Observer: E. Sani, M. Fumana
Telescope Operator: S. Anderson, D. Gonzales-Huerta
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson
Instrument: LBC+LUCI
February 14-15
Cirrus above the orizon (SW) at beginning of the night, with low wind and humidity. The initial seeing is 1.1 on the GCS.
During the first 4hrs both humidity and temperature go up and down, with some difficulties of the primary mirrors to thermalize.
Very thin cirrus passing.
During the night the average seeing is highly variable. See the attached plot as an example.
Good sky flats for the LBc Bin are taken during night 20130217.
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Standard |
SA98 |
B-Bessel, R-Bessel, U-Bessel, V-Bessel |
airmass 1.46 |
Saracco DDT |
Linx |
B-Bessel, R-Bessel |
2h |
the seeing is out of the given specs |
Saracco DDT |
Linx |
U-Bessel, V-Bessel |
2h |
20% of the images are expected with seeing close to the specs |
Standard |
SA101 |
B-Bessel, R-Bessel, U-Bessel, V-Bessel, U-special, r-Sloan |
airmass 1.2 |
Grazian 30 |
U-special, r-Sloan |
2h30m |
some frames are out of specs for the seeing |
Standard |
SA104 |
U-special, r-Sloan |
airmass 1.5 |
February 15-16
At the beginning of night operations there are cirrus scattered over the South sky, with wind gusts at 12 m/s and low humidity.
At the end of the twilight there remain cirrus above the SW orizon, but the rest of the sky is almost clear. The wind is increasing with gusts at 20 m/s.
After 3h from the beginning of the observation the sky is clear.
During the night the average seeing experience huge variations, ranging between 0.8 and 2.
With LUCI we have defocusing during the MOS acquisition. Its origin is currently unknown, but, considering that the effect is small and appears only in the upper part of the mask combined with the bad seeing, it should not affect seriously the scientific frames.
Good sky flats for the LBC Bin are taken during night 20130217.
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Standard |
SA98 |
B-Bessel, R-Bessel, U-Bessel, V-Bessel |
airmass 1.4 |
Saracco DDT |
Linx |
B-Bessel, R-Bessel |
1h |
Saracco DDT |
Linx |
U-Bessel, V-Bessel |
1h |
Standard |
SA101 |
B-Bessel, R-Bessel, U-Bessel, V-Bessel |
Standard |
Hip 33836 |
HKspec,200_H+K |
Zamorani_11 |
zCgr32 |
HKspec,200_H+K |
3h 30m |
50% of the frames are within the seeing specs |
Standard |
SA101 |
U-special, r-Sloan |
airmass 1.2 |
Grazian 30 |
U-special, r-Sloan |
1h in both channels |
sky and seeing conditions are within the specs |
February 16-17
The sky is CLEAR at the beginning of the night, with very low humidity and low wind.
At the beginning of scientific integration the seeing on the DIMM is around 1.0.
The sky remains clear all night long.
During the night the seeing is around 1.0 or better.
LBC Bin sky flats taken during this night are good.
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Nascimbeni_DDT |
GJ3470b |
U-special, FN971N20 |
3h35m |
Standard |
SA101 |
B-Bessel, R-Bessel, U-Bessel, V-Bessel |
airmas 1.2 |
Saracco_DDT |
Lynx |
U-Bessel, V-Bessel |
1h |
Standard |
SA104 |
U-special, r-Sloan |
Grazian_30A |
U-special, r-Sloan |
2h |
sky conditions and seeing within the specs |
February 17-18
Thin cirrus above the South orizion at the beginning of the night, with low humidity and quite strong wing gusts ~15m/s.
Due to the high wind gusts at 4.00UT we have to close the dome.
The sky is clear when we open again the dome.
During the execution of the Grazian program we had an trackers error from the red side. The TO fixed it and the SA re-initialized the software.
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Standard |
SA101 |
B-Bessel, R-Bessel, U-Bessel, V-Bessel |
airmas 1.2 |
Saracco_DDT |
Lynx |
B-Bessel, R-Bessel |
1h |
Standard |
SA104 |
U-special, r-Sloan |
airmass 1.6 |
Grazian_30A |
U-special, r-Sloan |
2h |
sky conditions and seeing within the specs |
Standard |
SA101 |
U-special, r-Sloan |
airmass 1.6 |
Standard |
SA109 |
U-special, r-Sloan |
airmass 1.4 |
February 18-19
During the late evening the sky is covered by very thick clouds. We execute LUCI calibrations
Problem with the red side door of the dome. Mike tries to open it manually from level 10
It is not possible to fix the problem, we observe with the blue-side alone
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Antoniucci_DDT |
HH34 |
FeII |
~24min |
Interrupted: target close to wind dir |
Zamorani_A1 |
Hip33836 |
HKspec |
Zamorani_A1 |
zCgr32 |
HKspec |
2.5h |
Interrupted: guide star lost |
LaFranca_A9 |
Hip061493 |
200HK/zJspec |
LaFranca_A9 |
NGC4338 |
200HK/zJspec |
45min |
Grazian_30A |
U-special |
1h12min |
Only blue channel |
Standard |
SA109 |
U-special |
February 19-20
Dome closed at the begining of the night because of strong wind and dewpoint limit.
At 02:00UT it is snowing.
We have problems to insert the calibration unit in LUCI. We call the SA: a power lost during the day caused the lack of energy to the calibration unit. The SA fix it.
Error setting the MOS instrument. We call Dave. A slit mask got stuck, and the SA fix the problem.
The Dome remains closed all night long.
February 20-21
We stay close due to the snow.
EleanoraSani - 20 Feb 2013