Observer: C. Arcidiacono, R. Briguglio, K. Boutsia, M. Faccini, F. Vitali
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson
Instrument: LBC + PISCES

June 16-17

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Barbieri KIC4060 H,J,Ks ~10min X filter + Sky COMPLETED
Barbieri KIC6448 H,J,Ks ~10min X filter + Sky COMPLETED

June 17-18

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Nonino_19 EGS Bbess - rsloan 40min seeing measured on images: blue:1.2" / red 1.1" - considered within specs - COMPLETED
Nonino_19 EGS Usp - rsloan 30min seeing measured on images: blue:1.5" / red 1.23"
Standard SA104 Us/Bbess - rsloan 10min airmass 1.3
Standard SA109 Us/Bbess - rsloan 10min airmass 2.0
Cesaroni IRAS20126 Ks, Brg, H 10min - Ks / 50min - Brg+sky / 1hr H2+sky COMPLETED

June 18-19

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Mesa Hip74596 FeII 5min started doing ADI but loop kept opening because of variable seeing - no useful data
Fiore Mrk231 Ks 10min + sky +calib 30% of requested time
Testi BDp404 J, H, Ks ~10min x filter + sky same project as V1686/V1318
Testi V1686 J, H, Ks 5min for J/H and 10min for Ks + sky same project as V1686/V1318
Testi V1318 Ks, H2, Br-g ~10min for Ks + 20min for Brg/H2 + sky 80% complete

June 19-20

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Fiore Mrk231 Ks, J ~10min x filter + sky we are up to 75% of requested time
Mesa Hip85157 H, FeII 1000frames in 1hr this is an ADI project - COMPLETED
Testi V1318 Ks, Br-g, H2 10min for Ks and ~20min for Brg/H2 COMPLETED

June 20-21

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Nonino_19 EGS Us r 1h30min seeing measured on central chip blue:1.0"/red:078" - allseeing for the whole mosaic blue:1.2"/red:0.86"
Standard SA104 Us/Bbess - rsloan 10min airmass 1.3
Standard SA109 Us/Bbess - rsloan 10min airmass 1.7
Cesaroni IRAS20126 Ks, H2, Br-g 5min for Ks / ~15min for Brg/H2 since tonight the seeing is excellent we obtained some extra data of better quality
Mesa HIP101800 H, FeII 500frames in 1hr / 2min in FeII+ND ADI data + data with ND + calibration star - COMPLETED

June 21-22

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Fiore Mrk231 J, Ks 20min+sky / 2min Ks COMPLETED
Barbieri KIC10864656 J,H,Ks ~4min x fliter + sky COMPLETED
Ragazzoni PCygni FeII, 2.14um, Ks ~30min x filter/ 5min Ks + sky COMPLETED
Bono M15 J,Ks 3min x filter calibrations with LUCI for an AO project

-- KonstantinaBoutsia - 22 Jun 2012
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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