INAF LBC+MODS queue observing, 2012 DATA SUMMARY March

Observer: K. Boutsia, R. Speziali, M. Faccini
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
Instrument: MODS + LBC RED

MARCH 26-27

Project Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
FIORE COSMOS3   4hr seeing <1"
DONNARUMMA Abell1703   1.2hr seeing <1"
GILLI SDSSJ1411+1217 r 1.2hr seeing <1"

MARCH 27-28

Project Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
GILLI SDSSJ1030+0524 r, i , z 3hr seeing 0.8" - Moon= 0.25 (first OB in Blue Channel has > 1.3" FWHM repeat if possible)
GILLI SDSSJ1411+121 r, i , z 3hr seeing 0.9" -

MARCH 28-29

Project Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
GILLI SDSSJ1048+4637 r, i , z 3hr seeing 0.8" - Moon= 0.35 - 2OB out of spec due to bad convergence of blue Tel
PAGANO GJ1214 B, R 3.5hr seeing 1" - Transit

MARCH 29-30

Project Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
GILLI SDSSJ1030 r, i , z 1hr Poor seeing (1.3)- Moon 0.44
GILLI SDSSJ1048 r, i , z 1hr 20 images with average seeing =1.1" but clouds - Telescope loosing focus - lost images - OB repeated several times - PROGRAM FINISHED
SOLLIMA Pal4Control g, r 1hr Blue Seeing =1.2" - 3 red images out of focus almost to redo
NONINO CANDELS_EGS B, r 1hr BAD Seeing =1.1" - 10 blue images are ok, 5 red images are ok

MARCH 30-31

Project Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Donnarumma SDSS1029 - M3 red grating 2.5hr Seeing=1 - COMPLETED
Donnarumma SDSS1029 - M4 red grating 1.25hr Seeing=1 - 50%
Nonino CANDLES_EGS B, R 40min Seeing=<1 - 75%
Nonino CANDLES_EGS U, R 1 hr Seeing down to 0.7 - OB n3 ending in the dawn


Project Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Fritz GG243 dual grating 45min Seeing <1.0"

-- RobertoSpeziali - 08 May 2012
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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