We (the observers) take this space to bring attention of the world to the the awkward situation of large part
of research personnel in INAF.
We are now performing observations for INAF researchers with LBT, one of the biggest telescope in the world.
But we are also valued for our scientific contribution, for results that we publish as first authors and for those in which we are involved.
However, we believe that like for many other INAF post-docs,
our contract situation and our expectations do not reflect the great results that we, and INAF thanks to us, are obtaing.
Like many other post-docs, we are paid on contracts renewed every year
pending the availability of external funds.
Moreover, we are not entitled to officially say a word on institutional choice and in many aspects
we are not considered as INAF employees, but like external collaborators.
Indeed, we cannot even lead INAF projects and build a independent research.
Now, we believe INAF has given the power and instruments to start changing this situation.
INAF queue observing, 2018 Jan 20-21
Observer: R. Carini, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg
Instrument: LBC
At the sunset the sky is cloudy, the temperature is at the dew point, humidity 100%
instruments: LBC works, LUCI1 only imaging, LUCI2 imaging and LS, AO works just for LUCI1 but the camera N30 has problems, MODS1 works, MODS2 only blue channel, we stay closed
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:00am- 13:15pm UT =
11 h 15m
Observing time:
0 h (0%)
Weather time loss:
11 h 15m (100%)
technical time loss
0 h (0%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Calibrations |
Bias |
Calibrations |
slitless flats |
blue, red, dual |
Calibrations |
arc |
blue, red , dual |
Calibrations |
Grazian F,J |
dual grating |
Calibrations |
Gilli masks 22, 31, 33, 36, 44 |
dual grating |
Calibrations |
flats slit 0.8'',1.0'', 1,2'' |
blue, red, dual |
Antoniucci, Palazzi, Caccianiga, Grazian C, Mignoli |
Calibrations |
flats standard |
blue, red , dual |
INAF queue observing, 2018 Jan 21-22
Observer: R. Carini, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg
Instrument: LUCI/MODS
At the sunset the sky is mostly clear, but the wind speed is too high, so we are closed.
Instruments: LBC works, LUCI1 only imaging, LUCI2 imaging, LS and MOS, AO works just for LUCI1 but the camera N30 has problems, MODS1 and MODS2 work in both channels.
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:00am- 13:15pm UT =
11 h 15m
Observing time:
3 h 50m (34.1%)
Weather time loss:
6 h 50m (60.7%)
technical time loss
35 m (5.2%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Nisini |
Piconcelli |
Gilli/Mignoli |
Prandoni |
Flats+ Arcs |
Gilli/Mignoli |
Flats + Arcs |
Nisini |
H, K, J |
mask1, mask2 (not completed), mask3, mask4, mask5 (Just H filter) |
Rossi |
SNGRB171205A |
red (mods1) + blue (mods2) |
1h 20m |
completed |
std |
feige34 |
red+blue |
Prandoni |
USS1 |
red(mods1)+ blue (mods2) |
1h |
last image taken during the twilight, blue images are not good |
flats + arc |
Prandoni |
MODS2 and MODS1 |
red (mods1) + blue (mods2) |
INAF queue observing, 2018 Jan 22-23
Observer: R. Carini, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg on call
Instrument: LBC
Night shared with LINC team.
Instruments: LBC works, LUCI1 only imaging, LUCI2 imaging, LS and MOS, AO works just for LUCI1 but the camera N30 has problems, MODS1 works in both channels, MODS2 works just in the blue channel.
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:00am- 13:15pm UT =
11 h 15m
Night shared with LINC team. INAF time 7:00pm- 13:15pm UT =
6 h 15m , The LNC team finishes early, we start at 7:00 pm.
Observing time:
6 h (96%)
Weather time loss:
0 h (0%)
technical time loss
15 m (4%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Annibali R13 |
UGC 4459 |
g,r |
1200s x 3 in both g,r |
completed |
Annibali R15 |
NGC2976 |
g,r |
1200s x 3 in both g,r |
completed |
Palazzi_29 |
GW170817 |
r,r |
1h |
completed |
Sky Flat |
r,r |
Bias |
INAF queue observing, 2018 Jan 23-24
Observer: R. Carini, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg on call
Instrument: MODS1+MODS2
Night shared with LINC team.
Instruments: LBC works, LUCI1 only imaging, LS and AO, LUCI2 imaging, LS and MOS, MODS1 and MODS2 work in both channels
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:00am- 13:00pm UT =
11 h 00m
Night shared with LINC team. INAF time 7:30pm- 13:00pm UT =
5 h 30m
Observing time:
5 h 30m (100%)
Weather time loss:
* *h (%)
technical time loss
* *h (0%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
standard star |
feige34 |
red only,blue only, dual grating |
Antoniucci_8 |
iptf15afq |
blue filter g_sdss, red filter r_sdss |
0.1 h |
ima red with MODS2 are not good but we consider the target completed |
Palazzi_29 |
ATLASaeu |
blue grating with MODS2 and red grating with MODS1 |
50 m in red and 50 in blue |
seeing very variable |
Caccianiga B |
GB6J164856 +460341 |
red grating |
4X 960 s in both MODS |
the first image has seeing very variable, completed |
Caccianiga P |
GBJ171103+383016 |
red grating |
2X960 s |
last image taken during the twilight |
Flat Ima |
Antoniucci |
g in blue, r in red |
MODS just in the red channel |
INAF queue observing, 2018 Jan 24-25
Observer: R. Carini, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg on call
Instrument: LUCI1+LUCI2
Night shared with LINC team.
Instruments: LBC works, LUCI1 only imaging AO, LUCI2 imaging, LS and MOS, MODS1 ok both channels, and MODS2 blue only
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:00am- 13:00pm UT =
11 h 15m
Night shared with LINC team. INAF time 2:00am- 7:30pm UT =
5 h 30m
Observing time:
5 h 15m (87.5%) we have finished 30 minutes later (at about 8), we will give back this time to LN team in the next days
Weather time loss:
* *h (0%)
technical time loss
0.75 h (12.5%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
darks |
darks |
-- |
mer,int 100 x 3, 5 exposures |
ok for Saracco science. for telluric still to be done |
telluric Nisini field1 |
HIP16652 |
K, J ,H |
Nisini |
field 1 |
J K |
450*8=1h |
H to be done. not all stars in the slits. 3 stars on top are out in all +2" offsets. Note that we corrected aligment manually |
telluric Nisini for field 3 |
HIP17971 |
K, J,H |
Nisini |
field 3 |
K, J first 2 |
450*6=0.75h |
to be completed |
telluric Piconcelli A4 |
HIP53735 |
HK |
completed |
Piconcelli A4 |
J1027+3543 |
HKspec |
0.3h |
completed |
INAF queue observing, 2018 Jan 25-26
Observer: R. Carini, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
Instrument: LUCI
Night shared with LINC team.
At the midnight high wind (more than 22 m/s), in the sky there are some clouds. we stay closed.
instruments: LBC works, LUCI1 only imaging, LUCI2 imaging and LS, AO works just for LUCI1, MODS1 works, MODS2 only blue channel.
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:00am- 13:15pm UT =
11 h 15m
Night shared with LINC team. INAF time 7:30pm- 13:15pm UT =
5 h 45m
Observing time:
1 h (17%)
Weather time loss:
4 h 45m (83%)
technical time loss
0 h (0%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Calibration |
Dark |
Saracco science and telluric |
Calibration |
arcs and flats |
G200HK |
ok for Saracco, Gilli, Mignoli, Piconcelli |
Calibration |
arcs and flats |
Nisini Masks 5, 6, 2 |
Calibration |
flats ima |
MODS2 blue channel |
g,u |
Antoniucci |
Calibration |
Bias |
MODS2 blue channel |
Piconcelli A6 |
J1204+3309 |
KHspec |
0.4h |
completed |
telluric Piconcelli |
HIP55627 |
HKspec |
INAF queue observing, 2018 Jan 26-27
Observer: R. Carini, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
Instrument: LUCI2
Night shared with LINC team.
At the midnight sky is mostly clear, seeing variable
instruments: LBC works, LUCI1 only imaging, LUCI2 imaging and LS, AO works just for LUCI1, MODS1 works, MODS2 only blue channel.
