INAF queue observing, 2016 Jan 24-25

Observer: F. Cusano, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: David Gonzalo-Huerta
Support Astronomer: Barry Rothberg
Instrument: LUCI


At the sunset the sky is clear. Wind at the limit (17m/s)
Note: We can not observe the Iovino program because the mask was not loaded on the LUCi cabinet also if it was requested.

Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 19:20-6:10 ( 02:20-13:10 UT) = 10 h 50m

Observing time: * 7 h * *30 m (72%)

Weather time loss: 2 h (20%)

technical time loss 0.85 h (8%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Darks     10x60,3x300 good for Guaita, Gilli and DeBarros
Antoniucci EZ_TAU_E 200 H+K grating, zJspec, HKspec 5min completed
Antoniucci V1118 200 H+K grating,zJspec, HKspec 0.3h completed
Antoniucci V1647 200 H+K grating,zJspec, HKspec 0.3h completed
Guaita M0717 Br_gam 0.5h  
Gilli ID3605 200 H+K grating,zJspec 2.5h  
DeBarros MACS1423 200 H+K few min mask not centered, data not useful

INAF queue observing, 2016 Jan 25-26

Observer: F. Cusano, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: David Gonzalo-Huerta
Support Astronomer: Barry Rothberg
Instrument: LUCI/MODS


At the sunset the sky is clear.

Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 19:20-6:10 ( 02:20-13:10 UT) = 10 h 50m

Observing time: 8 h 30m (85%)

Weather time loss: 1 h 0m (10%)

technical time loss 0.5 h 0m (5%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Darks     5x30,5x22,5x180,5x120, 3x300 for Antoniucci, Gilli, DeBarros, Polletta
Flat LUCI skyflat J, Ks, FeII, H2    
Sarracco M004XLSms2 red-grating 1h check if data are within constraints
Antoniucci V1118 Ori dual grating 0.3h MODS
Antoniucci V1647 Ori dual grating 0.3h MODS
Antoniucci V2775 Ori dual grating 0.3h MODS
Antoniucci V2775 Ori 200 H+K grating,zJspec, HKspec 0.3h LUCI only part of 1 script
Guaita M0717 H2 0.5h  
Guaita M1149 H2 0.5h passing clouds!
Gilli id3605 200 H+K grating,zJspec 1.5h  
DeBarros MACS1423 200 H+K 0 min wrong allignement, nothing useful

INAF queue observing, 2016 Jan 26-27

Observer: F. Cusano, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: Olga Kuhn
Instrument: LUCI/MODS


At the sunset the sky is clear.

Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 19:20-6:10 ( 02:20-13:10 UT) = 10 h 50m

Observing time: 8 h 50m (81%)

Weather time loss: 0 h (0%)

technical time loss 2 h 0m (19%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Darks     150,3ditx2ndit,3ditx4ndit,5ditx6ndit,6ditx4ndit good for Antoniucci spec and ima
Sarracco M004XLSms2 red-grating 1h high seeing, check if ok on image
Guaita M0717 H2 0.5h completed
Guaita M0717 Br_gam 0.5h completed
Standard P-161D H2, Br_gam, Ks    
Antoniucci XZTau zjspec,HKspec 1m no telluric, useless!
Antoniucci iptf15afq redgrating 0.5h MODS
Raimondo UMaII _f1 r_sdss,U 0.5h  
Marconi IZw18 V, I 0.3h  
Rossi GRB151027A r_sdss,z_sdss 1.15h  
skyflats   V,I,r,z   for Marconi and Rossi, r,z only one PA angle

INAF queue observing, 2016 Jan 27-28

Observer: F. Cusano, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: Olga Kuhn
Instrument: LUCI/MODS


At the sunset the sky is clear.

Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 19:20-6:10 ( 02:20-13:10 UT) = 10 h 50m

Observing time: * 10h* 30m (97%)

Weather time loss: 0 h (0%)

technical time loss * 0h* 20m (3%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Palazzi Eliana1 LUCI zJ,HKspec+LBC UBVr 2.7h  
Gilli id3605 zJ 2.5h  
DeBarros M103GLASS2c zJ 2h  


INAF queue observing, 2016 Jan 28-29

Observer: F. Cusano, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: Olga Kuhn
Instrument: LUCI/MODS


At the sunset some thin cirrus .

Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 19:20-6:10 ( 02:20-13:10 UT) = 10 h 50m

Observing time: 10 h m (96%)

Weather time loss: 0.5 h (4%)

technical time loss * 0h* 0m (0%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
DARKS     5x10s ok for Antoniucci, tellurics for several programs
Sarracco M004XLSms2 red-grating 1h program completed
Palazzi Eliana1 dual-grating    
Gilli id3605 zJ 1.5h completed
Guaita M1149 Brgam, Ks, H2 0.5h, 10min,0.5h  
DeBarros M103GLASS2c zJ 1.3h  

INAF queue observing, 2016 Jan 29-30

Observer: F. Cusano, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: Olga Kuhn
Instrument: LBC


At the sunset clouds cover about 60% of the sky . At 01:05 the sky is almost clear.

Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 19:20-6:10 ( 02:20-13:10 UT) = 10 h 50m

Observing time: * 10h* 20m (96%)

Weather time loss: 0.5 h (4%)

technical time loss * h* m (%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Darks     5nexpX4ditX3ndit LUCI2 for Antoniucci telluric
Dotto ID433939 LBC-b(V,B,g) LBC-r(R,z,r,I) 40m passing clouds at the beginning
Raimondo UmaII LBC-b(SDT_U,B) LBC-r(r) 1.5h  
Marconi IZW18 LBC-b(V), LBC-r(I) 10m  
Guaita M1149 Br_gamma, H2 0.5, 0.5  
DeBarros M103GLASS2c zJ 2.5h passing cirrus, 10min not good

INAF queue observing, 2016 Jan 30-31

Observer: F. Cusano, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: Olga Kuhn
Instrument: LBC


At the sunset clouds. The dome stay closed for high wind gusts (25 m/s)

Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 19:20-6:10 ( 02:20-13:10 UT) = 10 h 50m

Observing time: 5h 30m (55%)

Weather time loss: 5 h (45%)

technical time loss * 0h* 0m (%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
MODSCalib       flats 5" red ok, lamps for 1" dual ok, flat 0.8" dual ok, flat 1" NOT OK!
MODSBias       bias8k, bias3k
Castellano MACSJ0717   15m OB interrupted seeing 2 out of constraints
Antoniucci NY_Ori dual grating 15m with imaging
Antoniucci V512 Per dual grating 30m with imaging
Antoniucci V1118 Ori dual grating 20m high wind
Guaita M1149 Br_gamma 0.5  

INAF queue observing, 2016 Jan 31-Feb 01

Observer: F. Cusano, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: Barry Rothberg
Instrument: LBC/LUCI/MODS


At the sunset Wind gusts >30 ms, clouds .

Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 19:20-6:10 ( 02:20-13:10 UT) = 10 h 50m

Observing time: 0 h m (0%)

Weather time loss: 10 h 50m (100%)

technical time loss * 0h* 0m (0%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
imaging flats for MODS        


Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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