INAF queue observing, 2021 Jan 28 - Jan 29
Observer: A. Cardwell
Telescope Operator: J. Williams
Astronomers from Italy: A. Rossi, F. Cusano
Instrument: LUCI-BINO
Due to the covid-19 pandemic situation these observations have been performed by LBTO personel
through the indications of LBT Italian observers (A. Rossi and F. Cusano) connected from Italy.
At the sunset the sky is completely covered by clouds. Wing gusts above the limit, we stay closed.
Night duration (12 degree el twilight) 01:45 - 13:20 UT =
11 h 35m
Observing time:
h min ( %)
Weather time loss:
11h 35min (100%)
technical time loss
h 00min ( %)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
Darks |
cal |
Gargiulo, Saxena, DiCriscienzo, D'avanzo, Antoniucci |
Flats |
cal |
Gargiulo, Saxena, DiCriscienzo, D'avanzo, Antoniucci, Nardini, Polletta(only MOS) |
Detailed log of the nigh by A. Cardwell at this link:
INAF queue observing, 2021 Jan 29 - Jan 30
Observer: A. Cardwell
Telescope Operator: J. Williams
Astronomers from Italy: A. Rossi, F. Cusano
Instrument: LUCI-BINO
Due to the covid-19 pandemic situation these observations have been performed by LBTO personel
through the indications of LBT Italian observers (A. Rossi and F. Cusano) connected from Italy.
At the sunset the sky is completely covered by clouds. Wing gusts above the limit, humidity is rising.
We stay closed.
Night duration (12 degree el twilight) 01:45 - 13:20 UT =
11 h 35m
Observing time:
h min ( %)
Weather time loss:
11h 35min (100%)
technical time loss
h 00min ( %)
Data Summary
03:09 The OSA has called the night due to snow and ice.
Detailed log of the nigh by A. Cardwell at this link:
INAF queue observing, 2021 Jan 30 - Jan 31
Observer: B. Rothberg
Telescope Operator: J. Williams
Astronomers from Italy: A. Rossi, F. Cusano
Instrument: LUCI-BINO
Due to the covid-19 pandemic situation these observations have been performed by LBTO personel
through the indications of LBT Italian observers (A. Rossi and F. Cusano) connected from Italy.
At the sunset the sky is clear.
Night duration (12 degree el twilight) 01:45 - 13:20 UT =
11 h 35m
Observing time:
9h 45min ( 84%)
Weather time loss:
0h 0min (%)
technical time loss
1h 50min ( 16%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
Davanzo |
GRB 200826A |
AO, H band |
1.2h |
airmass higher than recquested, check FWHM and flux |
Telluric |
HIP 24266 |
JHK 210spec 0.75"slit |
for Fiorellino |
Fiorellino |
3093 |
JHK 210spec 0.75"slit |
0.39h |
completed |
Tortora |
J08 |
AO, Ks |
0.9/1h |
last 3 exp not done for problems with background, seeing very good |
Annibali |
DDO68 |
AO, H, J |
the H ob missing the second sky, but science is good |
Nardini |
J1220 |
LUCI1-2 |
G200,zJ |
Nardini |
HIP61138 |
LUCI1-2 |
G200,zJ |
telluric |
Detailed log of the nigh by B. Rothberg at this link:
FeliceCusano - 01 Feb 2021
INAF queue observing, 2021 Jan 31 - Feb 01
Observer: B. Rothberg
Telescope Operator: J. Williams
Astronomers from Italy: A. Rossi, F. Cusano
Instrument: LUCI-BINO
Due to the covid-19 pandemic situation these observations have been performed by LBTO personel
through the indications of LBT Italian observers (A. Rossi and F. Cusano) connected from Italy.
At the sunset the sky is covered by clouds. We stay closed
Night duration (12 degree el twilight) 01:45 - 13:20 UT =
11 h 35m
Observing time:
8h35min (75%)
Weather time loss:
2h 45min (23%)
technical time loss
h 15min (2%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
dark |
cal |
for Fiorellino and Annibali |
telluric |
210,JHK, 0.75" |
for Fiorellino |
Fiorellino |
3096 |
210,JHK, 0.75" |
0.78h |
completed |
telluric |
HIP49512 |
MOS-zJ200 |
for Saxena |
Saxena |
MOS-zJ200 |
4.5h |
~0.5 mag of extinction, consider good just 3hrs? |
telluric |
HIP61138 |
zJ200, 1"slit |
for Nardini |
Nardini |
J1225 |
zJ200, 1"slit |
1.2h |
Double? centered on brighter one. Double time 'cause of 1mag ext. |
Nardini |
J1459 |
zJ200, 1"slit |
just 2 eoffsets bnefore thick clouds arrive |
telluric |
hip71172 |
zJ200, 1"slit |
for Nardini, with clouds |
Detailed log of the nigh by B. Rothberg at this link:
FeliceCusano - 02 Feb 2021
INAF queue observing, 2021 Feb 01 - Feb 02
Observer: B. Rothberg
Telescope Operator: J. Williams
Astronomers from Italy: A. Rossi, F. Cusano
Instrument: LUCI-BINO
Due to the covid-19 pandemic situation these observations have been performed by LBTO personel
through the indications of LBT Italian observers (A. Rossi and F. Cusano) connected from Italy.
