INAF queue observing, 2025 March 09 - March 10

Observer: Felice Cusano, Andrea Rossi
Support: Alexander Becker
Telescope operator: Josh Williams
Instrument: MODS


These observations have been performed in C-19 mode by Andrea Rossi and Felice Cusano
At the sunset the sky is clear, we open and SHARK begin the night

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 2:00 - 13:00 UT = * 11h* * 00m*
Observing time: 6h 55min (63%)*
Weather time loss: 0h 22min (3%)*
Technical time loss: 1h 05min (10%)*
Shark-VIS+NIR time loss: 2h 45min (24%)*

Data Summary
Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
STD Feige 34 MODS1-2 red and blue grating    
Grazian Q107171336416955636 MODS1-2   0.3h more for FWHM>1.5"
Malizia SWIFTJ0835 MODS1-2   0.14h more for FWHM>1.5"
Malizia NGC 2617 MODS1-2   0.06h FWHM>1.5"
Ceccarelli 7 3915925991063287808 PEPSI1-2 PFU D300 CD1-4 0.66h SNR ~60-140 on CD1-4
Ceccarelli 7 3963873700285600128 PEPSI1-2 PFU D300 CD1-4 0.5h SNR 45 -95 on CD1-4
Ceccarelli 7 4008274384997266560 PEPSI1-2 PFU D300 CD1-4 0.5h SNR 50-100 on CD1-4
Ceccarelli 7 3735399547720979456 PEPSI1-2 PFU D300 CD3-6 0.03h SNR 35-80 on CD3-6
Ceccarelli 7 1358501252397934976 PEPSI1-2 PFU D300 CD3-6 0.11h SNR 55-76 on CD3-6
Ceccarelli 7 1353777750444932736 PEPSI1-2 PFU D300 CD3-6 0.06h SNR 55-80 on CD3-6
Ceccarelli 7 1344746087056976256 PEPSI1-2 PFU D300 CD3-6 0.02h SNR 40-60 on CD3-6
Ceccarelli 7 1352339279998412288 PEPSI1-2 PFU D300 CD3-6 0.07h SNR 57-75 on CD3-6
Ceccarelli 7 1314767455848911488 PEPSI1-2 PFU D300 CD3-6 0.45h SNR 60-80 on CD3-6
Ceccarelli 7 1649498893157940480 PEPSI1-2 PFU D300 CD3-6 0.28h SNR 50-70 on CD3-6
Ceccarelli 7 4593363039407526272 PEPSI1-2 PFU D300 CD3-6 0.07h SNR 60-80 on CD3-6
Ceccarelli 7 2108846779338797952 PEPSI1-2 PFU D300 CD3-6 0.11h SNR 58-84 on CD3-6
Ceccarelli 7 2119370789242845952 PEPSI1-2 PFU D300 CD3-6 0.07h SNR 73-116 on CD3-6
Ceccarelli 7 2048741941861939712 PEPSI1-2 PFU D300 CD3-6 0.07h SNR on CD3-6
Further details in the log by LBT-Italia at this link:

Log by Alexander Becker at this link:

Summary of MODS science files:
Topic revision: r5 - 13 Mar 2025, FeliceCusano
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