INAF queue observing, 2024 September 22 - September 23

Observer: Felice Cusano, Andrea Rossi Support: Jennifer Power
Telescope operator: Josh Williams
Instrument: LUCI2, PEPSI-R


These observations have been performed in C-19 mode by Felice Cusano and Andrea Rossi. At sunset sky is clear, we can open. We can use only the right side due to the problem with ASM. Starting with LUCI2. After about 50 minutes we switch to PEPSI due to the problem in the central wavelenght of the G200.
Observed all night with PEPSI right side only.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 2:14 - 12:14 UT = * 10h* * 00m*
Observing time: 8 h 35 min (86%)*
Weather time loss: 0 h 0 min (0%)*
Technical time loss: 1 h 25 min (14%)*
Shark-NIR time loss: 0 h 00 min (0%)*

Data Summary
Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
Ceccarelli 9 4268429900002371328 PEPSI D300 CD3-CD6 46 minutes right side only, S/N=51 CD3
Ceccarelli 9 4267685461925318144 PEPSI D300 CD3-CD6 17 minutes right side only, S/N=43 CD3
Ceccarelli 9 4267678830495766656 PEPSI D300 CD3-CD6 29 minutes right side only, S/N=35 CD3
Ceccarelli 9 4268436183508526592 PEPSI D300 CD3-CD6 17 minutes X 2 right side only, S/N=25*1.4 CD3
STD HD 8634 PEPSI D300 CD3-CD6 10sec right side only, S/N=740 CD3 for Ceccarelli
STD HD 192281 PEPSI D300 CD3-CD5 1minute right side only, S/N=260 CD3 for Bragaglia 14
STD HD 192281 PEPSI D300 CD1-CD4 1minute right side only, S/N=128 CD1 for Bragaglia 14
Bragaglia 14 2051293289863225728 PEPSI D300 CD3-CD5 15 minutes right side only, S/N= 22CD5
Bragaglia 14 2051293289863225728 PEPSI D300 CD3-CD5 60 minutes right side only, S/N= 70CD5
STD HD 192281 PEPSI D300 CD3-CD5 1minute right side only, S/N=250 CD3 for Bragaglia 14
Rainer 32 TOI 1516 PEPSI D200 CD1-CD4 7.5minutes X 2 right side only, S/N=20-80*1.4 CD14
Rainer 32 TOI 1516 PEPSI D200 CD2-CD5 15minutes right side only, S/N=77-139 CD25
Rainer 32 TOI 1516 PEPSI D200 CD3-CD6 15minutes right side only, S/N=97-147 CD36
Rainer 32 TOI 2152 PEPSI D200 CD1-CD4 20minutes X2 right side only, S/N=30-100 *1.4 CD14
Rainer 32 TOI 2152 PEPSI D200 CD2-CD5 30minutes right side only, S/N=52-158 CD25
Rainer 32 TOI 2152 PEPSI D200 CD3-CD6 30minutes right side only, S/N=95-151 CD36
Rainer 32 TOI 4137 PEPSI D200 CD1-CD4 30minutes right side only, S/N=34-140 CD14
Rainer 32 TOI 4137 PEPSI D200 CD2-CD5 20minutes right side only, S/N=70-130 CD25
Rainer 32 TOI 4137 PEPSI D200 CD3-CD6 20minutes right side only, S/N=100-140 CD36
Bragaglia 2 3451170809783500288 PEPSI D300 CD1-CD4 145s x2=4.8min right side only, S/N=40-110
STD Hip 9690 PEPSI D300 CD1-CD4 12sec right side only, S/N=90-160 CD14 for Bragaglia2
Further details in the log by LBT-Italia at this link:

log from J. Power:

PEPSI log:

Summary of MODS calib files:

INAF queue observing, 2024 September 23 - September 24

Observer: Andrea Rossi, Felice Cusano
Support: Jennifer Power
Telescope operator: Josh Williams
Instrument: LUCI2, PEPSI-R


