INAF LBC+MODS+LUCI queue observing, 2012 December 02-09

Observer: E. Sani, M. Fumana, F. Cusano
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez Huerta and G.Bechetti
Support Astronomer: M. Edwards and O. Kuhn
Instrument: MODS + LBC + LUCI

December 02-03

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Cresci_28A DSF2237a H, 210_zJHK 2h25m some data out of specs due to the highly variable seeing and passing cirrus, we repeat 1h the next night. Tell+calib
Turatto_07 CSS121015 J 200s imaging, no photometric standard required - COMPLETED
Turatto_07 CSS121015 H 200s imaging, no photometric standard required - COMPLETED
Turatto_07 CSS121015 Ks 200s imaging, no photometric standard required - COMPLETED
Turatto_07 CSS121015 zJspec,200_H+K 1h20m Tell+calib - COMPLETED
Turatto_07 PSNJ07250042 J 120s imaging, no photometric standard required - COMPLETED
Turatto_07 PSNJ07250042 H 120s imaging, no photometric standard required - COMPLETED
Turatto_07 PSNJ07250042 Ks 120s imaging, no photometric standard required - COMPLETED
Turatto_07 PSNJ07250042 zJspec,200_H+K 1h Tell+calib - COMPLETED
Turatto_07 PSNJ07250042 HKspec,200_H+K 1h Tell+calib - COMPLETED

December 03-04

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Cresci_28A DSF2237a H, 210_zJHK 1h Tell+flat. COMPLETED
Cresci_28A DSF2237a K, 210_zJHK 1h Tell+flat. Perhaps we have to repeat some few frames in K band due to passing cirrus.
Pentericci_02 Cluster1UDS HKspec, 200_H+K 20m ABORTED
Hunt_08 GRB020127 zJspec, 200_H+K 1h Tell+flat+arc. COMPLETED
Hunt_08 GRB020127 HKspec, 200_H+K 2h Tell+flat+arc. COMPLETED
Turatto_07 SN2012 J 200s imaging, no photometric standard required - COMPLETED
Turatto_07 SN2012 H 200s imaging, no photometric standard required - COMPLETED
Turatto_07 SN2012 Ks 200s imaging, no photometric standard required - COMPLETED

December 04-05

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Cresci_28A DSF2237a K, 210_zJHK 40m Tell. Integration interrupt. Guider fault
Pentericci_02 1UDS HKspec, 200_H+K 2h20m Tell+flat+arc
Andreon_01 JKCS041 HKspec, 200_H+K 50m Tell+flat+arc
LaFranca_04 Mrk417 zJspec, 200_H+K 45m Tell+flat+arc. COMPLETED
LaFranca_10 NGC4395 zJspec, 200_H+K 45m Tell+flat+arc COMPLETED

December 05-06

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Cresci_28A DSF2237a K, 210_zJHK 1h15m  
Pentericci_02 1UDS HKspec, 200_H+K 2h Tell+flat+arc
Andreon_01 JKCS041 HKspec, 200_H+K 1h Tell+flat+arc
Hunt_08 GRB020127 HKspec, 200_H+K 1h Tell+flat+arc
LaFranca_07 NGC4138 zJspec, 200_H+K 45m Tell. COMPLETED
LaFranca_11 2MSXJ11+19 zJspec, 200_H+K 45m Tell. COMPLETED
LaFranca_11 2MSXJ11+19 K, 210_ZJHK 40m Tell. COMPLETED

December 06-07

Project_RUN | Objects | Filter | ExpTime | Notes |
Sozzetti_22 Wasp33 HKspec, 200_H+K 5h2m Tell. We had to interrupt integration due to a GCS problem.
Hunt_08 GRB020127 zJspec, 200_H+K 50m We repeat the zJ integration to compensate for slit loss during the bright time observations
La Franca_A12 NGC4686 zJspec, 200_H+K 45m Tell. COMPLETE

December 07-08

Giallongo_27A MS0015.9+16 g-sloan, r-sloan 1h30m 4 OBs executed, we considered not valid the first OB due to elongated stars. COMPLETE
Standard SA92 g-sloan, r-sloan   airmass 1.3
Giallongo_27C MAC0744+39 g-sloan, r-sloan 3h COMPLETE
Standard SA98 g-sloan, r-sloan   airmass 1.2
Fritz_04 LensGG243 dual_grating 45m STD

December 08-09

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Telluric Hipp107734 K, 210 zJHK    
Cresci_A DSF2237a K, 210 zJHK 1h 10min  
Pentericci_A CLUSTERPENTE HKspec, 200_H+K  
Fritz_04A LensGG243 dual grating 2h25min COMPLETE
Standard G191-B2B red grating    
Standard feige34 red grating   cirrus passing
Gilli_B       Aborted

December 09-10

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Sozzetti_22 Wasp33 HKspec, 200_H+K 1h50m At the beginning of the occultation the dome is closed. Bad seeing. Problems with LUCI shield T.
Fritz_04 G190 dual-grating 1h40m Poor seeing between 1.5" and 2.0" but the targets are detected.

-- EleanoraSani - 28 Feb 2013
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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