INAF queue observing, 2018 Mar 18-19

Observer: R. Carini, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson
Instrument: MODS1+MODS2


At the sunset sky is mostly cloudy
instruments: all instruments work well, but MODS2 could be problems in the red.

Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:20am- 12:35pm UT = 10 h 15m

Observing time: 09h 15m (90%)

Weather time loss: 1h (10%)

technical time loss 0 h (0%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration Filter ExpTime ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
standard Feige34 MODS1+MODS2 spectra LS dualgrating     mods1r.0003-0005, mods1b.0001-0003, mods2r.0003-0005, mods2b.0001-0003 for Antoniucci
Antoniucci 8 DrTau MODS1+MODS2 spectra LS dualgrating 150x4x2 sec=1200 0.3/0.3 mods1r.0009-0012, mods1b.0004-0007, mods2r.0009-0012, mods2b.0004-0007 completed
Antoniucci 8 DrTau MODS1+MODS2 imaging g,r 30s,30s 0.1/0.1 mods1r.0013-0015, mods1b.0008-0010, mods2r.0013-0015, mods2b.0008-0010 mods2 have lower quadrant problem not writing, to be checked, otherwise completed
Antoniucci 8 agll354 MODS1+MODS2 spectra LS dualgrating 1200x2 0.5/0.5 mods1r.0019-0022, mods1b.0011-0014, mods2r.0019-0022, mods2b.0011-0014 blue data faint, please check, otherwise completed
Antoniucci 8 agll354 MODS1+MODS2 imaging g,r 45x3x2 s 0.1/0.1 mods1r.0023-0025, mods1b.0015-0017, mods2r.0023-0025, mods2b.0015-0017 completed
Antoniucci 8 rwaur MODS1+MODS2 spectra LS dual grating 50x4x2 s 0.3/0.3 mods1r.0029-0032, mods1b.0018-0021, mods2r.0029-0032, mods2b.0018-0021 completed
Palazzi 29 atlasaeu MODS1 +MODS2 spectra LS, binning1x2 dual grating 600x4x2 s 1.3/1.3 mods1r.0039-0042, mods1b.0022-0025, mods2r.0039-0042, mods2b.0022-0025 completed
standard Feige 34 MODS1+MODS2 spectra LS, binning 1x2 dual grating 120x3x2   mods1r.0048-0050, mods1b.0028-0030, mods2r.0048-0050, mods2b.0028-0030  
Prandoni USS1 MODS1 + MODS2 spectra LS red only (MODS1), blue only (MODS2) 40m (red), 40m(blue) 1.3/4 mods1r.0054-0055, mods2b.0034-0035  
standard feige 34 MODS1 +MODS2 spectra LS red only (MODS1), red only and blue only (MODS2)     mods1r.0058-0060, mods2r.0051-0053, mods2b0038-0040 for Prandoni and Caccianiga
Caccianiga N GB6J151736 +375332 MODS1 +MODS2 spectrs LS red only (MODS1+MODs2) 550x2+1100x2 1.8 /1.8 mods1r.0064-0065, mods2r.0058-0059; mods1r.0070-0071, mods2r.0064-0065 the second ones to be check, but seeing was good, so we consider target completed
Caccianiga P GB6J171103 +383016 MODS1 +MODS2 spectrs LS red only (MODS1+MODs2) 960x2 0.53 /1.6 mods1r.0076, mods2r.0069 other exposures taken in previous runs completed
Calibrations BIAS MODS1+MODS2   binning 1x2     mods1r.0077-0081,mods1b.0032-0035, mods2r.0070-0074, mods2b.0041-0045 Palazzi_29
  arc MODS1+MODS2   binning 1x2, slit 1.0 dual grating   mods1r.0082-0084,mods1b.0036-0038, mods2r.0075-0077, mods2b.0046-0048 Palazzi_29, mods1 and mods2 red to be repeated
  flat MODS1+MODs2   slit 1.0'', binning 1x2 dual grating   mods1r.0085-0090,mods1b.0039-0044, mods2r.0078-0083, mods2b.0049-0054 Palazzi_29, mods1 and mods2 red to be repeated
  flat MODS1+MODS2   slit 5.0'', binning 1x2 dual grating   mods1r.0091-0093,mods1b.0045-0050, modsr2.008,mods2b.0055-0063 standard Palazzi_29, to be repeated mods1b and mods2 r
  slitless flat MODs1+MODS2   binning 1x2 dual grating   mods1r.0094-0098,mods1b.0051-0060, modsr2.0085-,mods2b.0065-0074 Palazzi_29, mods2 and mods1r to be repeated
  Bias MODS1+ MODS2 binning 1x1       mods1r.0099-0103,mods1b.0062-0066, mods2r.0095-0114,mods2b.0073-0093 for all PI

INAF queue observing, 2018 Mar 19-20

Observer: R. Carini, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson
Instrument: MODS1+MODS2, LBC