At the sunset the sky is covered by clouds. We could open only for few minutes but new clouds prevented us
to obtain useful data.
Night duration (12 degree el twilight) 01:45 - 13:20 UT =
11 h 35m
Observing time:
0h 15min (2%)
Weather time loss:
11h 20min (98%)
technical time loss
h min (0%)
Data Summary
Detailed log of the nigh by B. Rothberg at this link:
FeliceCusano - 05 Feb 2021
INAF queue observing, 2021 Feb 04 - Feb 05
Observer: B. Rothberg
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez-Huerta
Astronomers from Italy: A. Rossi, F. Cusano
Instrument: PEPSI-BINO
Due to the covid-19 pandemic situation these observations have been performed by LBTO personel
through the indications of LBT Italian observers (A. Rossi and F. Cusano) connected from Italy.
At the sunset the sky is clear, weather conditions look good. We could open only at sunset, we start with PEPSI.
From the beginning of the night the seeing was between 2-4", at 5:30 the seeing starts to improve at level of 1-1.4".
We switch to LBC.
Night duration (12 degree el twilight) 01:45 - 13:20 UT =
11 h 35m
Observing time:
0h min (%)
Weather time loss:
h min (%)
technical time loss
h min (%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
Clementini |
GaiaDr2 -3026 |
300 |
seeing 2-4" |
Clementini |
GaiaDr2 -1107 |
300 |
seeing 2-4" |
Nonino |
U+F972N20 |
OB#5, useless seeing>>1.5" |
Rossi_18 |
GRB210104A |
r+z |
20+20min |
Rossi_18 |
GRB200524A |
r+z |
20+20min |
there are other 20+20min but are useless seeing>2" |
Rossi_18 |
GRB210112A |
r+z |
20+20min |
Nonino |
U+F972N20 |
0.5+0.5 hours |
OB#5 again, DIMM <1" |
Nonino |
U+F972N20 |
1.5+1.5 hours |
OB#4, 5, 6 , 7 has high counts, to be repeated! |
skyflats |
U+F972N20 |
NOTE: PA=0 U+F has a bright star in one image, and 1 halo of reflecxion in other! see log |
skyflats |
r+z |
Detailed log of the nigh by B. Rothberg at this link:
INAF queue observing, 2021 Feb 05 - Feb 06
Observer: B. Rothberg
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez-Huerta
Astronomers from Italy: A. Rossi, F. Cusano
Instrument: LUCI-BINO
AO support: G. Taylor
Due to the covid-19 pandemic situation these observations have been performed by LBTO personel
through the indications of LBT Italian observers (A. Rossi and F. Cusano) connected from Italy.
At the sunset the sky is clear, but wind guts above the limit. Wind decreased and we open at 6:30 UT.
Seeing between 1.5" and 4", we stay with BINO-LUCI for backup program.
Night duration (12 degree el twilight) 01:45 - 13:20 UT =
11 h 35m
Observing time:
0h min (%)
Weather time loss:
h min (%)
technical time loss
h min (%)
Data Summary
Detailed log of the nigh by B. Rothberg at this link:
AndreaRossi - 07 Feb 2021
INAF queue observing, 2021 Feb 06 - Feb 07
Observer: B. Rothberg
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez-Huerta
Astronomers from Italy: A. Rossi, F. Cusano
Instrument: LUCI1
AO support: G. Taylor
Due to the covid-19 pandemic situation these observations have been performed by LBTO personel
through the indications of LBT Italian observers (A. Rossi and F. Cusano) connected from Italy.
At the sunset the sky is clear, we start with LUCI1-AO then we switched to LBC.
Clear-sky night although after the first hour we had bad seeing probably because of the wind.
Night duration (12 degree el twilight) 01:45 - 13:20 UT =
11 h 35m
Observing time:
11h 30min (100%)
Weather time loss:
0h 0min (0%)
technical time loss
h min (0%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
Davanzo |
GRB 200826A |
H band |
0.3h |
only 20min within constraints completed |
Schmidt |
J0823 |
r+z |
0.5h+0.5h |
OB2: 2 times for high seeing, OB 3, OB4 half to be repeated |
Nonino |
Uspec+z |
1h+1h |
OB 5,6, 7 bad seeing |
Rossi |
GRB 210204A |
g+i,r+z |
40m+40m |
Nonino |
Uspec+z |
0.5h+0.5h |
OB 7 good seeing |
Rossi |
GRB 160821A |
r+z |
20m+20m |
Annibali |
R41-NGC4605 |
Uspec+z |
1h+1h |
completed |
Nonino |
Uspec+z |
1h+1h |
OB 4, OB 5 done again with better seeing, next time start with 7 |
Detailed log of the nigh by B. Rothberg at this link: