INAF queue observing, 2018 June 24-25

Observer: A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn (on call)
Instrument: MODS


This night is shared with LN team. We take second half of the night, starting at ~00:20 local At the sunset the sky is clear
instruments: MODS2 red grating is not working well
Night duration (12° el twilight) 3:35- 11:10 UT = 7 h 35m

Observing time: 7h 25m (98%)

Weather time loss: h m (0%)

technical time loss 10m (2%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
STD BD28 MODS1 red grating     for Caccianiga
Caccianiga GB6J2212 MODS1 red grating 4800/4800s mods1r.20180625.0013-0018 completed
Rossi 49 GRB 180624A MODS1 dual grating 1200/1200 mods1r.20180625.0022-0025, mods1b.20180625.0002-0004 completed, another exposure taken in twilight
STD Feige110 MODS1 dual grating   mods1r.20180625.0029-0031, mods1b.20180625.0005-0007 for Rossi 49 GRB 180624A
Calibrations   MODS1       bias for grating
Calibrations   MODS1       arcs,slitflats,slitless for dual grating
Calibrations   MODS1       arcs red grating

INAF queue observing, 2018 June 25-26

Observer: A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn (on call)
Instrument: LUCI


We gave 2 hrs at the beginning of the night to LBTO to solve AGW problems: loosing on large offsets, some software problem At the sunset the sky is clear
instruments: MODS2 red grating is not working well
Night duration (12° el twilight) 3:35- 11:10 UT = 7 h 35m

Important : guiding with LUCI1 needs to abort the pause for collimation when the TiO says collimation is ok.
  • This happens for every active preset, i.e. beginning of a script. You do this on telsvc gui

Observing time: h m (%)

Weather time loss: h m (%)

technical time loss * *(9%) but if we count for 50% LUCI1 images useless, it is another 10%

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
STD BRI2202 LUCI1+2 ima,H2,Ks     per Moscadelli
Moscadelli G01268 LUCI1+2 ima,H2,Ks     we toke more images, because 50% of LUCI1 and 10% on LUCI2 look not well collimated, show elongated or double stars, check but should be completed
Caccianiga GB6J001307 +205335 MODS1 red grating 2400/3600 mods1r.20180626.0005-0008 completed PI confirmed
STD Feige110 MODS1 red grating   mods1r.20180626.0014-0016 per Caccianiga
CALIBRATIONS MODS1 red grating Caccianiga
CALIBRATIONS MODS1 dualgrating imaging flats, maybe useful
CALIBRATIONS Dome Flats LUCI1+2 H2, Ks Per Moscadelli

INAF queue observing, 2018 June 26-27

Observer: A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg (on call)
Instrument: MODS1 and LUCI2


At the sunset the sky is clear
instruments: MODS2 red grating is not working well
Night duration (12° el twilight) 3:35- 11:10 UT = 7 h 35m

Observing time: 7h (94%)

Weather time loss: h m (%)

technical time loss 30*m *(6%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
CALIBRATIONS Darks LUCI1+2 5NDIT*30DIT, int,lir     Per Moscadelli 1268
CALIBRATIONS Darks LUCI1+2 10NDIT*3DIT, int,lir     Per Moscadelli 1268
CALIBRATIONS Darks LUCI2 15rNDIT*6DIT     Per Giannetti AO Agalo22 e 25
CALIBRATIONS Darks LUCI2 10NDIT*5DIT     Per Giannetti AO Agalo22 e 25
STD BD33 MODS1 red grating     Per Piconcelli DDT
Piconcelli DDT J1538 MODS1 red grating 2700/2700s mods1r.20180627.0012-0015 completed
Rossi 49 ATLAS18cow MODS1 dualgrating 600/600s mods1r.20180627.0020-0021, mods1b.20180627.002-003 completed
STD BD33 MODS1 dual grating     per Rossi Atlas18cow
STD   LUCI2 H,Ks imaging     Per Giannetti, twice: beginning and end CHECK ALLIGNEMENT!
Giannetti AGALO22 LUCI2 H,Ks AO imaging 1h/1h completed CHECK ALLIGNEMENT!
Giannetti AGALO25 LUCI2 Ks AO imaging 1h/1h   Ks completed, missing H CHECK ALLIGNEMENT!
Rossi 47 GRB 071021 LUCI2 Ks ESM imaging 30m/1h    
CALIB   MODS1 red grating for Piconcelli DDT sliflats 1"
CALIB SKYFLATS LUCI2 H Ks     For Rossi 47 ESM and Moscadelli
CALIB arcs+slitflats LUCI1+2 H, zJ, 1"slit 1.65 and 1.17     For Rossi 49 GRB130907A

