INAF queue observing, 2024 November 08 - November 09

Observer: Felice Cusano, Ester Marini
Support: Alexander Backer
Telescope operator: Steve Allanson
Instrument: LBC


These observations have been performed in C-19 mode by Felice Cusano and Ester Marini.
At sunset sky is clear. We start with LBC. For the gregorian instruments, we can use only the left side due to delay in the installation of the DX adSec.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 1:20 - 12:49 UT = * 11h* * 29m*
Observing time: 11h 7min (96.8%)*
Weather time loss: 0h 0min (%)*
Technical time loss: 0h 22min (3.2%)*
Shark-NIR time loss: 0 h 0min (%)*

Data Summary
Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
calibration sky flats LBC-Bino     U, Y; r, r; g, i
Giunta Search_field LBC-Bino g, i-z 0.1h + 0.1h 13-10° elevation
Savaglio FRB20240114A LBC-Bino g,z; r, i 0.2h + 0.2h completed
Rossi GW241102br LBC-Bino r, z 0.25h + 0.25h completed
Maiorano GRB240825A LBC-Bino r, z 0.83h + 0.83h completed
Maiorano EP241026b LBC-Bino g, r 0.67h +0.67h completed
Vito J030331 LBC-Bino r, Y 0.5+0.5hr r_Y_1.xml, r_Y_2.xml done, target completed
Cusano 1P/Halley LBC-Bino r, r 0.3+0.3hr FWHM out of spec 1.5-1.7"
Vito J0535 LBC-Bino r, i 0.5+0.5hr r_i_1.xml done, FWHM varying between 0.7-1.1", out of spec only in the last 2 images
Vito J0535 LBC-Bino r, i 0.5+0.5hr r_i_2_short_1.xml, FWHM out of spec, need to re-take this
calibration sky flats LBC-Bino     Bz pa0, pa180, gi pa0, pa180
Further details in the log by LBT-Italia at this link:

log from A. Becker :

Summary of LBC calibrations files:

Summary of LBC science files:

Summary of MODS calibrations files:

INAF queue observing, 2024 November 09 - November 10

Observer: Ester Marini, Felice Cusano,
Support: ALlexander Backer
Telescope operator: Steve Allanson
Instrument: MODS1, LBC, PEPSI-SX


These observations have been performed in C-19 mode by Felice Cusano and Ester Marini.
At sunset sky is clear. We start with MODS. After two hours we switch to LBC and observed for about 2 hours. Then the temperature was to unstable to keep going all the night with LBC, so we decided to swith to PEPSI.
For the gregorian instruments, we can use only the left side due to delay in the installation of the DX adSec.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 1:20 - 12:49 UT = * 11h* * 29m*
Observing time: 10h 9min (89%)*
Weather time loss: 0h 0min (%)*
Technical time loss: 1h 20min (11%)*
Shark-NIR time loss: 0 h 0min (%)*

Data Summary
Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
calibration dual flat slitless MODS      
Savaglio_30 FRB20240114A MODS1 dual grating 1hr/1hr seeing ~0.7"
STD Feige110 MODS1 dual grating, red grating    
Savaglio_30 FRB20240114A LBC bino r, i 0.3+0.3hr FWHM ~1.1", done the script 3 times
Maiorano_23 241030Aforchina LBC bino r,z 0.4hr+0.4hr done *_1 and *_2 script, FWHM ~1", but during the last images DIMM had a jump up to 2.5"
Rainer Gaia 2 PEPSI-SX D200, CD14-CD25-CD36 0.625h completed
Ripepi 3418697936444956672 PEPSI-SX D300, CD2-CD46 0.37h completed
Ripepi 457599392117044224 PEPSI-SX D300, CD2-CD46 0.5h completed
Rainer TOI 4145 PEPSI-SX D200, CD1-CD5 0.41h completed
Rainer TOI 2154 PEPSI-SX D200, CD123-CD456 0.62h completed
Rainer HAT-P-39 PEPSI-SX D200, CD123-CD456 2h completed
Bragaglia_2 3451009727031458560 PEPSI-SX D300, CD1-CD4 0.13h completed
Rainer TOI-1268 PEPSI-SX D200, CD123-CD456 0.9h seeing 1.5"-2", increased exp time for bad seeing, to check with PI
Further details in the log by LBT-Italia at this link:

log from A. Becker :

Summary of MODS calibrations files:

Summary of MODS science files:

Summary of LBC science files:

Summary of LBC calibrations files:

INAF queue observing, 2024 November 10 - November 11

Observer: Ester Marini, Felice Cusano,
Support: ALlexander Backer
Telescope operator: Steve Allanson
Instrument: PEPSI


These observations have been performed in C-19 mode by Andrea Rossi and Ester Marini.
At sunset some cirrus are passing bye, but we can open and start with PEPSI.