At the sunset sky is mostly clear
instruments: all instruments work well, but MODS2 could not be used in MOS and imaging mode because the lower left quadrant doesn't work.
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:20am- 12:35pm UT = 10 h 15m

Observing time: *9h* (90%)

Weather time loss: 0h (0%)

technical time loss * *1.1h (10%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
Calibrations flat MODS1+MODs2 slit 5.0'', binning 1x2 dual grating   mods1r.0001-0003,mods1b.0001-0006, mods2r.0001-0003,mods2b.0001-0006 mods1 b to be repeated
Calibrations flat MODS1+ MODS2 slit 1.0'', binning 1x2 dual grating   mods1r.0004-0009, mods1b.0007-0012, mods2r.0004-0009, mods2b.0007-0012 mods1 to be repeated
standard Feige34 MODS1+2 dual grating   mods1r.0013-0015, mods1b.0013-0015 ; mods2r.0013-0015, mods2b.0013-0015 for Grazian and Antoniucci
Grazian B MODS1+2 dualgrating, 1.2" 900x6/1h mods1r.0019-0021, mods1b.0016-0018 ; mods2r.0019-0021, mods2b.0016-0018 first image with airmass greater than 1.3 completed
Grazian J MODS1 dualgrating MOS 0.25/8h mods1r.0025, mods1b.0019 MODS2 not possible to use because of the bottom left bad quadrant, seeing not good, to be checked
standard pg1047_003 LBCb+r       for Dotto
Dotto 2018 EE LBCb+r BVg+RzrI     if possible to be repeated for color comparison
Dotto 2006 UF17 LBCb+r BVg+Rzri     if possible to be repeated for color comparison
D'Avanzo GRB160601A LBCb+r r-sloan filter 1800*2=1/1h -- completed
phot stand SA 104 LBCb+r BVgr+RzrI     for Dotto, D'Avanzo, Annibali
Dotto 2018 EZ LBCb+r BVg+RzrI     if possible to be repeated for color comparison
Annibali R23 NGC3738 LBCb+r g+r 1.0 /1.0h   completed
Annibali R40 NGC5477 LBC b+r g+r 14 m/1h   last 3 images for each LBC have counts very high, be careful, but the first 4 images should be good
Calibration Flat LBCb=B,r LBCr=r,z       Davanzo e Dotto, Annibali ( in r)
Calibration BIAS LBC        
Calibration arc MODS1 +2 dualgrating 1x2     for Palazzi, see log
Calibration slitflat 1" and 5" MODS1 +2 dualgrating 1x2     for Palazzi , see log
Calibration arc MODS1 +2 red+blue only grating     for Montalto some are saturated, see log
Calibration slitflat MODS1 +2 red+blue only grating     for Montalto some are saturated, see log

INAF queue observing, 2018 Mar 20-21

Observer: R. Carini, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez-Huerta
Support Astronomer: B Rothberg on call
Instrument: MODS1+MODS2, LBC


At the sunset sky is mostly cloudy
instruments: all instruments work well, also MODS2 could works in MOS and imaging mode
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:20am- 12:35pm UT = 10 h 15m

Observing time: *9h* (90%)

Weather time loss: h (0%)

technical time loss * *1.1h (11%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
Calibrations slitflat MODS1+2 red only+blueonly     for Montalto
Calibrations arc MODS2 blue only     for Montalto
standard feige34 MODS1+2 dual grating     for Antoniucci a Grazian
Antoniucci 8 XZtau MODS1+2 dual grating 0.3/0.3h mods1r.0019-0022, mods1b.0004-0007 ; mods2r.0010-0013, mods2b.0013-0016 spectroscopy completed
Grazian C COSMOS5585 MODS1+2 dual grating ls1.2" 3/2h mods1r.0027-0032, mods1b.0008-0013 ; mods2r.0018-0023, mods2b.0017-0022 completed took 1 hr more because of cirrus
Grazian J COSMOS931 MODS1+2 dual grating MOS 2/8h mods1r.0036-0039, mods1b.0014-0017 ; mods2r.0027-0030, mods2b.0023-0026 some cirrus during observations
standard feige34 MODS1+2 dual grating,   mods1r.0042-0044, mods1b.0018-0020; mods2r.0033-0035, mods2b.0027-0029 for Antoniucci and Grazian
standard feige34 MODS1+2 redonly(MODS1) +reonly+blueonly (MODS2)   mods1r.0045-0047; mods2b.0030-0032, mods2r.0036-0038 Prandoni e Caccianiga
Prandoni USS1 MODS1+2 readonly (MODS1)+blueonly(MODS2) 40m/2h + 40m/2h mods1r.0051-0052; mods2b.0036-0037 completed
Annibali R40 NGC5477 LBC-bin red: r, blue:g 50 m   completed
Sky flats   LBC        
Calibrations arc and flats MODS1+2 dual grating MOS and ls     Grazian J ,B,C
Calibration slitless flats MODS1+ MODS2 dual grating, red only, blue only      

INAF queue observing, 2018 Mar 21-22

Observer: R. Carini, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez-Huerta
Support Astronomer: B Rothberg on call
Instrument: MODS1+MODS2, LBC


