INAF queue observing, 2025 January 25 - January 26

Observer: Felice Cusano, Ester Marini
Support: Dave Thompson
Telescope operator: Joshua Williams
Instrument: MODS, PEPSI


These observations have been performed in C-19 mode by Andrea Rossi and Felice Cusano.
At sunset the sky is cloudy, but we can open. We observed with MODS two backup target and then we switch to PEPSI for the planetary transit and due to increasing clouds and poor seeing we used PEPSI until the end of night.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 1:30 - 13:30 UT = * 12h* * 00m*
Observing time: 10h 57min (91.2%)*
Weather time loss: 0h 56min (7.8%)*
Technical time loss: 0h 7min (1%)*
Shark-NIR time loss: 0 h 0min (%)*

Data Summary
Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
Malizia IGRJ0405 MODS1-2 dual grating 2h/1.5h completed
Grazian Q96440774074830388 MODS1-2 dual grating 0.2h completed
Pino 55 Cnc PEPSI1-2     transit
Ceccarelli_7 698151522476505344 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-CD6 1hr S/N 150 on the red, 114 on the blue
Rainer TOI-1268 PEPSI1-2 D200/CD1-CD4 0.14hr S/N 46,90, too low, we have to retake it
Rainer TOI-1268 PEPSI1-2 D200/CD2-CD5 0.28hr S/N 61, 162. Doubled exp time since during the first exp we had S/N below requested value
Rainer TOI-1268 PEPSI1-2 D200/CD3-CD6 0.28hr S/N 86, 121. Doubled exp time
Rainer TOI-1268 PEPSI1-2 D200/CD1-CD4 0.28hr S/N 30, 111, Doubled exp time but S/N maybe still to low on the blue side. We will ask the PI.
Ceccarelli_7 1642691576152532480 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-CD6 0.06hr S/N 69,72, doubled exp time due to clouds
Ceccarelli_7 1246517951613058688 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-CD6 0.11hr S/N 30,60
Ceccarelli_7 1264626667604880896 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-CD6 0.33hr S/N 56,77 x3 exp time due to clouds
Ceccarelli_7 1272905577845713024 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-CD6 0.21hr S/N 66,103 x3 exp time due to clouds
Ceccarelli_7 1275870410952415232 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-CD6 0.21hr S/N 43,79, x3 exp time due to clouds
Ceccarelli_7 1283724531743747072 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-CD6 0.33hr S/N 67,103, x4 exp time due to clouds
Ceccarelli_7 1283892997540964096 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-CD6 0.1hr S/N 64,102, x3 exp time due to clouds
Ceccarelli_7 1284876441972634752 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-CD6 0.54hr S/N 76,94, x3 exp time due to clouds
Ceccarelli_7 1393463145180239360 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-CD6 0.54hr S/N 71,79, x3 exp time due to clouds
Ceccarelli_7 1394680579430544896 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-CD6 0.87hr S/N 68,83
Ceccarelli_7 1403011991350810752 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-CD6 0.03hr S/N 38,73
Ceccarelli_7 1372879016198447360 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-CD6 0.27hr S/N 37,72, increased exp time of the 50% due to thin clouds
Ceccarelli_7 1386549519143922304 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-CD6 0.17hr S/N 31,70 increased exp time of the 50% due to thin clouds
Ceccarelli_7 1406012489863793664 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-CD6 0.11hr S/N 32,67 increased exp time of the 50% due to thin clouds
Ceccarelli_7 1430835785926867328 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-CD6 0.11hr S/N 35,68 increased exp time of the 50% due to thin clouds
Ceccarelli_7 1625129935915480832 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-CD6 0.11hr S/N 39,72 increased exp time of the 50% due to thin clouds
Further details in the log by LBT-Italia at this link:

log from D. Thompson :
Topic revision: r4 - 03 Feb 2025, FeliceCusano
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