INAF queue observing, 2018 June 27-28

Observer: A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg (on call)
Instrument: LUCI1 and LUCI2


At the sunset the sky is with cirrus
instruments: MODS2 red grating is not working well
Night duration (12° el twilight) 3:35- 11:10 UT = 7 h 35m

Observing time: 5h 30m (73%)

Weather time loss: h 5m (1%)

technical time loss 2h (26%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
CALIB arcs+slitflats LUCI2 HK, zJ, 0.75"slit 1.93 and 1.2     For Rossi 47 ESM
STD HIP87643 luci1.20180628.0004-0011, luci2.20180628.0034-0041 for Antoniucci V371Ser
Antoniucci 8 V371Ser LUCI1+LUCI2 zJ,HK spec 1920/1920s luci1.20180628.0015-0023, luci2.20180628.0045-0053 longslit completed
STD HIP71172 LUCI1+LUCI2 H+zJ   luci1.20180628.0027-0034, luci2.20180628.0057-0064 for Rossi 49
Rossi49 GRB130907A LUCI1+LUCI2 H G210, 1"slit 2h/2h luci1.20180628.0062-0087, luci2.20180628.0092-0117 completed H band
Giannetti AGALO25 LUCI2 H AO imaging 1h/1h   H completed
STD   LUCI2 H imaging     For Giannetti
Rossi 47 GRB 071021 LUCI2 Ks ESM imaging 30m/1h   completed

INAF queue observing, 2018 June 28-29

Observer: A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson (on call)
Instrument: LUCI1 and LUCI2


At the sunset the sky is half covered with clouds
instruments: MODS2 red grating is not working well
Night duration (12° el twilight) 3:35- 11:10 UT = 7 h 35m

Observing time: h m (%)

Weather time loss: h m (%)

technical time loss h (%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
CALIB DARKS LUCI1+LUCI2 H spectra     For Rossi 49
CALIB DARKS LUCI2 HK,zJ spectra     For Rossi 47
CALIB DARKS LUCI2 imaging     For Rossi 47
CALIB DARKS LUCI2 HK,zJ spectra     For Antoniucci V371Ser and V2492Cyg +telluric
STD HIP 102074   zJ HK   luci1.20180629.0024-0032, luci2.20180629.0042-0048 For Antoniucci V2492Cyg
Antoniucci 8 V2492Cyg LUCI1+LUCI2 zJ HK 1920/1920s luci1.20180629.0037-0044, luci2.20180629.0054-0061 long slit completed
STD   LUCI1+LUCI2     luci1.20180629.0048-0051, luci2.20180629.0065-68 telluric Polletta Phz1119
Polletta Phz1119 LUCI1+LUCI2 HKspec 4800/14400s luci1.20180629.0056-0075, luci2.20180629.0073-0092  
Rossi47 GRB 071021 LUCI2 HKonly 0.5/2h luci2.20180629.0101-0108 to be checked seeing jumping +cirrus
STD HIP111538 LUCI2 HK   luci2.20180629.0112-0115 for ROssi47 GRB071021
CALIB arc flats LUCI1+LUCI2 zJ HKspec     for Antoniucci V2492Cyg and V371Ser
CALIB DOME FLATS LUCI2 N30, H Ks     for Giannetti AO

INAF queue observing, 2018 June 29-30

Observer: F. Cusano, R. Speziali
Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson (on call)
Instrument: LUCI


At the sunset the sky is covered by clouds and it is raining heavily
At Night duration (12° el twilight) 4:10- 10:35 UT = 6 h 25m

Observing time: 1h 50min (28%)

Weather time loss: 4h 10m (66%)

technical time loss 25*m *(6%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
Moscadelli G016.58 LUCI 1+2 Ks, H2 5min, 25 min   luci1 image 007 is not good, problem in collimation
Rossi 47 071021 LUCI 2 esm G200+HKspec, zJspec 28min, 18 min luci2.20180630.0013-0020,21-24  
Telluric HIp111538 LUCI2 G200+HKspec, zJspec   34-36, 37- 41  
Calibration Polletta phz1119 LUCI 1 +2 G200HKspec   luci2.42-62, luci1.9-24  

INAF queue observing, 2018 June 30-July 01

Observer: F. Cusano, R. Speziali
Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson (on call)
Instrument: LUCI


