of 900s
Rossi GRB211023B MODS1+2 dualgrating 1.3/1.5h mods1/2b.0032-0034, mods1/2r.0101-0103 seeing~1.2" on guider, stopped 5mins before due to sky bright.
Detailed log by Olga Kuhn at this link:


Other notes

Exp Times for Giannini's imaging are related to non-saturated images.

Saracco's observations are affected by passing clouds. In particulare the exposures:

mods1r.0073 ; mods2r.0069-0070 ; mods1r.0076 ; mods2r.0073 (drop in the flux in the middle of the exposure for the latter two)

INAF queue observing, 2021 November 06 - November 07

Observer: O. Kuhn
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Astronomers from Italy: Andrea Rossi, Felice Cusano
Instrument: MODS, LBC


Due to the covid-19 pandemic situation these observations have been performed by LBTO personel
through the indications of LBT Italian observers (F. Cusano, A. Rossi, S. Paiano and E. Marini) connected from Italy.

At the sunset the sky is clear, starting observations at twilight.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 01:20 - 12:45 UT = 11 h 25m
Observing time: h min (%)*
Weather time loss: h 0min (%)*
Technical time loss: h min (%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
Giannini Gaia20eae MODS1-2 dualgrating LS 1.2" 0.5h mods1/2r.0016-17, mods1/2b.0001-02 DIMM<1"
Giannini Gaia20eae MODS1-2 dualgrating ugriz 0.1h mods1/2r.0018-20, mods1/2b.0003-05 DIMM<1"
Standard Feige 110 MODS1-2 dualgrating LS 5"   mods1/2r.0024-26, mods1/2b.0006-08  
Mannucci J011100.64+001807.1 MODS1-2 dualgrating LS 0.6"   mods1r.0031-32,mods2r.0030-31, mods1/2b.0009-10 DIMM~1" 1st visit
Mannucci J012534.99+385046.9 MODS1-2 dualgrating LS 0.6"   mods1r.0037-38,mods2r.0035-36, mods12b.0011-12 DIMM~1"
Mannucci J011302.70-100615.9 MODS1-2 dualgrating LS 0.6"   mods1r.0043-44,mods2r.0040-41, mods12b.0013-14 DIMM~1" 1st visit
Mannucci J011100.64+001807.1 MODS1-2 dualgrating LS 0.6"   mods1r.0049-50,mods2r.0045-46, mods12b.0015-16 DIMM<1" 2nd visit
Mannucci J011302.70-100615.9 MODS1-2 dualgrating LS 0.6"   mods1r.0055-56,mods2r.0050-51, mods12b.0017-18 DIMM~0.8" 2nd visit
Mannucci J011100.64+001807.1 MODS1-2 dualgrating LS 0.6"   mods1r.0061-62,mods2r.0056-57, mods12b.0019-20 3rd visit
Mannucci J011302.70-100615.9 MODS1-2 dualgrating LS 0.6"   mods1r.0066-67,mods2r.0061-62, mods12b.0021-22 DIMM~0.8" 3rd visit
Mannucci J011100.64+001807.1 MODS1-2 dualgrating LS 0.6"   mods1r.0071-72,mods2r.0066-67, mods12b.00-22-23 4th visit
Mannucci J011302.70-100615.9 MODS1-2 dualgrating LS 0.6"   mods1r.00,mods2r.00, mods12b.00 DIMM~1.2" 4th visit
Mannucci J011100.64+001807.1 MODS1-2 dualgrating LS 0.6"     5th visit
Mannucci J011302.70-100615.9 MODS1-2 dualgrating LS 0.6"     5th visit
Belladitta J0309 LBC-Bino r,i+z 1.5h,1h+0.5h   fwhm 0.7", very good seeing, high sky counts in z
Palazzi SLSN2020abjc LBC-Bino U,r,i,z 0.6h   still some high background
Rossi GRB221024 LBC-Bino r,z 0.67h    
Giunta 2014FO47 LBC-Bino g,r,i,z 0.12h    
Giunta ztf LBC-Bino g,r,i,z 0.03h    
Calibration sky flat LBC-Bino        
Calibration flat MODS-Bino       for 0.6" slit
Detailed log by Olga Kuhn at this link:

Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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