For the gregorian instruments, we can use only the left side due to delay in the installation of the DX adSec.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 1:20 - 12:49 UT = * 11h* * 29m*
Observing time: 7h 48min (67.9%)*
Weather time loss: 3h 2min (26.4%)*
Technical time loss: 0h 39min (5.7%)*
Shark-NIR time loss: 0 h 0min (%)*

Data Summary
Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
STD HR 7950 PEPSI PFU CD36    
Ceccarelli_7 1766285028234840576 PEPSI PFU CD36 0.36h/0.36h SNR 62/83 w cirrus
Ceccarelli_7 1772048878641647488 PEPSI PFU CD36 0.06h/0.06h SNR 68/83 w cirrus
Ceccarelli_7 1795085983706056960 PEPSI PFU CD36 0.06h/0.06h SNR 57/67 w cirrus
Ceccarelli_7 1799302645159093760 PEPSI PFU CD36 0.36h/0.36h SNR 61/90 w cirrus
Ceccarelli_7 1852168671754490880 PEPSI PFU CD36 0.14/0.14h SNR 80/100 w cirrus
Ceccarelli_7 1951295696616071040 PEPSI PFU CD36 0.27/0.36h SNR 60/80 w cirrus
Ceccarelli_7 1840819100416214912 PEPSI PFU CD36 0.05/0.06h SNR 70/80 w cirrus
Ceccarelli_7 1974094242023070848 PEPSI PFU CD36 0.45/0.9h SNR 50/80 w cirrus
Ceccarelli_7 1967044242179784704 PEPSI PFU CD36 0.27/0.36h SNR 65/90 w cirrus
Ceccarelli_7 2237215311638216576 PEPSI PFU CD36 0.14/0.14h SNR 70/80 w cirrus
Ceccarelli_7 1959254266711417216 PEPSI PFU CD36 0.9/0.9h SNR 50/70 w cirrus
Ceccarelli_7 403925323252033920 PEPSI PFU CD3-CD6 0.7/0.9hr S/N 74/103 w cirrus
Ceccarelli_7 218993686573781504 PEPSI PFU CD3-CD6 0.7/0.9hr S/N 61/93 w cirrus
Ceccarelli_7 286355163367453312 PEPSI PFU CD3-CD6 0.45/0.9hr S/N 61/88 w cirrus
Ripepi 845159992310748672 PEPSI PFU CD2-CD4 0.5hr/0.6hr stopped earlier due to clouds (we lost the star), S/N 53/42. Still have to do CD2-CD6
Ceccarelli_7 993573343139591936 PEPSI PFU CD3-CD6 0.45/0.9 hr S/N 56/67 w clouds
Ceccarelli_7 781931511003780096 PEPSI PFU CD3-CD6 0.02/0.05 hr S/N 61/72 w clouds
Ceccarelli_7 3971657344961894272 PEPSI PFU CD3-CD6 0.05/0.05 hr S/N 61/68 w clouds
Ceccarelli_7 779616592350301952 PEPSI PFU CD3-CD6 0.55/1.1 hr S/N 73/104 w clouds
Further details in the log by LBT-Italia at this link:

log from A. Becker :

INAF queue observing, 2024 November 11 - November 12

Observer: Felice Cusano, Andrea Rossi
Support: Alexander Backer
Telescope operator: Steve Allanson
Instrument: LUCI1, PEPSI-SX, MODS-1


These observations have been performed in C-19 mode by Andrea Rossi and Ester Marini.
At sunset some cirrus are passing bye, but we can open and start with LUCI1.
Switch to PEPSI at 3:50 for bad seeing. Switch to MODS at 11 UT.

For the gregorian instruments, we can use only the left side due to delay in the installation of the DX adSec.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 1:20 - 12:49 UT = * 11h* * 29m*
Observing time: 11h 18min (98%)*
Weather time loss: 0h min (0%)*
Technical time loss: 0h 11min (1.4%)*
Shark-NIR time loss: 0 h 0min (%)*

