INAF LBC+MODS queue observing, 2012 DATA SUMMARY January

Observer: K. Boutsia, R. Speziali
Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti / S.Allanson
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
Instrument: LBC+MODS


DOME CLOSED because of snow storm.


DOME CLOSED because of snow storm.


DOME CLOSED because of ice on the roof.


Project Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Giallongo RXJ0926 g-Sloan / r-Sloan 1hr problems with collimation at the beginning - it should be within specs
Piotto WDs_M67 B-bess / i-Sloan 2hr most of the image have <1.1'' seeing. The project was finished at airm. 1.5 (PI request 1.2)
Sollima Pal4cluster g-Sloan / r-Sloan 1hr most of the exposures have <1.0'' seeing.
PHOT_STD SA98 UsgrBrizy   airmass 1.3''
PHOT_STD P309 UBg/riz   airmass 1.1''


Project Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Nonino macsj0647 dual grating 3.5hr flats+arcs+STD
Nonino macsj0717 dual grating 2.5hr flats+arcs+STD - considered complete
Fiore cosmos dual grating ~2.0hr flats+arcs+STD, the last half hour is diveded in 2 images and the elevation was really low...
STD g191b2 dual grating    
STD BD+75d325 dual grating    
STD Feige34 dual grating    


Project Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Radovich 1.wlclus dual grating 1hr flats+arcs+STD
Nonino macsj0647 dual grating 45min flats+arcs+STD - probably out of spec
Nonino macsj0744 dual grating 4hr flats+arcs+STD
Fiore cosmos dual grating 2hr flats+arcs+STD
STD g191b2b dual grating    
STD Feige34 dual grating    

-- KonstantinaBoutsia - 17 May 2012
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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