At the sunset sky is partly cloudy
instruments: all instruments work well Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:20am- 12:35pm UT = 10 h 15m

Observing time: 10h 15m (100%)

Weather time loss: 0h (0%)

technical time loss 0 (0%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
standard feige 34 MODS1+MODS2 dual grating   mods1r.0004-0006 , mods1b.0002-0004; mods2r.0004-0006 , mods2b.0002-0004  
Grazian A   MODS1+MODS2 dual grating longslit 30m/30m mods1r.0010-0011 , mods1b.0005-0006, mods2r.0010-0011 , mods2b.0005-0006 completed
Grazian J   MODS1+MODS2 dual grating MOS 4/8h mods1r.0015-0022 , mods1b.0007-0014 ; mods2r.0015-0022 , mods2b.0007-0014 first ~5 min in blue out from slit cause of atm refrac
Montalto wasp54 MODS1+MODS2 red only+blue only grating 2.3/2.3 mods1r.0026-0185; mods2b.0018-0174 Completed
calibrations spectral flat MODS1+MODS2 see the log     Antoniucci, Prandoni, Caccianiga
Cal imaging flat MODS 1+MODS2 dual; red: r, blue: g     Antoniucci

INAF queue observing, 2018 Mar 22-23

Observer: R. Carini, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez-Huerta
Support Astronomer: B Rothberg on call
Instrument: MODS1+MODS2, LBC


At the sunset the sky is completed covered
instruments: all instruments work well Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:20am- 12:35pm UT = 10 h 15m

Observing time: h 40m (7%)

Weather time loss: 0h (88%)

technical time loss 30m *(5%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
Calibrations arc MODS1+MODS2 red only     Caccianiga, Prandoni
Calibrations dark LUCI1 + LUCI2 see log     Antoniucci
Calibrations flat LUCI1 + LUCI2 see log     H Ks imaging flats Palazzi 31
Calibrations flat LUCI1 see log     HK,zJ Gilli Sarracco Antoniucci Mignoli, slit 0.75 and 1
telluric Antoniucci HD 24879 LUCI1 N1.8, zj, Hk   luci1.0057-0064  
Cal flats standard MODS1 dual grating, blue only, red only      
Cal flats standard MODS2 blue only      

INAF queue observing, 2018 Mar 23-24

Observer: R. Carini, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez-Huerta
Support Astronomer: B Rothberg on call
Instrument: MODS1+MODS2, LBC


At the sunset the sky is whispy clouds and high wind but still within limit
instruments: LBCs, MODS1 and LUCIs work well, MODS2 is working with blue only, LUCI1 and LUCI2 are ok
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:20am- 12:35pm UT = 10 h 15m

Observing time: 2h 15m (22%)

Weather time loss: 0h (78%)

technical time loss 0 (0%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
Calibrations dark LUCI1 + LUCI2 camera N3.75      
Calibrations flat LUCI1 + LUCI2 N3.75, FeII, J Ks      
Calibrations flat LUCI1 + LUCI2 N30 K, Ks      
Calibration arc MODS2 blue Xe+Kr      
Antoniucci DrTau LUCI1+2 longslit zJ HK 0.75''   luci1.0027-0034==, ==luci2.0027-0034 completed Abbiamo rispettato i tempi dati nello script, non nel proposal
Antoniucci DrTau LUCI1+2 imaging FeII 0.1/0.1 luci1.0027-0034==, ==luci2.0027-0034 completed Abbiamo rispettato i tempi dati nello script, non nel proposal

INAF queue observing, 2018 Mar 24-25

Observer: R. Carini, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez-Huerta
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn on call


At the sunset the sky is cloudy, with wind temperature and humidity above limits
instruments: LBCs, MODS1 and LUCIs work well, MODS2 is working with blue only, LUCI1 and LUCI2 are ok
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:20am- 12:35pm UT = 10 h 15m

Observing time: h m (0%)

Weather time loss: 10h15m (100%)

technical time loss 0 (0%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
Calibrations dark LUCI1 + LUCI2 see log     Vanzella,Gilli,Sarracco, Prandoni,Palazzi,Rossi,DICriscienzo
Calib flat+ arc LUCI1+ LUCi2 N1.8, vedi log     Rossi, Gilli, Saracco, Mignoli, Antoniucci
Calib flat LUCI1+ LUCI2 N3.75, J     Di Criscienzo, Prandoni

INAF queue observing, 2018 Mar 25-26

Observer: R. Carini, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez-Huerta
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn on call


At the sunset the sky is comleted coverd, with wind near the limit
instruments: LBCs, MODS1 and LUCIs work well, MODS2 is working with blue only, LUCI1 and LUCI2 are ok
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:20am- 12:35pm UT = 10 h 15m

Observing time: h m (0%)

Weather time loss: 10h15m (100%)

technical time loss 0 (0%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes

-- %USERSIG{RobertaCarini - 2018-03-21}%


Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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