These observations have been performed in C-19 mode by Felice Cusano and Andrea Rossi.
At sunset sky is clear. Conditions are good we start observing with LUCI2. We can use only the right side due to the problem with ASM.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 2:14 - 12:14 UT = * 10h* * 00m*
Observing time: 9h 15min (92.5%)*
Weather time loss: 0h 0min (0%)*
Technical time loss: 0h 45min (7.5%)*
Shark-NIR time loss: 0h 0min (0%)*

Data Summary
Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
STD HIP 82710 LUCI2 zJ+HK200, 1"slit   for Signorini
Signorini 45 SDSSJ165043.28 LUCI2 zJ200, 1"slit 1.2/2 hours DIMM~1"
STD HIP 110963 LUCI2 zJ+HK200, 1"slit   for Signorini
Signorini 45 SDSSJ223819.89 LUCI2 zJ200, 1"slit 0.5/0.5 hr completed FWHM<1"
Signorini 45 SDSSJ223819.89 LUCI2 HK200, 1"slit 0.5/0.5 hr completed FWHM<1"
STD HIP116886 LUCI2 zJ+HK200, 1"slit    
Signorini 45 SDSSJ235644 LUCI2 zJ200, 1"slit 0.5h/0.5 hr completed FWHM<1"
Signorini 45 SDSSJ235644 LUCI2 HK200, 1"slit 0.5h/0.5 hr completed
Palazzi HD2844 LUCI2 zJ200, 1"slit   telluric for Palazzi
Palazzi ZTF24aaysowl LUCI2 zJ200, 1"slit 0.93h/0.93h completed
Palazzi ZTF24aaysowl LUCI2 imag, J 0.5h completed
Rainer TOI-4145 PEPSI CD1-4, D200 0.55h S/N=62 CD4 too low
Rainer TOI-4145 PEPSI CD2-5, D200 0.55h S/N=106 CD5 ok completed
Rainer TOI-4145 PEPSI CD3-6, D200 0.55h S/N=118 CD6 ok completed
Rainer TOI-4145 PEPSI CD1-4, D200 0.55h second exp for low S/N
Further details in the log by LBT-Italia at this link:

log from J. Power:

PEPSI log:

Summary of MODS calib files:

Summary of LUCI calib files:

Summary of LUCI science files:

INAF queue observing, 2024 September 24 - September 25

Observer: Felice Cusano, Andrea Rossi
Support: Jennifer Power
Telescope operator: Steve Allanson, Riccardo Ansaldi
Instrument: LUCI2, PEPSI-R


These observations have been performed in C-19 mode by Felice Cusano and Andrea Rossi.
At sunset sky is clear. Conditions are good we start observing with MODS2. Seeing at beginning of the night is around 2", we observe backup programs. We can use only the right side due to the problem with ASM.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 2:14 - 12:14 UT = * 10h* * 00m*
Observing time: 8h 10min (82%)*
Weather time loss: 0h 0min (0%)*
Technical time loss: 1h 50min (18%)*
Shark-NIR time loss: 0h 0min (0%)*

Data Summary
Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
STD BD+28 MODS2 dual/red/blue grating   standard for all programs
Grazian Q937816717 MODS2 dual grating 0.2h completed
Grazian Q948266288 MODS2 dual grating 0.2h completed
Grazian Q953827878 MODS2 dual grating 0.27h completed
Izzo 22 SN_EUC1 MODS2 dual grating 1h FWHM~1.5"
Izzo 22 SN_EUC1 MODS2 ugriz ima 4min FWHM~1.5" z not good
Palazzi 24 ZTF24aaysowl MODS2 dual grating 0.3h FWHM~1"
Ighina 39 eRASSJ0312-13 MODS2 dual grating 1.15h/2.3 FWHM ~1.2"
Grazian Q1496561377 MODS2 dual grating 0.17h completed
STD G191 MODS2 dual/red/blue grating   standard for all programs
Further details in the log by LBT-Italia at this link:

log from J. Power:

PEPSI log: none

Summary of MODS calib files:

Summary of LUCI calib files:

Summary of MODS science files:

INAF queue observing, 2024 September 25 - September 26

Observer: Andrea Rossi, Felice Cusano
Support: Jennifer Power
Telescope operator: Steve Allanson, Riccardo Ansaldi
Instrument: MODS2


