INAF LBC+MODS queue observing, 2012 DATA SUMMARY May

Observer: K. Boutsia, M. Fumana
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez Huerta / G. Bechetti
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson
Instrument: MODS + LBC

MAY 11-12

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
DONNARUMMA_14B Abell1703 red_grating 1.2hr seeing <1" - COMPLETED
NONINO_12D Abell2261 dual_grating 4.5hr seeing <1.2" - 6/7 exp done - 86%
Standard Feige34 red/dual grating    

MAY 12-13

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
NONINO_12B RXJ1532 dual_grating 5hr15min seeing <1.0" - COMPLETED
NONINO_12D Abell2261 dual_grating 1hr10min seeing ~0.8" - COMPLETED
Standard Feige34 red/dual grating    

MAY 13-14

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Radovich_A PLCK Usp - rsloan 1hr seeing: blue:1.25"/ red: 1.1"
Nonino_19 EGS Usp - rsloan 2hr seeing: blue:1.3" / red: 1.1"
Piotto N6791 Vbes - isloan 1hr40min some images at the last OBs are elongated - seeing: blue:1.25" / red: 1.07"
Phot_Std SA104 All filters   airmass 1.25
Phot_Std SA113 UsV_ri   airmass 1.35 during twilight - aborted because background too high

MAY 14-15

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Turatto snNGC4490 red_grating 2hr15m seeing was variable between 1.0"-2.0" - see plot at the end of the log
Turatto sn2011aa dual_grating 2hr40m seeing was >2.0" - see plot at the end of the log
Standard Feige34 red/dual grating    
Standard Feige66 red/dual grating    
Piotto N6791 Vbess - i-sloan 50min seeing is blue 1.7"/red 1.45"

MAY 15-16

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Radovich_B PLCK gsloan - rsloan 1hr seeing measured on images: blue:1.5" / red 1.3"
Sollima Pal4control gsloan - rsloan 1hr seeing measured on images: blue: 1.6" / red:1.5"
Turatto sn2011aa dual_grating 2hr seeing 1.5"-2.0" - see plot at the end of the log
Piotto N6791 Vbess - i-sloan 50min seeing is blue 1.5" /red 1.4" for the non elongated images - problems with elongation again
Standard SA104 BVg - Vri   airmass 1.25
Standard SA107 BVg - Vri   airmass 2.2

MAY 16-17

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Radovich_B PLCK gsloan - rsloan 1hr seeing measured on images: blue:1.5" / red 1.3"
Nonino_19 EGS Bbess - rsloan 40mi seeing measured on images: blue:1.1" / red 1.1"
Nonino_19 EGS Usp - rsloan 30mi seeing measured on images: blue:1.3" / red 1.0"
Pagano GJ1214 Bbess - Rbess 3hr20min Transit - very unstable conditions - variable seeing and passing clouds during the last OB

-- KonstantinaBoutsia - 17 May 2012
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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