At the sunset the sky is clear

Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 4:10- 10:35 UT = 6 h 25m

Observing time: 5h 05min (74%)

Weather time loss: h m (%)

technical time loss 1h 20m*(26%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
Calibration phz1119 LUCI 1+2 dark NDIT=1, DIT=120.0 MER, NORM   dark for Polletta phz1119
Calibration telluric LUCI 1+2 dark NDIT=6, DIT=5.0 LIR INT   dark for Polletta telluric
Calibration G016.58 LUCI 1+2 dark NDIT=30, DIT=10.0 LIR INT   dark for Moscadelli H2
Calibration G016.58 LUCI 1+2 dark NDIT=10, DIT=3.0 LIR INT   dark for Moscadelli Ks
Moscadelli G016.58 LUCI 1 H2 1.1h   completed
Standard FS 140 LUCI 1 H2, Ks      
Moscadelli G012.91 LUCI 1 H2, Ks 1.25h, 10min?    
Caccianiga gb6j2357 MODS 1 red grating 1.5h   completed
Standard Feige 110 MODS 1 red grating      

INAF queue observing, 2018 July 01-02

Observer: F. Cusano, R. Speziali
Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson (on call)
Instrument: LUCI


At the sunset the sky is clear. We stop observtions at 5:20 for clouds.

Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 4:10- 10:35 UT = 6 h 25m

Observing time: 3h 10min (49%)

Weather time loss: 3h 15m (51%)

technical time loss *m *(%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
Standard hz44 MODS 1 red grating      
Caccianiga gb6j1634 MODS 1 red grating 1h/1.5h mods1r.20180702.0010-0013  
Pancino Pandas 53 MODS 1 dual grating 20 min/20min mods1r.20180702.0022-24, mods1b.20180702.0002-0004 completed
Calibration slit flat 0.6" MODS 1 dual grating   mods1r.20180702.0025-0030, mods1b.20180702.0005-0010  

INAF queue observing, 2018 July 03-04

Observer: F. Cusano
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzal-Huerta
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg (on call)
Instrument: MODS


At the sunset there are some clouds and high cirrus, from satellite we see more clouds coming in, we decide to start with MODS

Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 4:10- 10:35 UT = 6 h 25m

Observing time: 2h 10min (36%)

Weather time loss: 3h 30m (54%)

technical time loss 40m *(10%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
Spiniello KIDS1453 MODS1 dual grating 0.38h/ 0.58h mods1r.20180704.0010-0011, mods1b.20180704.0002-0003 completed
Spiniello KIDS1421 MODS1 dual grating 0.58h/ 0.58h mods1r.20180704.0015-0017, mods1b.20180704.0004-0006 variable seeing 1.5-2.2" and clouds at the end
Antoniucci v2493cyg MODS1 dual grating 20min/20min mods1r.20180704.0021-0024, mods1b.20180704.0007-0010 variable seeing 1.2-1.6" , some clouds, completed
Antoniucci v1057 cyg MODS1 dual grating 15min/20min mods1r.20180704.0028-0030, mods1b.20180704.0011-0013 variable seeing 1.0-1.6" , clouds
Calibration slit flat MODS1 dual grating   slit 0.8"  
Calibration slit flat MODS1 dual grating   slit 1.2"  
Calibration arc MODS1 dual grating   slit 0.6"  

INAF queue observing, 2018 July 04-05

Observer: F. Cusano
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzal-Huerta
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg (on call)
Instrument: MODS


At the sunset the sky is completely covered by clouds. Starting from 5:00 sky looks better, no thick clouds some thin cirrus, we open.

Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 4:10- 10:35 UT = 6 h 25m

Observing time: 4h 25min (69%)

Weather time loss: 2h m (31%)

technical time loss m *(0%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
Spiniello KIDS1420 MODS1 dual grating 0.42h/0.42h mods1r.20180705.0005-0007 , mods1b.20180705.0002-0004  
Caccianiga GB6J163400 +321111 MODS1 red grating 0.5h/1.5h mods1r.20180705.0011-0012 completed
Caccianiga GB6J164104 +141546 MODS1 red grating 1.3h/1.3h mods1r.20180705.0016-0021 completed
Pancino Pandas 6 MODS1 dual grating 0.5h/0.5h mods1r.20180705.0025-0027 , mods1b.20180705.0005-0007 completed
Standard Feige 110 MODS1 dual grating, red grating      
Pancino Pandas 16 MODS1 dual grating 0.5h/0.5h   completed some clouds at the end
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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