These observations have been performed in C-19 mode by Felice Cusano and Andrea Rossi.
At sunset sky is clear. We start with MODS. We have been interrupted for dust particles around 5 UT. Then we open after 30 minutes.
We re-started with LBC but the seeing was too bad to perfom the high priority program. We can use only the right side due to the problem with ASM.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 2:14 - 12:14 UT = * 10h* * 00m*
Observing time: 8h 25min (84%)*
Weather time loss: 0h 50min (8.4%)*
Technical time loss: 0h 45min (7.6%)*
Shark-NIR time loss: 0h 0min (0%)*

Data Summary
Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
Mura 21 C2024E1 MODS2 dual grating 1.2"slit 0.5h interrupted due to high seeing
Mura 21 SA112 MODS2 dual grating 1.2"slit   solar analog for Mura
STD BD28 MODS2 dual-red-blue   ok red-grat: mods*29,32,34
Maiorano GRB240910A LBC-Bino r,z 0.4h seeing variable 1.5-2"
Rainer TOI-4145 PEPSI-R D200, CD1-4 0.55h S/N(CD4)=55, seeing variable 1.2-1.7",some extinction
Rainer TOI-4145 PEPSI-R D200, CD2-5 0.55h S/N(CD5)=70, seeing variable 1.2-1.7"
Rainer TOI-4145 PEPSI-R D200, CD3-6 0.55h S/N(CD6)=, seeing variable 1.2-1.7"
Ceccarelli7 1893717330679149568 PEPSI-R D300, CD3-6 0.07 h S/N(CD6)=142
Ceccarelli7 2801619266104427264 PEPSI-R D300, CD3-6 0.07 h S/N(CD6)=165
Ceccarelli7 369264554917499520 PEPSI-R D300, CD3-6 0.07 h S/N(CD6)=180
Ceccarelli7 2232943292350057600 PEPSI-R D300, CD3-6 0.18 h S/N(CD6)=145
Ceccarelli7 2819081606697884800 PEPSI-R D300, CD3-6 0.3 h S/N(CD6)= 108
Ceccarelli7 32231981505574656 PEPSI-R D300, CD3-6 0.07 h S/N(CD6)= 158
Ceccarelli7 142685410644470016 PEPSI-R D300, CD3-6 0.07 h S/N(CD6)= 107
Ceccarelli7 182236188221901440 PEPSI-R D300, CD3-6 0.07 h S/N(CD6)= 315
Ceccarelli7 195135486843712384 PEPSI-R D300, CD3-6 0.07 h S/N(CD6)= 190
Ceccarelli7 379433804820469248 PEPSI-R D300, CD3-6 0.47 h S/N(CD6)= 124
Bragaglia2 3451180602308806016 PEPSI-R D300, CD1-4 0.15 h S/N(CD4)=136, S/N(CD1)=51
Bragaglia2 3451180980265918208 PEPSI-R D300, CD1-4 0.15 h S/N(CD4)=141, S/N(CD1)= 52
Bragaglia2 3451181152064582272 PEPSI-R D300, CD1-4 0.3 h S/N(CD4)=182, S/N(CD1)= 53
Ceccarelli7 337478360953742592 PEPSI-R D300, CD3-6 0.18 h S/N(CD6)= 133
STD HR1544 PEPSI-R D200-300, CD123-456 h standard for all gratings, D200 and D300
Further details in the log by LBT-Italia at this link:

log from J. Power:

PEPSI log:

Summary of MODS calib files:

Summary of LUCI calib files:

Summary of MODS science files:

INAF queue observing, 2024 September 26 - September 27

Observer: Andrea Rossi, Felice Cusano
Support: Alex Becker
Telescope operator: Steve Allanson
Instrument: LUCI2, LBC


These observations have been performed in C-19 mode by Felice Cusano and Andrea Rossi.
At sunset sky is clear. We start with LUCI2. Around midnight we switch to LBC
We can use only the right side due to the problem with ASM.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 2:14 - 12:14 UT = * 10h* * 00m*
Observing time: 9 h 20 min (%)*
Weather time loss: h min (%)*
Technical time loss: 0 h 40 min (7 %)*
Shark-NIR time loss: h min (%)*

