INAF queue observing, 2018 Feb 01-02

Observer: F. Cusano, A. Gargiulo
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez-Huerta
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg
Instrument: LUCI1


At the sunset sky is mostly clear with some high cirrus
instruments: the 31st Jan the DX-AdSec was reinstalled and now the right side need to be calibrated, so we can not use LUCI2 and MODS2
LBC works, LUCI1 has some problem with the tip-tilt mirror, but AO should work

Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:00am- 13:15pm UT = 11 h 15m

Observing time: 9h 45m (87%)

Weather time loss: 0h (0%)

technical time loss 1 30h (13%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Filter ExpTime Notes
Nisini, imaging Field3 LUCI1 H2, FeII, J 0.3h completed
Prandoni USS188 LUCI1 K, J 0.6h completed
Vanzella JDz11 LUCI1 Ks 0.75h some clouds at the end
Prandoni USS36 LUCI1 K 0.4h  
Saracco C1_23152 LUCI1 200HK + HKspec 2h  
Prandoni USS172 LUCI1 K, J 0.6h completed
Prandoni USS202 LUCI1 K, J 0.6h completed
LUCI cal flat arc LUCI1 200g HKspec   Saracco

INAF queue observing, 2018 Feb 02-03

Observer: F. Cusano, A. Gargiulo
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez-Huerta
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg


At the sunset the sky is covered with high cirrus and some thick clouds
instruments: the DX-AdSec is back, but we have to do some test on sky. The dx-AdSec works.
LBC works, LUCI1 is ok, MODS2 blue grating only

Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:00am- 13:15pm UT = 11 h 15m

Observing time: 4h 20m (38%)

Weather time loss: 5h 35m (49%)*

technical time loss 1h 20m (13%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Filter ExpTime Notes
Nisini Field3 LUCI1-2 grating210 filter J,H,K 1.5h x2 bino clouds
Caccianiga GB6J061110 +721814 MODS1 red grating 0.7h clouds
Caccianiga GB6J095114 +251027 MODS1 red grating 2.1h clouds
modsCalib Caccianiga program MODS1 red grating    
LUCI cal Nisini, Prandoni LUCI1 flat imaging FeII, J, H2, K    
LUCI cal Nisini LUCI1-2 flats, arcs   Field 3

INAF queue observing, 2018 Feb 03-04

Observer: F. Cusano, A. Gargiulo
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez-Huerta
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg


At the sunset the sky is clear
instruments: LBC works, LUCI1-2 are ok, MODS2 blue grating only
problem with MOS exchange of LUCI1 at 4:28, we can not use LUCI1 for the rest of the night and we can not do AO

Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:00am- 13:15pm UT = 11 h 15m

Observing time: 10h 55m (97%)

Weather time loss: 0h m (0%)*

technical time loss h 20*m* (3%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Filter ExpTime Notes
LBC flat sky flat LBC B,V    
Cusano NW-1,2,3 LBC B, V 1h 3m up to sequence 17
Annibali LBC R3 LBC g,r 0.33h completed
Prandoni USS36 LUCI2 J 0.2h completed
Saracco C1_23152 LUCI2 200g HKspec 2h  
Gilli J LUCI2 200g HKspec 3h  
Prandoni USS415 LUCI2 K,J 0.6h completed, in J guide probe in the fov
LUCI2 cal flat LUCI2 J,K   imaging
LBC cal bias LBC      
LUCI2 cal arc, flat Gilli LUCI2 200g HKspec   slit 1"
LUCI2 cal arc, flat Saracco LUCI2 200g HKspec   slit 0.75"

INAF queue observing, 2018 Feb 04-05

Observer: F. Cusano, A. Gargiulo
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez-Huerta
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson


At the sunset the sky is clear
instruments: LBC works, LUCI2 is ok, LUCI 1 still MOS problem no AO, MODS2 blue grating only

Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:00am- 13:15pm UT = 11 h 15m

Observing time: 10h 5m (89.6%)

Weather time loss: 0h m (0%)*

technical time loss 1h 10m (10.4%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Filter ExpTime Notes
LBC flat sky flat LBC g,r - B,V   B, V just few are good
LUCI 2 cal dark LUCI2     Prandoni K,J; Saracco
Annibali LBC R17 LBC g, r 0.33h  
Cusano NW-1,2,3 LBC B,V 0.35h up to sequence 18
Rossi GRB171010 LBC r, i 0.5h  
Saracco C1_23152 LUCI2 200g HKspec 2h  
Gilli J LUCI2 200g HKspec 1h completed
Gilli K LUCI2 200g HKspec 2h  
Prandoni USS268 LUCI2 K 15 min  
LUCI2 Sky flat   LUCI2 K,J    

INAF queue observing, 2018 Feb 05-06

Observer: F. Cusano, A. Gargiulo
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez-Huerta
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg


At the sunset the sky is clear
instruments: LBC works, LUCI2 is ok, LUCI 1 still MOS problem no AO and spec possible, MODS2 blue grating only

Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:00am- 13:15pm UT = 11 h 15m

Observing time: 10h 5m (89.6%)

Weather time loss: 0h m (0%)*

technical time loss 1h 10m (10.4%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Filter ExpTime Notes
LBC flat sky flat LBC B,r - V, i   check r,i counts
Cusano NW-1,2,3 LBC B, V 0.93h up to 21
Palazzi GRB171027A LBC r,r 0.47h  
Saracco C1_23152 LUCI2 200g HKspec 2h  
Gilli K LUCI2 200g HKspec 2h completed
Gilli L LUCI2 200g HKspec 0.33h  
Prandoni USS268 LUCI2 K, J 0.28h completed
LUCI2 cal dark LUCI2     Saraco, Gilli (sci,std), Nisini (spec)
LUCI1 cal dark LUCI1     Saracco (sci,std), Prandoni, Nisini (spec,ima)
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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