Data Summary
Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
Nesci XTEJ1901p014 LUCI1 K imag 0.6h some clouds during last exposures
Telluric BD+35 4512 LUCI1 G200,zJspec-HKspec   telluric for Trefoloni
Trefoloni J223450 LUCI1 G200,zJspec-HKspec 0.5h  
Telluric HIP13917 LUCI1 G210,K   telluric for Tozzi
Ripepi 2694868747315735168 PEPSI-SX D300, CD2-4 0.62h completed
Ripepi 2694868747315735168 PEPSI-SX D300, CD2-6 0.62h completed
Ripepi 1885629426224489728 PEPSI-SX D300, CD2-4 0.58h completed
Ripepi 1885629426224489728 PEPSI-SX D300, CD2-6 0.58h completed
Ripepi 2798793383782221696 PEPSI-SX D300, CD2-4 0.61h completed
Ripepi 2798793383782221696 PEPSI-SX D300, CD2-6 0.64h completed
Rainer TOI-4087 PEPSI-SX D200, CD1-4 1h SNR 60/120 completed
Rainer TOI-4087 PEPSI-SX D200, CD2-5 1h SNR 80/160 completed
Rainer TOI-4087 PEPSI-SX D200, CD3-6 1h SNR 125/159 completed
Vietri carryover J0747+2739 MODS1 blue grating 0.6"slit 1h  
STD GD71 MODS1 blue grating   for Vietri
Further details in the log by LBT-Italia at this link:

log from A. Becker : which includes the PEPSI summary file

Summary of LUCI calibrations files:

Summary of LUCI science files:

Summary of MODS calibrations files:

Summary of MODS science files:

INAF queue observing, 2024 November 12 - November 13

Observer: Andrea Rossi, Ester Marini
Support: Alexander Backer
Telescope operator: David Gonzalez Huerta
Instrument: LUCI


These observations have been performed in C-19 mode by Andrea Rossi and Ester Marini.
At sunset the Sky is clear and we open, but we had to close immediately because of wind guts above limits. We open at 5:00 UT and start with LUCI.

For the gregorian instruments, we can use only the left side due to delay in the installation of the DX adSec.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 1:20 - 12:49 UT = * 11h* * 29m*
Observing time: 7h 49min (68%)*
Weather time loss: 3h 40min (32%)*
Technical time loss: h min (0%)*
Shark-NIR time loss: h min (0%)*

Data Summary
Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
Telluric HIP 13917 LUCI 1 zJ+HK200 1"slit   for Trefoloni J014628
Trefoloni_46 J014628 LUCI1 zJ+HK200 1"slit 2hr/1hr repeated the script twice due to bad seeing (up to 2.5")
Telluric HIP 13917 LUCI 1 zJ+HK200 1"slit   for Trefoloni J014628, we retake this since we did 2hr of science
Telluric HIP 43018 LUCI 1 zJ+HK200 1"slit   for Trefoloni J083157
Trefoloni_46 J083157 LUCI1 zJ+HK200 1"slit 1hr/1hr seeing variable between 1 and 1.5"
Telluric HIP 30155 LUCI 1 zJ+HK200 1"slit   for Signorini J074217
Signorini_45 J074217 LUCI1 zJ200 1"slit 1hr/2hr seeing <1"
Signorini_45 J074217 LUCI1 HK200 1"slit 0.67hr/2hr seeing <1", stopped at 8/12 exposures due to high background
Further details in the log by LBT-Italia at this link:

log from A. Becker :

Summary of LUCI calibration files:

Summary of MODS calibration files:

INAF queue observing, 2024 November 13 - November 14

Observer: Felice Cusano, Ester Marini
Support: Alexander Backer
Telescope operator: David Gonzalez Huerta
Instrument: PEPSI-SX, LUCI1


These observations have been performed in C-19 mode by Felice Cusano and Ester Marini.
At sunset the Sky is clear, but we can not open for a technical issue. Opening at 2:30, starting with PEPSI.
We switch to LUCI1 at 04:03.

For the gregorian instruments, we can use only the left side due to delay in the installation of the DX adSec.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 1:20 - 12:49 UT = * 11h* * 29m*
Observing time: 10h 14min (89.1%)*
Weather time loss: 0h 0min (0%)*
Technical time loss: 1h 15min (10.9%)*
Shark-NIR time loss: 0h 0min (0%)*