Data Summary
Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
STD HIP82710 LUCI2 zJHK 200   for Signorini
Signorini 45 SDSSJ165043.28 LUCI2 zJ 200 slit 1" 1.17/2h 2more for bad seeing completed
Signorini 45 SDSSJ165043.28 LUCI2 HK 200 slit 1" 1/2h only 0.83h are ok
STD HIP113269 LUCI2 zJHK 200 slit 1.5"   for Izzo
Izzo 22 SN_selfcal22 LUCI2 zJHK 200 slit 1.5" 0.8h two spectra in HKspec not good for problem in cw
Vito 5 Slug_Nebula LBC-BINO U - z 0.2h Uz completed,
Vito 5 Slug_Nebula LBC-BINO B - z 0.67h Bz completed,
Vito 5 Slug_Nebula LBC-BINO g - z 0.4h some images out of spec,but gz completed
Vito carryover J030331 LBC-BINO r - i 0.5h/3h i completed, IQ <1"
Vito carryover J030331 LBC-BINO r - z 3/3h z completed IQ< 1"
Further details in the log by LBT-Italia at this link:

log from A. Becker:

Summary of LUCI science files:

INAF queue observing, 2024 September 27 - September 28

Observer: Felice Cusano, Ester Marini
Support: Alex Becker
Telescope operator: Steve Allanson
Instrument: MODS2, LBC


These observations have been performed in C-19 mode by Felice Cusano and Ester Marini.
At sunset sky is clear. We start with MODS2. We can use only the right side due to the problem with ASM.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 2:14 - 12:14 UT = * 10h* * 00m*
Observing time: 9h 36min (96%)*
Weather time loss: 0h 0min (0%)*
Technical time loss: 0h 24min (4%)*
Shark-NIR time loss: 0h 0min (0%)*

Data Summary
Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
Mura C2024E1 MODS2 dualgrating, 1.2" 1.5h seeing <1"
Mura SA112 MODS2 dualgrating, 1.2"   solar analog
Bevacqua 1237663277928022281 MODS2 red grating, 1.2" 0.65h seeing 0.9" completed
Bevacqua 1237663277928022281 MODS2 blue grating, 1.2" 0.65h completed
Bevacqua 1237652944786424004 MODS2 red grating, 1.2" 0.51hr first exp was interrupted due to power bump at 530/660, seeing was ~0.5"
Bevacqua 1237652944786424004 MODS2 blue grating, 1.2" 0.55hr  
Maiorano GRB240825A LBC   25mins we sent the script only once instead of twice since we hit the AM limit, IQ <1.2"
Vito 2023B J03303 LBC     only 20mins were good data
Bragaglia_2 Gaia DR3 3445234993180087040 PEPSI   0.67hr taken to exp because the S/N was too low after the first one. Second exp with S/N 186 on the red and 63 on the blue
Bragaglia_2 Gaia DR3 3451292752493726208 PEPSI   0.27hr taken twice due to low S/N. S/N of single exp are 94 on the and 65 on the blue
Bragaglia_2 Gaia DR3 3451172592189387392 PEPSI   0.18hr S/N 101 on the red, 58 on the blue
Bragaglia_2 Gaia DR3 3451194754222598656 PEPSI   0.27hr S/N 117 on the red, 70 on the blue
Bragaglia_2 Gaia DR3 3451191799284183424 PEPSI   0.216hr S/N 144 on the red and 58 on the blue
Bragaglia_2 Gaia DR3 3451195342636011392 PEPSI   0.216hr S/N 107 on the red and 58 on the blue
Bragaglia_2 Gaia DR3 3451194307546000000 PEPSI   0.27hr S/N 85 on the red, 61 on the blue, too low but no additional exp was taken because we were pointing to the east approaching sunrise
Ceccarelli_7 Gaia DR3 501640158561991936 PEPSI   0.22hr S/N 73 on the red, 56 on the blue
Ceccarelli_7 Gaia DR3 554953106571756928 PEPSI   0.56hr S/N 76 on the red, 58 on the blue
Further details in the log by LBT-Italia at this link:

log from A. Becker:

Summary of MODS science files:

PEPSI log:
Topic revision: r4 - 03 Oct 2024, EsterMarini
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