INAF queue observing, 2018 September 24-25

Observer: R. Carini, A. Gargiulo
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg
Instrument: LUCI


This night is shared with Eng team. We take second half of the night, starting at ~00:00 local At the sunset the sky is cloudy
instruments: MODS2 red grating is not working
LBC-blue has some issues, LUCI1 works only if the guide star is on the right of the patrol field, LUCI1 AO doesn't work.

At 00:15 the sky is mostly clear but the humidity is at 100% and the temperature at the dew point. The dome is closed. At 00:40 the sky is covered

Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:30- 11:45 UT = 9 h 15m

Observing time: 0 0m (0%)

Weather time loss: 4h 45m (100%)

technical time loss m (%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
Calibration Dark Cresci,Nisini,Nardini,Perna          
arcs and flats Cresci,Nisini field2          
flats ima Cresci, Nisini          

INAF queue observing, 2018 September 25-26

Observer: R. Carini, A. Gargiulo
Telescope Operator: D. G. Huerta
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg
Instrument: LUCI


At the sunset the sky is mostly clear
instruments: MODS2 red grating is not working
LBC-blue has some issues, LUCI1 works only if the guide star is on the right of the patrol field, LUCI1 AO doesn't work.

Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:30- 12:15 UT = 9 h 45m

Observing time: 1h 27m (22%)

Weather time loss: 5h 17m (50%)

technical time loss 3h 00m (28%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
dard Nisini        
arc flat Nisini      
telluric Perna   LUCI1+LUCI2      

INAF queue observing, 2018 September 26-27

Observer: R. Carini, A. Gargiulo
Telescope Operator: D. G. Huerta
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg on call
Instrument: LUCI


At the sunset the sky is clear
instruments: MODS2 red grating is not working
LBC-blue has some issues LUCI1 AO doesn't work.

Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:30- 12:15 UT = 9 h 45m

Observing time: 7h 5m (73%)

Weather time loss: h m (0%)

technical time loss 2h 40m (27%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
Pinna Lo Peg LUCI2-AO FeII, K, H2 15 m / 15 m luci2.0155-0206 seeing between 1"-1.2"
telluric Antoniucci HIP116229 LUCI1+LUCI2 zj spec, Hkspec   luci1.0156-0163, luci2.0212-0219  
Antoniucci_11 V733 LUCI1+LUCI2 zj spec, Hkspec 0.4/0.4 luci1.0168-0171, luci2.0224-0228 completed
telluric Cresci C HIP102190 LUCI1+LUCI2 zj spec   luci1.0176-0177,luci2.0233-0234  
Antoniucci_11 Ves263 LUCI1+LUCI2 zj spec, Hkspec 0.8/0.8 luci1.0156-0163, luci2.0212-0219 completed
telluric Antoniucci_11 HD193984 LUCI1+LUCI2 zj spec, Hkspec   luci1.0190-0193, luci2.0247-0250 completed
Antoniucci_11 AGLL192 LUCI1+LUCI2 zj spec, Hkspec 0.6/0.6 luci1.0198-0201, luci2.0255-0258 completed
telluric Nisini Field2 HIP17971 LUCI1+LUCI2 J, H, K   luci1.0205-2017, luci2.0262-0273  
Nisini Field 2 LUCI1+LUCI2 J, H, K 1.75/3 h luci1.0226-0240, luci2.0282-0296 not every target are in the slits, maybe problem in the proper motion, or in field stop alignment, or both

INAF queue observing, 2018 September 27-28

Observer: R. Carini, A. Gargiulo
Telescope Operator: D. G. Huerta
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn on call
Instrument: LUCI


At the sunset the sky is clear
instruments: MODS2 red grating is not working
LBC-blue has some issues LUCI1 AO doesn't work.

Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:30- 12:15 UT = 9 h 45m

Observing time: 6 40m (68%)

Weather time loss: h m (0%)

technical time loss 3h 5m (32%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
telluric Cresci B HIP92316 luci1 +luci2 ls,   luci1.0045-0048, luci2.0046-0049  
Cresci B J2054 LUCI1+LUCI1 ls, zjspec 2.00/2.00 luci1.0053-0076, luci2.0054-0077 completed
Cresci B J2054 LUCI1+LUCI2 ima 0.07/0.07 luci1.0077-0083, luci2.0078-0084 completed
telluric Polletta HIP 106817 LUCI2 mods, zjSpec   luci1.20180927.0089-0091 (slit1), luci2.0097 (slit2), luci2.0101-0106 (slit1, slit2)  
Polletta PLCK LUCI1+LUCI2 mos, zjSpec 2.6/4.0 h luci1.20180927.0141-0180, luci2.20180927.0111-0150 luci1 images to be checked
telluric Polletta   LUCI1 , zjSpec   luci1.0192-0194 slit 2
Nisini field3 luci1+luic2 mos, K   luci1.0210-0213, luci2.0167-0170 to be repeated

INAF queue observing, 2018 September 28-29

Observer: R. Carini, A. Gargiulo
Telescope Operator: D. G. Huerta
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn on call
Instrument: LUCI


At the sunset the sky is clear , some cirrus on the horizon
instruments: MODS2 red grating is not working
LBC-blue has some issues LUCI1 AO doesn't work.

Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:30- 12:15 UT = 9 h 45m

Observing time: 6 35m (70%)

Weather time loss: h m (0%)

technical time loss 3h 10m (30%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
dark Antoniucci            
dark Polletta            
dark telluric Cresci B            
telluric V1057 Cygn HD228448 Luci1+ Luci2 ls, Hkspec, zjSpec luci1.0052-0063,luci2.0056-0067  
Antoniucci V1057 Cyg Luci1+ Luci2 ls, Hkspec, zjspec 0.5/0.5 h luci1.0068-0071,luci2.0072-0076, luci1.0072-0078,luci2.0077-0083 completed
telluric Cresci C HIP102190 ls, zjspec      
Cresci C J2310 ls, zjspec 2/2h luci1.0095-009,luci2.0099-0122 luci1.0113-0118,luci2.0117-0123 seeing variable. completed?
telluric V350 Cep HIP111257 Luci1+Luci2 HKspec,zjSpec    
Antoniucci V350Cep Luci1+Luci2 ls, HKspec, zjSpec   luci1.130-0133, luci2.0134-0137 completed
Cresci J2310 ima 0.07/0.07h luci1.0133-0140 0138-0145 completed
Perna RCSGA327 mos, HKSpec 0.54/0.6 h luci2.0178-0190 max airmass 1.6,seeing very good, 0.7

INAF queue observing, 2018 September 29-30

Observer: R. Carini, A. Gargiulo
Telescope Operator: D. G. Huerta
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn on call
Instrument: LUCI


At the sunset the sky is mostly clear , some clouds on the horizon
instruments: MODS2 red grating is not working
LBC-blue has some issues, LUCI1 works but have the same problems with the AGW, so ufficially LUCI1 works, but could be a lot of problems as the last days. We do not use it.

Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:30- 12:15 UT = 9 h 45m

Observing time: 4h 50m (50%)

Weather time loss: 3h 55m (40%)

technical time loss 1h m (10%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
telluric for VIPD4 HIP106817 Luci2 ls, zjspec    
Cassar\xE1 VIPD4 Luci2 ls, zjSpec 2.0/2.0 luci2.0059-0095 completed
Polletta telluric HIP106817 mos, zjSpec luci2.0099-0104 good for the first slit
Polletta PLCKG073 mos,zjPspec 0.47h luci2.0109-0122  
Polletta telluric HIP13917 zjSpec   luci2.0127-0129 good for the second slit
Perna telluric HIP16111 Hkspec luci2.0133-0136  
-- %USERSIG{RobertaCarini - 2018-09-30}%


Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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