INAF queue observing, 2013 SUMMARY Oct 30 Nov 5
Observer: M. Fumana, R. Speziali
Telescope Operator: G. Becchetti
Support Astronomer: M. Edwards
Instrument: MODS
Summary Oct 30
Night in shared time with DDT.
At the sunset clear sky.
Humidity still too high, we are not able to open at twilight
Seeing very variable during the night.
Data Summary
Summary Oct 31-Nov01
At the sunset clear sky.
Data Summary
Summary Nov 01-Nov 02
At the sunset clear sky.
No MODS available at the beginning of the night.
Three primary mirror panic events during the night
Problem in LUCI grism tilting. We had to skip a high priority program
Data Summary
Summary Nov02-Nov03
At the sunset thin cirrus at the horizon.
Cloud and wind come during the night.
Mismatch ID in the Lardo masks.
Try to observe Israel program. Had to stop due to bad weather conditions
Rain spots after 5:30.
Snow in the second part of the night.
Summary Nov03-Nov04
At the sunset heavy clouds in the sky.
Humidity > 98%.
Fauked to observe with mods (one quadrant of red channel is down) and LBC (blue not collimating)
Summary Nov04-Nov05
We stay closed due to bad weather.
RobertoSpeziali - 05 Nov 2013