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:00am- 13:15pm UT =
11 h 15m
Night shared with LINC team. INAF time 8:30pm- 13:15pm UT =
4 h 45m
Observing time:
4 h 45m (100%)
Weather time loss:
0 h (0%)
technical time loss
0 h (0%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Piconcelli A2 |
J0818+0958 |
HKspec |
0.8 h |
completed |
telluric A2 |
HIP43018 |
HKspec |
Piconcelli A7 |
J1210+1741 |
HKspec |
0.3 h |
completed |
telluric A3 |
HIP54608 |
HKspec |
Piconcelli A3 |
J1025+2454 |
HKspec |
1.3 h+ 0.5 |
completed but to be checked due bad seeing |
INAF queue observing, 2018 Jan 27-28
Observer: R. Carini, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
Instrument: LUCI2
At the sunset the sky is clear
instruments: LBC works, LUCI1 only imaging and AO, LUCI2 imaging and LS and MOS, MODS1 works, MODS2 only blue channel
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:00am- 13:15pm UT =
11 h 15m
Observing time:
11 h 15m (100%)
Weather time loss:
0 h (0%)
technical time loss
0 h (0%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Nisini telluric field 3 |
HIP 17971 |
J,K,H |
Nisini |
Field3 |
J |
15 m |
filter J done |
Vanzella |
JDz11 |
Ks |
30 m |
from image 0029 the data are not good, seeing out of spec |
telluric J1 |
HIP30393 |
zjspec, HKspec |
Antoniucci J1 |
agll 192 |
Hkspec, zjspec |
0.5 h |
spectra |
telluric I1 |
HIP30393 |
zjpec, HKspec |
Antoniucci K2 |
Dr Tau |
HKspec, zjspec |
0.4h +0.1 |
spec +ima completed |
Antoniucci C4 |
Xz tau |
HKspec, zjspec |
0.4h |
to be repeated |
telluric K2 |
HIP34612 |
HKspec, zjspec |
Antoniucci K2, K3 |
Hkspec, zjspec |
0.3 |
miss 2 images in HKspec and ima |
telluric Mignoli |
45666 |
HKspec |
Mignoli B |
401129 |
HKspec |
2h |
telluric Mignoli |
HIP 54815 |
HKspec(lambda=1.93) |
telluric Piconcelli A5 |
HKspec (lambda=1.95) |
Piconcelli A5 |
J1110+1930 |
HKspec |
Arc+Flat Nisini |
Field3 |
H,J,K |
Dark |
Vanzella |
flat |
Vanzella |
Ks |
INAF queue observing, 2018 Jan 28-29
Observer: R. Carini, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
Instrument: LUCI2
At the sunset the sky is clear.
During the night the seeing get worst.
down time: 05:15-05.30 poor seeing for AO; 07:00-13:15
We have taken some date during the down time, who knows if they could be useful.
instruments: LBC works, LUCI1 only imaging and AO, LUCI2 imaging and LS and MOS, MODS1 works, MODS2 only blue channel
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:00am- 13:15pm UT =
11 h 15m
Observing time:
2 h 55m (26%)
Weather time loss:
6 h 51m (61%)
technical time loss
1h 30m (13%) (1h AO problems, see AO log )
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
darks |
Antoniucci |
darks |
Vanzella |
Vanzella |
JDz11 |
Ks |
1 h |
telluric |
HIP17971 |
J, H |
Nisini field3 |
NGC1333 |
H |
30 m |
telluric |
HIP34612 |
jzspec, HKspec |
Antoniucci |
IPTF15afq |
HKspec |
13m |
spectra completed, miss ob ima |
Antoniucci O3,O4 |
RW Aur |
Hspec, jzspec |
0.4+0.1 |
to be repeated for bad seeing end flexure compensation off |
Rossi |
sn-grb171205A |
1 h |
zjspec |
completed |
telluric A3 |
HIP54608 |
HKspec |
Piconcelli A3 |
J1025+2454 |
Hkspec |
28 m |
7 spectra with bad seeing |
flat and arc |
Antoniucci |
zjspec, HKspec, FeII |
ls + ima |
INAF queue observing, 2018 Jan 29-30
We (the observers) take this space to bring attention of the world to the the awkward situation of large part
of research personnel in INAF.
We are now performing observations for INAF researchers with LBT, one of the biggest telescope in the world.
But we are also valued for our scientific contribution, for results that we publish as first authors and for those in which we are involved.
However, we believe that like for many other INAF post-docs,
our contract situation and our expectations do not reflect the great results that we, and INAF thanks to us, are obtaing.
Like many other post-docs, we are paid on contracts renewed every year
pending the availability of external funds.
Moreover, we are not entitled to officially say a word on institutional choice and in many aspects
we are not considered as INAF employees, but like external collaborators.
Indeed, we cannot even lead INAF projects and build a independent research.
Now, we believe INAF has given the power and instruments to start changing this situation.
Observer: R. Carini, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti
Support Astronomer: B.
Instrument: LUCI2
At the sunset the sky is clear.
instruments: LBC works, LUCI1 only imaging and AO, LUCI2 imaging and LS and MOS, MODS1 works, MODS2 only blue channel
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:00am- 7:30pm UT =
Observing time:
4 h 45m (86%)
Weather time loss:
* *h m (%)
technical time loss
0.75h m (14%) ()
-- %USERSIG{RobertaCarini - 2018-01-24}%