Data Summary
Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
Bragaglia_14 2051105101578548480 PEPSI-SX D300, CD3-5 0.5h/0.5h completed
Bragaglia_14 2051105101578548480 PEPSI-SX D300, CD1-4 0.5h/0.5h completed
Tozzi HIP13917 LUCI1 G210,K    
Tozzi 9io9 LUCI1 G210, K 4h/4h fwhm=0.6" completed
Tozzi HIP13917 LUCI1 G210,K   we took the telluric again since the observation of the target lasted more that 4 hours
Signorini_45 HIP 30155 LUCI 1 zJ+HK200 1"slit   Telluric for J074217
Signorini_45 J074217 LUCI1 zJ200 1"slit 1hr/2hr images rotated by 90degrees (#0083-#0094) due to an issue in the readout software, but data are good. Seeing ~0.5". zJspec completed (we took 1hr during the previous night)
Signorini_45 J074217 LUCI1 HK200 1"slit 1.4hr/2hr seeing on average ~0.8". HKspec completed (we took 0.67hr during the previous night)
Signorini_45 HIP 30155 LUCI 1 zJ+HK200 1"slit   Telluric for J074217, took again since the observation lasted more than 2hours
Further details in the log by LBT-Italia at this link:

log from A. Becker :

Summary of LUCI science files:

Summary of LBC calibraiton files:

INAF queue observing, 2024 November 14 - November 15

Observer: Felice Cusano, Andrea Rossi
Support: Alexander Backer
Telescope operator: David Gonzalez Huerta
Instrument: PEPSI-SX, LBC


These observations have been performed in C-19 mode by Felice Cusano and Andrea Rossi.
At sunset the Sky is clear, we open and we start with PEPSI. Good conditions. We switch to LBC at 04:25.
We close for high wind at

For the gregorian instruments, we can use only the left side due to delay in the installation of the DX adSec.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 1:20 - 12:49 UT = * 11h* * 29m*
Observing time: 6 h 9 min (54%)*
Weather time loss: 4 h 10 min (36%)*
Technical time loss: 1 h 10 min (10%)*
Shark-NIR time loss: 0h 0min (0%)*

Data Summary
Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
Ceccarelli_9 4267678864855546368 PEPSI-SX D300, CD3-6 0.72h completed S/N=55 CD3
Bragaglia_14 2051105239017444992 PEPSI-SX D300, CD3-5 0.5h completed S/N=55 CD3
Bragaglia_14 2051105239017444992 PEPSI-SX D300, CD1-4 0.5h completed S/N=35 CD1
Bragaglia_14 HD192281 PEPSI-SX D300, CD123-456   standard
Bragaglia_14 2051105307736990336 PEPSI-SX D300, CD3-5 0.5h completed S/N=68 CD3
Bragaglia_14 2051105307736990336 PEPSI-SX D300, CD1-4 0.5h  
Maiorano EP241026b LBC-Bino r-r 1h DIMM~1"
Maiorano EP241113a LBC-Bino r-r 0.4h DIMM~1.3"
CALIB dome flats and arcs LUCI1     for Tozzi and Signorini
Further details in the log by LBT-Italia at this link:

log from A. Becker :

Summary of LBC science files:

Summary of LUCI calibration files:

INAF queue observing, 2024 November 15 - November 16

Observer: Ester Marini, Felice Cusano
Support: Dave Thompson
Telescope operator: David Gonzalez Huerta
Instrument: PEPSI-SX, LBC


These observations have been performed in C-19 mode by Ester Marini and Felice Cusano .
At sunset there are some thin cirrus in the sky and there are wind gusts > 22m/s. We stay closed all the night for high wind and humidity.

For the gregorian instruments, we can use only the left side due to delay in the installation of the DX adSec.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 1:20 - 12:49 UT = * 11h* * 29m*
Observing time: 0 h 0 min (0%)*
Weather time loss: 11 h 29 min (100%)*
Technical time loss: 0 h 0 min (%)*
Shark-NIR time loss: 0h 0min (0%)*

Data Summary
Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
calibrations flat imag LUCI1 J, H   Imag flats
Further details in the log by LBT-Italia at this link:

log from D. Thompson :

INAF queue observing, 2024 November 16 - November 17

Observer: Andrea Rossi, Ester Marini
Support: Dave Thompson
Telescope operator: David Gonzalez Huerta
Instrument: MODS


These observations have been performed in C-19 mode by Ester Marini and Felice Cusano .
At sunset the sky is cloudy and Humidity is > 95%, we stay closed. David called the night at 10:14UT, due to sufficient ice on enclosure and high humidity.

For the gregorian instruments, we can use only the left side due to delay in the installation of the DX adSec.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 1:20 - 12:49 UT = * 11h* * 29m*
Observing time: 0 h 0 min (0%)*
Weather time loss: 11 h 29 min (100%)*
Technical time loss: 0 h 0 min (0%)*
Shark-NIR time loss: 0 h 0 min (0%)*

Data Summary
Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
Further details in the log by LBT-Italia at this link:

And in the log by D. Thompson:
Topic revision: r2 - 20 Jan 2025, FeliceCusano
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